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Gene da juventude
著者:Elainne Ourives
出版社: Editora Gente
発売日: 2023年11月10日
A sua idade não é uma sentença: cocrie a sua melhor versão, mais feliz e poderosa com Elainne Ourives. Avançar em idade, mas manter uma aparência sempre jovial, muitas vezes, acaba se tornando uma g……続きを見る
Análisis de la desigualdad en la vacunación contra la COVID-19: comparación México y Colombia
著者:Jesús Santos Guzmán, Gregorio Martínez Ozuna, Alexander Gómez Rivadeneira
出版社: Editorial Digital del Tecnológico de Monterrey
発売日: 2023年11月06日
En esta obra, se revisa tanto la gestión de la vacunación en México y en Colombia durante la pandemia por la COVID-19 como la gestión de vacunación de otros países, evaluando los indicadores de morb……続きを見る
Cocriador da realidade
著者:Elainne Ourives
出版社: Editora Gente
発売日: 2022年09月12日
SE VOCÊ NÃO AGUENTA MAIS A REALIDADE EM QUE ESTÁ VIVENDO, ENTÃO ESTÁ PRONTO PARA AGIR, E O MOMENTO CERTO É AGORA! Se você é uma dessas pessoas que está prestes a desistir, achando que a Lei da Atraç……続きを見る
Iberoamerican Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Health: Developing a team to improve oral health
著者:Fernanda Campos de Almeida Carrer, Mariana Gabriel, Gilberto Alfredo Pucca Junior, Dorival Pedroso da Silva
出版社: Observatório Iberoamericano de Políticas Públicas em Saúde Bucal - FOUSP
発売日: 2019年08月16日
The Ibero-American Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Health (OIPPSB) is a group composed of researchers from 15 Ibero-American countries with the objective of studying public policies and impro……続きを見る
DNA Milionário
著者:Elainne Ourives
出版社: Editora Gente
発売日: 2019年04月01日
Através da reprogramação mental e de DNA, o ser humano é capaz de conquistar tudo o que deseja em sua vida: paz, saúde, felicidade, tranquilidade e até dinheiro. Tudo isso faz parte da física quânti……続きを見る
Iberoamerican Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Health: Developing a team to improve oral health
著者:Melania Gonzalez y Rivas
出版社: Observatório Iberoamericano de Políticas Públicas em Saúde Bucal - FOUSP
発売日: 2019年08月16日
The Ibero-American Observatory of Public Policies in Oral Health (OIPPSB) is a group composed of researchers from 15 Ibero-American countries with the objective of studying public policies and impro……続きを見る
Análisis estratégico en salud y gestión a través de la escucha
著者:Francisco Javier Uribe Rivera, Viviana Martinovich
出版社: Editora da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
発売日: 2018年01月24日
Este libro reúne una serie de trabajos, cuyo hilo conductor representa una propuesta teórico metodológica de gestión, que se traduce en el título: Análisis Estratégico en Salud y Gestión a través de……続きを見る
Become Sober with the Power of Hypnosis!
著者:Alexander Ivlev
出版社: Alexander Ivlev
発売日: 2019年11月13日
This e-book is a collection of my hypnotic blog-posts that I have written for people struggling with alcohol. Everyone who wants to get sober and stay away from alcohol should read this e-book. It d……続きを見る
Du symptôme à la prescription en médecine générale
著者:Olivier Blétry, Tarik Asselah, MD, Serge Bakchine, Sylvain Balester-Mouret, Philippe Batel, Bernard Boisaubert, Mathieu Bordenave, Frédéric Bourdain, Nathalie Boyer, Marie Briet, Pierre Brissot, Christine Brousse, Antoine Brézin, Jean Cabane, Nicole Casadevall, Frédéric Chabolle, Olga Chapelle, Charles Chapron, Nicolas Chopin, Patrick Chérin, Bernard Cordier, Pascal Crenn, Jocelyne Crnac-Berthaud, Tristan Cudennec, Jean-Pierre Decroix, Michel Delahousse, Ismail Elalamy, Gwenaël Ferron, Luc Foubert, Bérénice Gardel, Patrick Gepner, Nicolas Girszyn, Bertrand Godeau, Anne Gompel, René Gourgon, Christiane Gourgon-Masquet, Catherine Grandpeix, Philippe Graveleau, André Grimaldi, Jean-Philippe Grivois, Jean-Pierre Grünfeld, Alain-Charles Guiomard, Mélissa Hadoux, Thomas Hanslik, Pierre-Yves Hatron, Chantal Hausser-Hauw, Jean-Marie Hervé, Pascal Houillier, Jean-Emmanuel Kahn, Adrien Kettaneh, André Klein, Alain Krivitzky, Laurent Laloum, Thierry Lebret, Laurent Lechowski, Jacques Leport, Pierre-Marie Lugagne-Delpon, Nayla Malek-Chéhire, Patrick Marcellin, MD, Ibrahim Marroun, Christiane Masquet, Emmanuel Mathieu, Richard Matis, Jean-Claude Melchior, Yves Melchior, Maud Moraillon, Rami Moucari, Martine Ohresser, Anne-Marie Pedarriosse, Bruno Philippe, Anne-Marie Piette, Jean-Eudes Poulain, Denis Querleu, Arash Rafii, Hugues Rousset, Michel Sananès, Monique Schaison-Cusin, Alexandre Somogyi, Nathalie Somogyi-Demerjian, Michel Thomas, Olivier Thomas, André-Bernard Tonnel, Michelle-Anne Touati, Michel Toupet, Leïla Tricot, Jacques Trotoux, Stéphane Vignes, Patrick Vu, David Zucman, Gilberte ROBAIN, Bruno VARET
出版社: Elsevier Health Sciences
発売日: 2011年05月25日
Le praticien dispose aujourd'hui d'un grand nombre de techniques d'imagerie et de tests de laboratoire qui lui permettent d'effectuer des examens poussés pour ses patients. Cependant, il faut resitu……続きを見る
Breaking the Argument Cycle
著者:Sharon Rivkin, MA, MFT
出版社: GPP Life
発売日: 2009年10月01日
Revealing where the real conflict lies in a relationshipーand resolving it* Breaking the Argument Cycle is a book for all those who’ve ever found themselves arguing with their significant other, aga……続きを見る
Lost In Translation: Barriers To Incentives For Translational Research In Medical Sciences
著者:Rakesh Srivastava, Wojciech Maksymowicz, Wlodek Lopaczynski
出版社: World Scientific Publishing Company
発売日: 2014年01月24日
This book is all about the definition and finding ways to prioritize and accelerate translation research in biomedical sciences and rapidly turning new knowledge into first-in-human studies. It repr……続きを見る
Malaria Treatment
著者:Karin Rivera
出版社: Tru Divine Publishing
発売日: 2013年07月08日
Are you interested in learning about Malaria? Then look no further. This best-selling guide on Malaria Treatment provides a wealth of information and useful advice on Malaria and Mosquitoes, Malaria……続きを見る
Médecine du sport pour le praticien
著者:Pierre Rochcongar, Daniel Rivière, Hugues Monod, Richard Amoretti, Jacques Rodineau, Olivier Fichez, Fabien Pillard, Jean-Claude Verdier, Evelyne Lonsdorfer-Wolf, Louis Auriacombe, Pierre Portero, Marie-Carol Paruit, Jean-Marie Coudreuse, Sylvie Besch, Marc Dauty, Daniel THOMAS, Véronique Lebar, Françoise Hidden-Lucet, Bernard Cadre, Ruddy RICHARD, Alexandre Kilinc, Philippe POISSON, Frédéric Khiami, Christian Dumontier, Nathalie Koulmann, Claire Carrier, Damien Davenne, Jehan Lecocq, Hervé de Labareyre, Christian Corbé, Pascale Duché, Didier Mainard, Lucile Goupy, Robert FRANK, Jérôme Watelet, Jacques Viret, Jean-Louis Brasseur, Henry Vandewalle, Jean-Yves Petit, Guy Le Clech, Antoine Leenhardt, Jacques de Lécluse, Franck Le Gall, Jacques Mercier, Marc Bouvard, François-Xavier Patarca, Anne Favre-Juvin, Gaëlle Ducher, Frédéric Canini, Mireille Peyre, Luc Léger, Jean-Claude Druvert, Isabelle Denjoy, Dominique Hornus-Dragne, Jean-Pierre Paclet, Laurent Uzan, Jean-Paul Richalet, Véronique-Aurélie Bricout, Philippe Perrin, Jean-François TOUSSAINT, Lionel Bourdon, Guillaume Duthoit, Jean-Paul Diverrez, Hervé Douard, Denys Barrault, Rodolphe Zunzarren, Patrice Diébold, Xavier Bigard, Yoann Bohu, Pierre Menu, François Carré, Michel Pottier, Philippe Dupont, Jean-Marie Lupoglazoff, Alain Frey, Fabrice Extramiana, Eric ROLLAND, Martine Duclos, Élisabeth Brunet-Guedj, Jacques Roussel, Jean-Frédéric Brun, Patricia Thoreux, Henri ROBERT, Charles-Yannick Guezennec, Daniel Courteix, Maud Ottavy, Bruno Sesboüé, Alain Lippa, Elisa Pédroni, Raphaël Devillard, Dominique Pailler, Patrick Feugier, Hugues Pascal-Moussellard, Dominique Le Viet
出版社: Elsevier Health Sciences
発売日: 2013年11月05日
La médecine du sport occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans le champ d'activité du médecin et tout particulièrement du médecin généraliste : du simple certificat pour permettre à un élève ……続きを見る
When I Get Where I'm Going
著者:Rivers Rutherford, George Teren
出版社: Thomas Nelson
発売日: 2010年10月18日
When you’re comforting a grieving friend or loved one and need the right words,When I Get Where I’m Goingsays it all. The thoughtful and sensitive lyrics of the number one hit song by the same name ……続きを見る
"Dear Girlfriend"-A Hand Held Walk Through Breast Cancer
著者:Suzan Rivers
出版社: Suzan Rivers
発売日: 2015年05月10日
When Suzan Rivers was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer she ran out to find a book written by a Breast Cancer survivor. She wanted to go with the author through every test, every surgery and every ……続きを見る
Medicine, Magic and Religion
著者:W. H. R. Rivers
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 1999年06月24日
This is Volume IV of six in a series in the International Library of Psychology on Anthropology and Psychology. Originally published in 1924, this is a collection of the Fitzpatrick Lectures deliver……続きを見る
著者:Erica Rivera
出版社: Penguin Publishing Group
発売日: 2009年10月06日
A raw and engrossing memoir of a young mother's addiction to eating disorders and her struggle toward health-now in paperback. At twenty-four, Erica Rivera appeared to have it all: a B.A., two daugh……続きを見る
DBT Made Simple
著者:Sheri Van Dijk, MSW
出版社: New Harbinger Publications
発売日: 2013年01月02日
Originally developed for the treatment of borderline personality disorder, dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT, has rapidly become one of the most popular and most effective treatments for all ment……続きを見る
Les addictions sans drogue : prévenir et traiter
Les addictions sans drogue, encore appelées addictions comportementales, ont pris une place de plus en plus importante dans le champ addictologique au cours des vingt dernières années. Elles viennen……続きを見る
Get Fit Now: The Definitive Guide To Getting Slim
著者:Charles River Editors
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2012年08月25日
*Helps you figure out your BMI, and your optimal calorie intake and deficit. *Includes workout schedules explaining which exercises to do, and how many sets and reps of each. *Includes diet advice, ……続きを見る
Fad Diets: 30 Time-Tested Weight Loss Methods to Lose the Same 5 Pounds
著者:PriveCo Inc.
出版社: PriveCo Inc.
発売日: 2014年03月07日
Looking for weight loss tips and a diet plan to help you shed some pounds? Have an extra buck? Great, Fad Diets is the perfect book for you. With over 30 diet plans and 50 diet tips, this book inclu……続きを見る
SEXED: Tales of a Textrix
著者:River Huston
出版社: River Huston
発売日: 2015年05月15日
This book contains questions I have been fortunate enough to receive over the last 2 years through texts, emails and the rare letter. A majority of the texts messages came from audience members who ……続きを見る
Get Fit Now: The Definitive Guide To Getting Six Pack Abs
著者:Charles River Editors
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2012年08月25日
*Includes a comprehensive workout schedule to help sculpt your abs, explaining what exercises to do each day, and how many sets and reps of each. .*Includes diet advice that lists the kinds and amou……続きを見る
Counseling Latinos and la familia
著者:Patricia Arrendondo, Azara L. (Lourdes) Santiago-Rivera, Maritza Gallardo-Cooper
出版社: SAGE Publications
発売日: 2012年07月22日
Counseling Latinos and la familia provides an integrated approach to understanding Latino families and increasing competency for counselors and other mental health professional who work with Latinos……続きを見る
O Marceneiro e o Poeta
著者:Yuri Vieira
出版社: Karaloka
発売日: 2013年03月04日
Conto memorialístico no qual o autor narra as aventuras e desventuras de Antônio Ramos, fugitivo da justiça, ex-morador de rua e então secretário do poeta e ex-pro……続きを見る
The Body Sculpting Bible for Women, Third Edition
著者:James Villepigue, Hugo Rivera
出版社: Hatherleigh Press
発売日: 2012年08月28日
**NEW EDITION FEATURING THE 14-DAY BODY SCULPTING WORKOUT AND MORE! It's body sculpting at its best--the best exercises and the best training schedule out there, anywhere. Also includes a complete n……続きを見る
The Illustrated Step-By-Step Guide to Yoga
著者:Charles River Editors
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2009年12月15日
*Gives step by step instructions on how to perform over 60 different traditional yoga poses. *Includes dozens of pictures showing how to properly perform each yoga pose discussed.*Includes a Table o……続きを見る
Sex in Development
著者:Michele Rivkin-Fish
出版社: Duke University Press
発売日: 2005年05月03日
Sex in Development examines how development projects around the world intended to promote population management, disease prevention, and maternal and child health intentionally and unintentionally s……続きを見る
Getting into the Game
著者:Veronica Smith, Stephanie Patterson, Vivian Ng, Janine Halayko, Laura Dumas, Richard K. Spurling, Jonathan Rivero, Shafali Spurling Spurling Jeste
出版社: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
発売日: 2012年06月15日
Getting into the Game: Sports Programs for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder will help families, clinicians and coaches support children with autism in taking their first steps into sport and recre……続きを見る
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