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The Ungrateful Son
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A man and his wife were once sitting by the door of their house.. 続きを見る
The Old Beggar-Woman
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
There was once an old woman... 続きを見る
The Donkey
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A king and queen long lamented their childlessness until the queen gave birth to a son who was a donkey. The queen was grieved, but the king had him raised as a prince...続きを見る
Domestic Servants
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
One short story by the Grimm Brothers ... 続きを見る
The Lord's Animals and the Devil's
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
The Lord God had created all animals, and had chosen out the wolf to be his dog...続きを見る
The Twelve Idle Servants
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
Twelve servants who had done nothing all the day would not exert themselves at night either, but laid themselves on the grass and boasted of their idleness... 続きを見る
Brides on their Trial
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
There was once a young shepherd who wished much to marry... 続きを見る
The Sparrow and his Four Children
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A sparrow had four young ones in a swallow's nest. When they were fledged, some naughty boys pulled out the nest, but fortunately all the birds got safely away in the high wind....続きを見る
The Shepherd Boy
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
There was once on a time a shepherd boy whose fame spread far and wide because of the wise answers which he gave to every question... 続きを見る
Master Pfriem
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
Master Pfriem was a short, thin, but lively man, who never rested a moment.... 続きを見る
Strong Hans
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
There were once a man and a woman who had an only child, and lived quite alone in a solitary valley... 続きを見る
The Peasant in Heaven
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A Peasant and a Rich Man went to Heaven. Saint Peter let the Rich Man in but overlooked the Peasant; there was then great rejoicing and music in Heaven... 続きを見る
Death's Messengers
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
Death comes across a giant and is badly beaten. The young man comes across the beaten-down Death and helps him up. The grateful Death promises the young man that, though he cannot spare the young ma……続きを見る
Snow-White and Rose-Red
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
Snow-White and Rose-Red are two little girls living with their mother, a poor widow, in a small cottage. They are very good little girls, they love each other dearly, and their mother is very fond o……続きを見る
The Owl
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
In the story, a horned owl flies into a barn owned by a local at the nearby town. The owl quickly frightens all of the townspeople who try to enter the barn. The same day, a man known for his courag……続きを見る
The Bittern and the Hoopoe
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
"Where do you like best to feed your flocks?" said a man to an old cow-herd... 続きを見る
The Giant and the Tailor
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A certain tailor who was great at boasting but ill at doing, took it into his head to go abroad for a while, and look about the world...続きを見る
Sharing Joy and Sorrow
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
There was once a tailor, who was a quarrelsome fellow, and his wife, who was good, industrious...続きを見る
The Glass Coffin
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A tailor's apprentice became lost in a forest. When night came, he saw a light shining and followed it to a hut. An old man lived there and, after the tailor begged, allowed him to stay for the nigh……続きを見る
The Moon
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
In days gone by there was a land where the nights were always dark, and the sky spread over it like a black cloth, for there the moon never rose, and no star shone in the obscurity. At the cr……続きを見る
The Goose-Girl at the Well
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
An old woman raised geese in the mountains. One day, speaking of her heavy burden, she persuaded a count to carry it for her up the mountain. He found it burdensome, but she would not let him even r……続きを見る
The Nail
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月25日
A merchant had done good business at the fair; he had sold his wares, and lined his money-bags with gold and silver... 続きを見る
The Hare and the Hedgehog
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月26日
The hedgehog, however, was standing by his door with his arms akimbo, enjoying the morning breezes... 続きを見る
The Ear of Corn
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月27日
Corn (wheat) used to produce many more grains, but one day God saw a woman using the grain to clean off her muddy son. Angry, he cursed them to have no more grain, since they were not worthy of it. ……続きを見る
The Master-Thief
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月27日
A poor cottager had nothing to give his three sons, so he walked with them to a crossroad, where each son took a different road. The youngest went into a great woods, and a storm struck, s……続きを見る
The Grave-Mound
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月27日
A rich farmer was one day standing in his yard inspecting his fields and gardens. The corn was growing up vigorously and the fruit-trees were heavily laden with fruit... 続きを見る
Old Rinkrank
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月27日
There was once on a time a King who had a daughter, and he caused a glass mountain to be made, and said that whosoever could cross to the other side of it without falling should have his daught……続きを見る
Maid Maleen
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月27日
Once there was a princess named Maid Maleen who fell in love with a prince, but her father refused his suit. When Maid Maleen said she would marry no other, the king had her and her servants locked ……続きを見る
God's Food
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月31日
There were once upon a time two sisters, one of whom had no children and was rich, and the other had five and was a widow, and so poor... 続きを見る
The Heavenly Wedding
著者:Grimm Brothers
出版社: Edition du Phoenix d'Or
発売日: 2015年03月31日
A poor peasant-boy one day heard the priest say in church that whosoever desired to enter into the kingdom of heaven must always go straight onward...続きを見る
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