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Temas para hispanohablantes
著者:Francisco H. Pérez Sanfiel
出版社: RUTH
発売日: 2018年05月08日
El autor, después de años dedicado a las ciencias decide estudiar con profundidad nuestra lengua y propone este enjundioso texto, muy útil en estos tiempos en que la ortografía reclama su presencia ……続きを見る
著者:Francis Bacon
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2018年05月19日
An apophthegm is a concise , truthful saying; a maxim, or aphorism. The following is an expansive collection of apophthegms by Francis Bacon, the famous English philosopher and scientist. 続きを見る
Portraits et études
著者:Hugues Imbert, Georges Bizet, Edward Francis Burney
出版社: Paris : Fischbacher, 1894
発売日: 2018年05月19日
Portraits et Études - Lettres inédites de Georges Bizet Hugues Imbert, critique musical (1842–1905) Ce livre numérique présente «Portraits et Études - Lettres inédites de Georges Bizet», de Hugues I……続きを見る
Texas Bomber
著者:Ernest Francis Schanilec
出版社: Dorrance Publishing
発売日: 2018年05月20日
Texas Bomber By: Ernest Francis Schanilec Tom and Samantha Hastings, warm weather Minnesotans and winter Texans, are currently enjoying the balmy climate at Texas Palms Resort in Donna, Texas. Their……続きを見る
Historia de la vida del Buscón (A to Z Classics)
著者:Francisco de Quevedo
出版社: ATOZ Classics
発売日: 2018年05月21日
¡Este libro contiene un indice interactivo que harán la lectura un verdadero placer! El Buscón es un relato de la peripecia vital del pícaro don Pablos de Segovia, desde su infancia a la proyectada ……続きを見る
The Myth of Mao Zedong and Modern Insurgency
著者:Francis Grice
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年05月23日
Tackling one of the most prevalent myths about insurgencies, this book examines and rebuts the popular belief that Mao Zedong created a fundamentally new form of warfare that transformed the nature ……続きを見る
Productividad Perfecta Basada en el TIempo
著者:Francis Wade
出版社: Framework Consulting Inc.
発売日: 2018年05月23日
Productividad Perfecta Basada en el Tiempo es un libro esencial para toda aquella persona que enfrenta el reto de la sobrecarga de información. Dada la gran cantidad de tecnologías a nuestra disposi……続きを見る
Con argumento lógico
著者:Virgilio Obeso, Manuel Navarro, Francisco José Santos
出版社: Universidad del Norte
発売日: 2018年05月21日
Este texto será de gran ayuda para afrontar situaciones cotidianas en las que sea necesario mantener diálogos para interactuar o defender alguna posición o idea. Se abordan los temas básicos de un c……続きを見る
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
著者:Francis Scott Fitzgerald
出版社: Henri Gallas
発売日: 2018年05月23日
This story was inspired by a remark of Mark Twain's to the effect that it was a pity that the best part of life came at the beginning and the worst part at the end. By trying the experiment upon onl……続きを見る
Strongbow’s Conquest of Ireland
著者:Francis Barnard
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2018年05月23日
Strongbow’s Conquest of Ireland is an amazing history of the Invasion of Ireland by the Normans. 続きを見る
著者:Francisco Galiano Sánchez
出版社: Francisco Galiano
発売日: 2018年05月25日
Paco es una persona con buena posición social al que la crisis económica (la estafa) le acuna dulcemente, primero con un desahucio y después con el divorcio. Se muda a casa de sus padres sin más áni……続きを見る
Multicultural Psychology
著者:Pamela Balls Organista, University of San Francisco, Gerardo Marin, University of San Francisco, Kevin M. Chun, University of San Francisco
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2018年07月12日
Appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate courses, Multicultural Psychology, second edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the field. This research-based and highly applied text aim……続きを見る
The Essays: Counsels, Civil and Moral
著者:Francis Bacon
出版社: Studium Publishing
発売日: 2018年05月27日
The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral is a collection of essays written by Francis Bacon. They cover topics drawn from both public and private life. In each case the essays cover topics systematic……続きを見る
Escluso il cane
著者:Carlo D'Amicis
出版社: minimum fax
発売日: 2011年01月18日
Cosa succede a un giovane avvocato omosessuale residente a Roma, tormentato da un problema psicosomatico di incontinenza, tiranneggiato dalla madre, inutilmente sollecitato a "emanciparsi" dal suo c……続きを見る
Sarà un capolavoro
著者:Francis Scott Fitzgerald
出版社: minimum fax
発売日: 2017年06月22日
Giovanissimo, Fitzgerald si pose tre obiettivi: sposare Zelda Sayre, scrivere libri di «valore perenne» e guadagnare un sacco di soldi per vivere «sopra gli schemi». Ma com’era veramente la sua vita……続きを見る
La battuta perfetta
著者:Carlo D'Amicis
出版社: minimum fax
発売日: 2010年07月21日
Le rivoluzioni, di solito, si fanno nelle strade e sono intrise di sangue. Quella che ha trasformato l'Italia negli ultimi cinquant'anni è avvenuta nel salotto di casa, e si è svolta in un clima di ……続きを見る
La guerra dei cafoni
著者:Carlo D'Amicis
出版社: minimum fax
発売日: 2017年05月16日
Estate 1975. In un villaggio della costa salentina si rinnova la guerra che oppone i ragazzini benestanti ai figli dei pescatori, dei pastori, dei contadini: i cosiddetti cafoni. A dichiarare e alim……続きを見る
International Trade, Capital Flows and Economic Development
著者:Francisco L Rivera-Batiz, Luis A Rivera-Batiz
出版社: World Scientific Publishing Company
発売日: 2018年05月18日
Arte minimal. Objeto y sentido
著者:Francisca Pérez Carreño
出版社: Antonio Machado Libros
発売日: 2018年06月15日
En "El arte minimal. Objeto y sentido" la autora traza un panorama del arte minimal a través de la obra de sus autores más significativos, en relación al contexto del arte de los años sesenta y a la……続きを見る
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Story That Inspired The Movie Starring Brad Pitt)
著者:Francis Scott Fitzgerald
出版社: JA
発売日: 2018年06月07日
This story was inspired by a remark of Mark Twain's to the effect that it was a pity that the best part of life came at the beginning and the worst part at the end. By trying the experiment upon onl……続きを見る
Sexo, Drogas e Selfies
著者:Francisco Salgueiro
発売日: 2018年06月01日
Joana perdeu a virgindade aos doze anos e é uma das raparigas mais populares do colégio. Ela e as amigas, aparentemente perfeitas para os pais, escondem um dia-a-dia de sexo com estranhos, sem prese……続きを見る
La scuola moderna
著者:Francisco Ferrer
出版社: Tiemme Edizioni Digitali
発売日: 2018年06月10日
Bisogna «fondare nuove scuole dove saranno applicati direttamente i principi rispondenti all’ideale che si fanno della società e degli uomini tutti quelli che disapprovano le convenzioni, i pregiudi……続きを見る
Les Alliés en Champagne ー 1814 ー
著者:Narcisse Blanpain
出版社: Paris : C. Vanier, 1869
発売日: 2018年06月09日
LE BOIS DES HOULANS. Le ciel était tout azur : de petits nuages floconneux qui semblent le duvet dont les oiseaux font leurs nids, flottaient dans l’immensité. Le mois de juin commençait si charmant……続きを見る
A Primer of GIS
著者:Francis Harvey, PhD
出版社: Guilford Publications
発売日: 2015年11月23日
This accessible text prepares students to understand and work with geographic information systems (GIS), offering a detailed introduction to essential theories, concepts, and skills. The book is org……続きを見る
The Meaning of Trump
著者:Brian Francis Culkin
出版社: Collective Ink
発売日: 2018年06月29日
The election of Donald Trump was a shattering moment to the political sensibilities of America; immediately sending the country into a frenzy of commentary, critique, and a never-ending media covera……続きを見る
Metaphorosis October 2017
著者:Kathryn Hammond, David Hammond, Rob Francis, Phil Berry, Benjamin Cort
出版社: Metaphorosis Publishing
発売日: 2018年06月16日
Beautifully written speculative fiction from Metaphorosis magazine. All the stories from the month, plus author biographies, interviews, and story origins. Table of Contents Making the List – David……続きを見る
New Atlantis
著者:Francis Bacon
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2018年06月18日
Francis Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist who served as both the Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. Bacon was one of the main figures behind the theory of empiricism which……続きを見る
The Complete Francis Bacon Collection
著者:Francis Bacon
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2018年06月18日
Karpathos publishes the greatest works of history's greatest authors and collects them to make it easy and affordable for readers to have them all at the push of a button. All of our collections inc……続きを見る
The Advancement of Learning
著者:Francis Bacon
出版社: Charles River Editors
発売日: 2018年06月18日
Francis Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist who served as both the Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of England. Bacon was the main figure behind the theory of empiricism which states ……続きを見る
An Introduction to the Devout Life
著者:Francis de Sales
出版社: Neeland Media LLC
発売日: 2018年06月01日
First published in 1609 “An Introduction to the Devout Life” is Saint Francis de Sales work which belongs to the Christian tradition of “Lectio Divina” or “Divine Reading”. Like Thomas à Kempis’ “Th……続きを見る
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