商品件数:689 451件~480件 (23ページ中 16ページめ)
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Paltan Tales & Random Jottings
著者:Col. K K Sharma
出版社: Notion Press
発売日: 2019年11月04日
Soldiering is a tough job, and guarding the frontiers of the nation is a responsibility shouldered by the soldiers with their lives at stake, leaving behind their kith and kin. While there are few w……続きを見る
Big Sur
著者:Jack Kerouac
出版社: Mary Bahr Inc.
発売日: 2019年11月13日
Five years after On the Road, the book that made him an overnight celebrity, Kerouac examines with wrenching clarity his unwished for fame, escalating alcoholism, and troubling alienation from natur……続きを見る
Lisbet Dahl
著者:Lisbet Dahl, Rikke Rottensten, Jakob Steen Olsen
出版社: People's
発売日: 2017年11月10日
LISBET DAHL har livet igennem stolet på sin intuition. På scenen, hvor hun har stået gennem mere end 50 år. Og i privatlivet, der har budt på dramatiske op- og nedture. I denne bog fortæller hun bra……続きを見る
Preben Kaas
著者:Rikke Rottenstein, Jakob Steen Olsen
出版社: People's
発売日: 2012年11月01日
En morgen i marts 1981 blev skuespilleren Preben Kaas fundet druknet i Københavns Havn. Han blev kun 50 år gammel, men havde selv valgt at sætte punktum for sit bevægede liv, der var præget af sviml……続きを見る
Til sidste fløjt
著者:Dorte Kvist, Rikke Nielsen
出版社: People'sPress
発売日: 2012年10月05日
"Hvad er det, du har på halsen, skat?" Det er Rikke Nielsens kæreste, der spørger. Den tidligere håndboldlandsholdsspiller står foran en voldgiftssag mod sin gamle klub, Aalborg DH. Hun er gravid og……続きを見る
Burma - Myanmar
著者:Mette Holm, Mogens Lykketoft
出版社: People's
発売日: 2012年10月23日
Fortællinger fra et land i forandring. I fem årtier var Burma – eller Myanmar, som landet hedder nu – lukket som en knytnæve. Der var langt fra Kiplings vej til Mandalay og flyvefisk i leg til burme……続きを見る
Blood Red Snow
著者:Günter K. Koschorrek
出版社: Pen & Sword Books
発売日: 2020年01月24日
A German soldier recounts his experience serving along the deathly cold Eastern Front, fighting the Russian army in World War II. Gnter Koschorrek wrote his illicit diary on any scraps of paper he c……続きを見る
J.M. Robertson
著者:Odin Dekkers
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年10月12日
Published in 1998, J. M. Robertson: Rationalist and Literary Critic is a study of the life of one of the most erudite and prolific critics of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The S……続きを見る
VOICES: Women Braving It All to Live Their Purpose
**Every Woman Has a Braving It All Story...She Lived to Tell It.**VOICES Braving It All Book Series™ is about awakening to the Voice within, through a soul-deep communication, ignited by an intuitiv……続きを見る
Monuments Egypt and Ancient Civilization
著者:David Roberts Nile, Y.K. Khumer
出版社: Y.K. Khumer
発売日: 2020年04月07日
The Egypt illustrations by David Roberts’ Nile (1796–1864) graciously captures life in Egypt and its ancient civilization. These Egyptian illustrated picturesque scenes of Egypt and its architectura……続きを見る
Ich lebe für Hip Hop
著者:DJ Tomekk
出版社: Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH
発売日: 2020年10月19日
Der Beat seines Lebens Musik hat die Macht, ein Leben von Grund auf zu ändern. Als Kind vernachlässigt, vom alkoholkranken Vater geprügelt und nach dessen frühem Tod ganz auf sich gestellt, eröffnet……続きを見る
Onvoorspelbaar verleden
著者:Nikko Norte
出版社: Prometheus
発売日: 2020年04月09日
Nog voordat de wederopbouwmissie in Uruzgan van start ging, belandde hij in een vuurgevecht. Gedurende de twee jaar die hij in Uruzgan doorbracht, vlogen zeventien rpg-raketten in zijn richting. Voo……続きを見る
Turgut Uyar'ın Çocuklarıyız
著者:Derviş Aydın Akkoç
出版社: İletişim Yayınları
発売日: 2020年05月08日
Şairin bir biyolojik evlatları vardır, bir de kelimelerden, harflerden yapılmış çocukları. Şair ikisine de aynı gözle baksa, eşit davranmak istese bile, bölüşülmesi, bölüştürülmesi gereken bir zaman……続きを見る
The Man Who Wouldn't Die: Adventures of a Hobo and Soldier of Fortune in the Early 1900's
著者:Frank Kavanaugh
出版社: ​TotalComm Press
発売日: 2020年06月01日
Spanish-American war veteran. Hobo riding the rails in his "thousand-mile shirt." Union telegrapher. Linotype repairman. Railroad manager. Machine gun expert. Grifter running scams. Smuggler. Colone……続きを見る
Tall Tales Two
著者:Jack Kregas
出版社: ​Jack Kregas
発売日: 2020年06月03日
TALL TALES TWO – SHORT STORIES, Truth & Advice PEEved (Truth) – Every man over 50 must read and heed. Girlfriends and wives should buy this book and compel their man to read it. It will not only sav……続きを見る
著者:Scott Dikkers
出版社: ​Scott Dikkers
発売日: 2020年06月03日
Um livro engraçado e inspirado sobre como construir uma marca O autor mais vendido do New York Times, Scott Dikkers, conta a história hilária, ultrajante e profundamente pessoal de como ele construi……続きを見る
Marketing Extravagante
著者:Scott Dikkers
出版社: ​Babelcube Inc.
発売日: 2020年06月04日
Marketing Extravagante por Scott Dikkers La Historia de The Onion y Cómo Construir Una Marca Potente Sin Presupuesto de Marketing El autor más vendido del New York Times, Scott Dikkers, cuenta la hi……続きを見る
It's All About Me and a Few Others.
著者:Jack Kregas
出版社: Jack Kregas
発売日: 2020年06月15日
Affirming a conscious decision to really live life, Jack risks all for adventure, sex and an addiction to skiing. At the same time he maintains the ability to create very successful businesses while……続きを見る
著者:Er. K. K. Sharma
出版社: Notion Press
発売日: 2020年09月03日
A boy born in a non-descript Himachal Pradesh village senses mystical revelations while pursuing his studies and develops a self-belief so strong that he tops in all exams, school classes as well as……続きを見る
49 Years After
著者:Thalia Alexiou, Dr. Michael Kokkinaris, Petra Terzi
出版社: ​Thalia Alexiou
発売日: 2020年07月21日
Thalia Alexiou, a holistic therapist with over 40 years of experience, portrays herself as "Sofia" the clairvoyant woman, who has a life-changing experience at the age of 6, discovering the bones of……続きを見る
Amir's Blue Elephant
著者:Melissa Hekkers
出版社: Armida Publications
発売日: 2020年08月30日
Melissa Hekkers recounts her footsteps as she joins the journey of thousands of refugees seeking safety in Europe. Pushing the boundaries of creative non-fiction, Hekkers recreates the moments that ……続きを見る
著者:Namık Kemal
出版社: Temmuz
発売日: 2001年01月01日
"Selahaddin Haçlılar denen bela selinin karşısına sanki kudret eliyle çekilmiş canlı bir set idi. Öyle ki o sel onun direnme gücü karşısında parçalara ayrıldı ve en sonunda yok oluşun dibine çöktü. ……続きを見る
Het eiland van Jean Rhys
著者:Jan Brokken
出版社: Atlas Contact, Uitgeverij
発売日: 2020年09月29日
'Het eiland van Jean Rhys' is het levendige, gelaagde verslag van een zoektocht naar de wortels van een roman die diepe indruk maakte op Jan Brokken: De wijde Sargassozee van Jean Rhys (1890-1979). ……続きを見る
The Anxiety Diaries
著者:Dana Muwwakkil
出版社: ​Dana Muwwakkil
発売日: 2020年10月02日
What will everybody think? Two thousand nineteen was the worst year of my life, and I can't believe I'm sharing this devastating journey with the world. There are moments in life that can make or br……続きを見る
Ajan kasvot
著者:Toivo Pekkanen
出版社: SAGA Egmont
発売日: 2020年11月09日
On marraskuun viimeinen päivä vuonna 1939. Ihmiset ovat menneet työhönsä kuten kaikkina muinakin aamuina. Kauppaliikkeet, parturit ja kahvilat ovat avanneet ovensa. Emäntiä ja palvelijattaria parvei……続きを見る
著者:Ingo Steuer, Dirk Kohl, Claudia Gräf, Sophie Micheel
出版社: Weltbuch Verlag
発売日: 2014年05月12日
Ingo Steuer hat dieses Buch nicht erst geschrieben, wenn sein Leben auf diese oder jene Art gelebt sein wird; wenn andere auf dem Eis stehen und trainieren und er nur noch hinter der Bande steht ode……続きを見る
Nuove mappe del paradiso
出版社: People
発売日: 2020年10月28日
Marco Dambrosio è diventato “Makkox” per talento e determinazione, attraverso una serie inimmaginabile di tentativi e incidenti di percorso. All’inizio erano le lezioni di piano con suor Candida, la……続きを見る
Driving In L A
著者:Brenda Bakke
出版社: Lulu Publishing Services
発売日: 2016年07月13日
Driving in LA is the story of the narrator's first 2 years of moving to, and surviving in Los Angeles in the early 1980's. From being driven to become a professional actress, her story takes us thro……続きを見る
My Eight Dads
著者:Mark Kirby
出版社: Atmosphere Press
発売日: 2021年01月15日
One dad was a college kid. One was a cancerous pedophile. One was a blundering dreamer. One was appropriately named, Dick. One was an elder statesman, who died, as elder statesman tend to do. One ca……続きを見る
Big Sur
著者:Jack Kerouac
出版社: canonkhan
発売日: 2021年01月29日
n 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to 'get away to solitude again or die', so he withdrew to……続きを見る
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