商品件数:167 151件~167件 (6ページ中 6ページめ)
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Leonardo Da Vinci
著者:Vittorino Andreoli, Antonio Rocca, AA.VV.
出版社: Pelago
発売日: 2024年05月30日
“Il piccolo Leonardo subisce un vero lutto: la perdita di una madre affettuosa. E questo episodio diventa nell’interpretazione freudiana così importante che senza non ci sarebbe la sua opera più fam……続きを見る
As Pinturas de Benendito Calixto
発売日: 2024年06月02日
Em março de 2024 eu e a Izilda seguimos em nossa saga cultural e desta vez visitamos a PINACOTECA BENEDICTO CALIXTO na cidade de Santos, em São Paulo. Cidade que vim residir em 1985 e depois fiquei ……続きを見る
La Città Che Cresce
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年06月22日
La popolazione mondiale cresce, l’inurbamento cresce, le città crescono. Inesorabilmente. E inesorabilmente aumenta il consumo delle risorse non rinnovabili contestualmente al riscaldamento globale ……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Amsterdam
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni, Giuovanni Chiaramonte
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年06月23日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Amsterdam Zuidas
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni, Giovanni Chiaramonte
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年06月23日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Almere
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni, Giovanni Chiaramone
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年06月23日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Introduction
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni, Giovanni Chiaramonte
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年06月23日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
Lorenzo Lotto
著者:Vittorino Andreoli, Antonio Rocca, AA.VV.
出版社: Pelago
発売日: 2024年06月26日
“Lorenzo Lotto è incapace di stabilire delle relazioni: è come se vivesse in un proprio mondo, come se fosse un io isolato dentro una realtà del tutto personale”.Vittorino Andreoli 続きを見る
El Greco
著者:Vittorino Andreoli, Antonio Rocca, AA.VV.
出版社: Pelago
発売日: 2024年06月26日
“Il caso di El Greco appare interessante perché il suo disturbo è su base organica, con riflessi che incidono sulla personalità e, attraverso questa, sulle relazioni e sul comportamento sociale”.Vit……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - London
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月07日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Lille
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月07日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Hamburg
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月07日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Milan
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月20日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Paris
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月20日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
The Evolving European City - Paris
著者:Giuseppe Marinoni
出版社: SMOwnPublishing
発売日: 2024年07月20日
In 'The Evolving European City', renowned urban planner and architect Giuseppe Marinoni and eminent photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte assemble a breathtaking presentation of cities that have undergo……続きを見る
著者:Dacia Palmerino, Theodor Storm
出版社: Edition Faust
発売日: 2024年10月15日
Ein Mann gegen das Meer Theodor Storms berühmte Novelle »Der Schimmelreiter« endlich als Graphic Novel »Der Schimmelreiter« ist Theodor Storms (1817-1888) letzte und zugleich bekannteste Novelle. Lä……続きを見る
Food Design
著者:Sergi Freixes, Elsa Yranzo, Iván Merino
出版社: RBA Libros
発売日: 2024年10月16日
Un manual de diseño alimentario para profesionales, estudiantes y apasionados por el diseño y la gastronomía. El diseño alimentario, más conocido como food design, es probablemente una de las materi……続きを見る
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