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著者:Kimberly Mihaychuk
出版社: Xlibris US
発売日: 2019年06月08日
S.P.I.C.E. is a useful tool in aiding child development. It stands for social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional. These skills can be learned through play. This book is created for chi……続きを見る
The Holocaust in the Romanian Borderlands
著者:Mihai Poliec
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年07月03日
This volume examines the changing role which ordinary members of society played in the state-sponsored persecution of the Jews in Bukovina and Bessarabia, both during the summer of 1941, when Romani……続きを見る
The Jews in Macedonia Through Centuries
著者:Mihail Sumkovski
出版社: George Nikolov
発売日: 2019年06月16日
The history of the Jewish people in the world and in the European countries, in particular, reflects in continuity their suffering, their progress, their contribution to science, culture, art, and e……続きを見る
Black Hyperbox
"A point alienates from itself and becomes a line. A line alienates from itself and becomes a square. A square alienates from itself and becomes a cube. A cube alienates from itself and becomes a hy……続きを見る
Defining and Discussing Immigration
出版社: Rourke Educational Media
発売日: 2019年08月11日
Explore the facts and divergent points of view behind the headlines about immigration. Learn about border enforcement and security, sanctuary cities, proposals for immigration reform, and more. Then……続きを見る
Defining and Discussing Human Rights
出版社: Rourke Educational Media
発売日: 2019年08月11日
Certain fundamental rightsーsuch as the rights to safety, freedom of movement, and freedom of expressionーare human rights to which everyone is entitled. In this book, explore current conflicts invo……続きを見る
Defining and Discussing Free Speech
出版社: Rourke Educational Media
発売日: 2019年08月11日
“It’s a free countryーI can say whatever I want!” Most Americans agree about the importance of free speech. But many don’t understand the scope and limitations of this treasured liberty. Learn about……続きを見る
Defining and Discussing Women’s Rights
出版社: Rourke Educational Media
発売日: 2019年08月11日
Women and girls make up half the world’s population, but are still often not treated equally to men and boys. This book takes a look at the gender gap, framing issues and arguments in ongoing discus……続きを見る
Defining and Discussing Climate Change
出版社: Rourke Educational Media
発売日: 2019年08月11日
Explore the evidence and opinions behind the headlines on climate change. Read scientific explanations about the causes and effects of Earth’s changing climate and understand the political context. ……続きを見る
Da Sottozero A Imprenditore
出版社: Bruno Editore
発売日: 2017年09月08日
Partire con un’attività imprenditoriale è difficile, sempre. Tasse da pagare, sindacati pronti a darti battaglia su tutto, clienti che non pagano secondo i tempi previsti. E poi ancora la crisi econ……続きを見る
A Sense of Regard
A Sense of Regard, says Laura McCullough, “is an effort to collect the voices of living poets and scholars in thoughtful and considered exfoliation of the current confluence of poetry and race, the ……続きを見る
Subverting Communism in Romania
著者:Mihaela Serban
出版社: Lexington Books
発売日: 2019年08月22日
Subverting Communism in Romania explores the role of law in everyday life and as a mechanism for social change during early communism in Romania. Mihaela Serban focuses on the regime’s attempts to e……続きを見る
Legal Change in Post-Communist States
Reformers had high hopes that the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union would lead to significant improvements in legal institutions and the role of law in public administra……続きを見る
The Wendish Crusade, 1147
著者:Mihai Dragnea
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年09月10日
The Wendish Crusade of 1147, one of the Northern Crusades and a part of the Second Crusade, took place at a critical phase in the evolution of crusading rhetoric. The initiators and apologists of th……続きを見る
著者:Laxmi Hariharan
出版社: ​Laxmi Hariharan
発売日: 2017年11月15日
A destiny she won't accept. A choice she must make. Sofia must mate with Kris and birth a race superior to humans, but she cannot accept her fate. Can she create her own destiny? 続きを見る
Geroj Nashego Vremeni
著者:Mihail Lermontov
出版社: Glagoslav E-Publications
発売日: 2013年01月25日
30-е годы XIX века. Завоевание Кавказа, знавшее при Алексее Петровиче Ермолове куда более «бурные дни», близится к завершению. «Чуждые силы», конечно, тяготят «край вольности святой», и он, естестве……続きを見る
Revoluţia Română din 1989 la Bucureşti
出版社: IRRD
発売日: 2019年09月04日
A trecut un sfert de veac de la declanșarea unui fenomen crucial care a marcat sfârșitul secolului XX: prăbușirea sistemului politic bazat pe ideologia comunistă în Europa. Acest fapt a avut ca dezn……続きを見る
著者:Mihail  Lermontov
出版社: Glagoslav E-Publications
発売日: 2019年09月09日
Герой драмы Арбенин наделён мятежным духом, умом, сильной волей и средствами. Но, будучи связанным с великосветским обществом рождением и воспитанием, он напрасно стремится обрести независимость и с……続きを見る
Geroj Nashego Vremeni
著者:Mihail  Lermontov
出版社: Glagoslav E-Publications
発売日: 2019年09月09日
30-е годы XIX века. Завоевание Кавказа, знавшее при Алексее Петровиче Ермолове куда более «бурные дни», близится к завершению. «Чуждые силы», конечно, тяготят «край вольности святой», и он, естестве……続きを見る
Common Agricultural Policy and Romanian Agriculture, The
著者:Jean Vasile Andrei, Mihaela Cristina Dragoi
出版社: CABI
発売日: 2019年08月27日
The current evolution of the European economy suggests that in the near future, research in agri-food economy and agri-food production, and agricultural production systems and structures must be red……続きを見る
A gólyakalifa
著者:Babits Mihály
出版社: Content 2 Connect
発売日: 2019年10月15日
Tábory Elemér a regény hőse kettős életet él. Ha „fekete Álma” nem árnyékolná be az ébrenlét óráit is. „Sonntagskind” lehetne, a szerencse gyermeke, akinek kedvez a sorsa, s akiben a képesség is meg……続きを見る
Bűn és bűnhődés
著者:Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij
出版社: Content 2 Connect
発売日: 2019年10月15日
Dosztojevszkij számára – írja Rosa Luxemburg, a forradalmár asszony – »kizökkent az idő«, amikor látta, hogy egyik ember megölheti a másikat. Nem lelheti békéjét, mert ismeri azt a felelősséget, ame……続きを見る
Activity Based Costing (Abc) Model for Higher Education Institutions
著者:Jamalludin Helmi Hashim
出版社: Partridge Publishing Singapore
発売日: 2019年10月31日
ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) MODEL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: A BASIC GUIDE TO THE MODEL DEVELOPMENT The rise of operating costs in Higher Education Institution all over the world forced con……続きを見る
Y Planhigyn
著者:Mihangel Morgan
出版社: Y Lolfa
発売日: 2019年11月04日
Nofel arall yng nghyfres lwyddiannus yr Onnen ar gyfer 9-12 oed. Mae Mihangel Morgan yn awdur poblogaidd a chynhyrchiol ers blynyddoedd ond dyma ei nofel gyntaf i blant. Nofel yn seiliedig ar stori ……続きを見る
著者:Mihangel Morgan
出版社: Y Lolfa
発売日: 2019年11月04日
Cyfrol newydd o ffuglen gan un o awduron rhyddiaith blaenaf a mwyaf adnabyddus Cymru. Cynhwysir trigain o straeon byrion yn portreadu digwyddiadau cyfoes sy'n digwydd o fewn un awr mewn tref fechan ……続きを見る
Kate Roberts A'r Ystlum
著者:Mihangel Morgan
出版社: Y Lolfa
発売日: 2019年11月04日
Sut fyddai Caradog Prichard yn ymdopi a cholli ei gof ar ol ymddeol? Beth ddigwyddodd i Evan Roberts ar ol i fwrlwm y Diwygiad ddod i ben? Beth allai fod wedi ysbrydoli Kate Roberts i feddwl am yr i……続きを見る
Rikos ja rangaistus
著者:Fjodor Mihailovitš Dostojevski, O. N-nen
出版社: Ktoczyta.pl
発売日: 2019年04月26日
Rikos ja rangaistus on Fjodor Dostojevskin tunnetuin teos. Vuonna 1866 julkaistu romaani on maailmankirjallisuuden klassikko. Teos käsittelee moraalisia ongelmia, ja siinä on myös salapoliisiromaani……続きを見る
著者:Mihai Dumitrescu
出版社: Bookpines
発売日: 2019年11月22日
O tânără îşi începe noua ei viață, alături de familia sa, într-un ținut idilic, plin de frumusețe şi speranță. Oare, însă, acestea sunt singurele lucruri pe care superbele peisaje le au de oferit? S……続きを見る
The Mermaid from Jeju
著者:Sumi Hahn
発売日: 2020年12月08日
An “entrancing” historical fiction debut “brimming with lyricism and magic” that explores what it means to truly love in the wake of devastationーinspired by true events on Korea’s Jeju Island (Jenn……続きを見る
Lo spazio e il tempo
著者:Mihail Diaconescu
出版社: Rediviva
発売日: 2019年12月07日
Il prof. Mihail Diaconescu è l’autore più rappresentativo della spiritualità romena, un vero precursore della nostra scrittura futura. (Dumitru Staniloae) “Lo spazio e il tempo” è il penultimo roman……続きを見る
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