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Rethinking Human Rights and Global Constitutionalism
著者:Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2017年09月30日
Are human rights really a building block of global constitutionalism? Does global constitutionalism have any future in the theory and practice of international law and global governance? This book c……続きを見る
Entertainment - Droit, Médias, Art, Culture 2017/3
Ce numéro contient notamment l'article d'analyse "Purchasing and Selling Intellectual Property Assets – The Purchase Price is not Just About Valuation", d'Harold Flegelman. 続きを見る
Unscripted America
著者:Sarah Rivett
出版社: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2017年10月27日
In 1664, French Jesuit Louis Nicolas arrived in Quebec. Upon first hearing Ojibwe, Nicolas observed that he had encountered the most barbaric language in the world--but after listening to and studyi……続きを見る
Protección de superficies. TMVL0509
著者:María Inmaculada González Rivas
出版社: IC Editorial
発売日: 2015年04月07日
Analizar los procesos de preparación de superficies, con el fin de seleccionar el método adecuado, según el tipo de soporte. Aplicar procesos de acondicionamiento y de tratamientos anticorrosivos de……続きを見る
Measuring Research
著者:Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivi?re
出版社: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2017年12月01日
Policy makers, academic administrators, scholars, and members of the public are clamoring for indicators of the value and reach of research. The question of how to quantify the impact and importance……続きを見る
More Than a Servant
著者:Darryl L. Rivers
出版社: WestBow Press
発売日: 2018年01月12日
More Than a Servant by author Darryl L. Rivers takes place in the life of every Christian believer that is, or will be part of todays workplace environment.?With sound Biblical examples and some sha……続きを見る
著者:Emilio Rivano Fischer
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2018年01月12日
Years of use of this text have proven it to be both an excellent self instructing method and an effective teaching aid. The book is written for the wide audience. It goes step by step through the es……続きを見る
La Evaluación De Competencias Educativas
著者:Dr. Omar Iván Gavotto Nogales
出版社: Palibrio
発売日: 2018年01月12日
Una educacin centrada en el aprendizaje requiere identificar el nivel de competencia y dominio de los contenidos que ha alcanzado el estudiante, sin esta informacin no se puede conocer la efectivida……続きを見る
The Nontraditional Learner’S Guide to Success
著者:R. Lee Viar IV
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2018年01月12日
This book investigates the influence of an informal support network on the growing population of nontraditional learners and explores the implications of this support network for learner persistence……続きを見る
Larvie Learns a Lesson
著者:Melinda V. Gonzalez PA-C, Mickey Seger MD, Terive Duperier MD
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2018年01月12日
Larvie Learns a Lesson tells the story of a caterpillar that finds himself in a dilemma as a result of unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. With the help of his doctor, he reshapes his……続きを見る
The People Who Changed the World
著者:R.K. Srivastava
出版社: Partridge Publishing India
発売日: 2018年01月12日
This book portrays the world history in an entirely new landscape which highlights the pace of development of all the major civilizations of the world since the dawn of human history. Mans rational ……続きを見る
Algunas De Las Señales De Alarma De Su Cuerpo
著者:Neil Shulman M.D, Hector Fabio Rivera M.D, Jack Birge M.D, Joon Ahn M.D
出版社: AuthorHouse
発売日: 2018年01月14日
Cundo es un dolor de cabeza slo una molestia... y cundo es el sntoma de una afeccin potencialmente mortal? Cundo es crucial buscar la ayuda de un mdico o ir a una sala de emergencias de inmediato? E……続きを見る
Crónicas De La Hija De Un Pastor
著者:Dora L. Rivera
出版社: Balboa Press
発売日: 2018年02月07日
Una hija de pastor unindose a su familia y abrazando la misma fe para respaldar el compromiso del ministerio pastoral. Adems, de tener sus propias convicciones y experiencias individuales. La cual l……続きを見る
La Meccanica letteraria
著者:Autori Vari
出版社: Youcanprint
発売日: 2017年07月05日
Saper fare delle belle frasi non è tutto: bisogna avere qualche cosa da metterci dentro! STENDHAL Quando vediamo un nostro simile compiere una cosa che noi siamo in grado di fare: nuotare o dirigere……続きを見る
Le storie d'Italia nel curricolo verticale
著者:Autori vari, Ernesto Perillo
出版社: Mnamon
発売日: 2017年07月14日
L’Italia ha più storie Un patrimonio culturale generalizzato L'Italia è il paese dei siti e dei musei archeologici che contengono le tracce della presenza di gruppi umani paleolitici e neolitici e d……続きを見る
James Joyce. Itinerari Triestini
著者:Renzo S. Crivelli
発売日: 2014年06月12日
Questo libro ricostruisce gli anni triestini di Joyce, dal 1904 al 1915 e dal 1919 al 1920, così cruciali per la sua crescita letteraria, avvalendosi anche di inedite testimonianze, di documenti, di……続きを見る
Testo di prova realizzato con BackTypo
著者:Il Momento Di Scrivere
出版社: Il Momento Di Scrivere
発売日: 2014年09月06日
Questo testo è soltanto un prodotto dimostrativo realizzato dalla redazione de "Il momentodi scrivere). Si tratta di esempi illustrativi chemostrano le caratteristiche di BackTypo. Non si tratta di ……続きを見る
La Voce Per Sedurre
著者:Walter Rivetti
出版社: Walter Rivetti
発売日: 2015年02月10日
Usa al meglio tutte le capacità che ha la tua voce per aumentare al massimo il fascino e il potere di sedurre un’altra persona! Le tecniche si basano sul supporto di ricerche scientifiche e sull'esp……続きを見る
L'agire didattico
著者:Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
出版社: La Scuola
発売日: 2013年08月28日
La didattica sta vivendo una nuova centralità: le trasformazioni del contesto socio-culturale, il protagonismo dei media digitali, i nuovi stili e ritmi di apprendimento dei più giovani, le esigenze……続きを見る
CORSO FULL IMMERSION - Concorso 10 Procuratori dello Stato
著者:Autori Vari
出版社: Publisher s13109
発売日: 2016年11月29日
Le prove scritte del concorso a 10 posti di Procuratore dello Stato richiedono una preparazione approfondita. In effetti, si tratta di ben tre “one-shots” da preparare in modo accurato. Cosa fare qu……続きを見る
Del dire e fare parole. La competenza lessicale a scuola
著者:Enrica Rivello
出版社: il glifo ebooks
発売日: 2012年11月30日
Cassaintegrato: «colui che non paga le tasse/straniero». Ceco: «persona non vedente». Cinofilo: «appassionato di cinema/amore per la Cina». Necrofilo: «uomo che difende i neri». Lecchese: «uno che l……続きを見る
Escritos sobre Jóvenes
著者:Andrea Riva, Silvia Giambroni, Silvia Paredes
出版社: Editorial Universitaria Villa María
発売日: 2016年05月20日
A través de la palabra estos artículos intentan generar nuevas preguntas, nuevas interpretaciones, nuevas miradas sobre cuestiones que nos conmueven y nos perturban; compartimos el esfuerzo de equip……続きを見る
Pedagogia e Vita 2017/2
Postumanesimo, transumanesimo, antropologia Giuseppe Mari Riccardo Campa Markus Lipowicz Umanesimo, postumanesimo, educazione Calogero Caltagirone Cosimo Costa Juan Luis Fuentes Juan García-Gutiérre……続きを見る
James Joyce. Triestine Itineraries
著者:Renzo S. Crivelli
発売日: 2014年06月12日
In reconstructing Joyce’s Triestine years, 1904-1915 and 1919-1920, so crucial to his literary growth, this book also avails of unpublished sources, of documents, of newly-checked data from the regi……続きを見る
La territorialité de l'impôt sur les sociétés dans l'économie numérique
著者:Camille Marpillat, Jean-Claude Rivalland
出版社: Éditions Larcier
発売日: 2018年06月11日
Économie numérique et territorialité semblent être des expressions antinomiques. Pourtant, le droit fiscal tente d’appréhender les revenus issus du digital, rattachés à des acteurs nomades, en argua……続きを見る
303 Vocabulary Words You Need
著者:Winn Trivette II, MA
出版社: ​Winn Trivette, MA
発売日: 2018年07月10日
303 Vocabulary Words You Need is precisely what you're looking for: the best and quickest way to build a smart and powerful English vocabulary. Unfortunately, your boss, colleagues, and friends judg……続きを見る
21 Keys for General IELTS Success
著者:Winn Trivette II, MA
出版社: ​Winn Trivette II, MA
発売日: 2018年07月16日
Use 21 Keys for General IELTS Success as part of your disciplined study plan to maximize your score on the exam! Trust the experience and expertise of an IELTS teacher with the same advice for his o……続きを見る
Fueled by Coffee and Love: The Refill
著者:Mari Venturino
出版社: Mari Venturino
発売日: 2018年07月26日
Fueled by Coffee and Love: The Refill will engage your heart and mind as you peer into the lives of these inspiring educators. This second collection of real stories by real teachers shines a light ……続きを見る
17 Keys to Better English Writing
著者:Winn Trivette II, MA
出版社: ​Winn Trivette II, MA
発売日: 2018年07月09日
Strong writing skills allow students and professionals to set themselves apart from the crowd. Because English writing skills are highly valued in the global workplace, 17 Keys to Better English Wri……続きを見る
Disruption: Lifelong Learning in the Knowledge Economy
著者:Winn Trivette II, MA
出版社: ​Winn Trivette II, MA
発売日: 2018年01月19日
Disruption: Lifelong Learning in the Knowledge Economy is a survival guide for you and your children to succeed despite the disruption caused by the knowledge-based global economy today. Learn about……続きを見る
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