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Pactos peligrosos
著者:Georgina Milkovich
出版社: Entre Libros
発売日: 2024年08月09日
El detective Billy Hughes lo ha perdido todo: su matrimonio ha fracasado y en una tragedia sin precedentes, su padre y su hija han sido víctimas de un asesinato. Billy ha pecado. Ha llevado una vida……続きを見る
How to Heal Your Inner Child
著者:Seraphina Mira Vale
出版社: Gaius Quill Publishing
発売日: 2024年03月10日
How to Heal Your Inner Child :100 Exercises and Prompts to Let Go of the Past, Overcome Trauma, Childhood Emotional Neglect and Cultivate Self-Love In the labyrinth of life, where past shadows often……続きを見る
Zwischen Kinderzimmer und Nervenheilanstalt
著者:Anna Miller
出版社: BookRix
発売日: 2023年12月21日
Wie ist es, wenn ein kleiner Junge die Welt entdeckt? Mit allem, was dazu gehört? Mit viel Humor und Esprit wird hier der Alltag und die Begebeheiten eines fünfjährigen Jungen erzählt. Gute Unterhal……続きを見る
Digital Detox
著者:Jordan A. Middleton
出版社: eBooKit.com
発売日: 2024年03月15日
Embark on a Journey to Reclaim Your Time and Mind Imagine a life where your days are filled with engaging real-world experiences, deeper relationships, and an invigorated sense of self. Digital Deto……続きを見る
The Stress-Free Guide to Parenting a Child With ADHD
著者:Regina Michaels
出版社: InkRealm Publishing LLC
発売日: 2023年11月29日
Are you struggling to find the right parenting style for your ADHD child? Is every week rife with miscommunication, tantrums, and constant energy but poor focus? Does your child struggle with follow……続きを見る
Avoid Clash: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
If, at night, you are sitting in a large room filled with many people and the lights go off, and you are asked to get out of the room, will it possible to do so, without colliding with someone or so……続きを見る
Aptavani 3: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
Everyone has a different concept of the Soul. Some may believe in the Soul, some may not. Even masters who have studied religious books have different understanding of the nature of the Soul. Most a……続きを見る
Pratikraman: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
The vision which allows a human being to see his own mistakes, mistakes that hurt him and others; is very rare. It is very easy to see, and point out mistakes of others, blame others when things go ……続きを見る
माता-पिता और बच्चो का व्यवहार (संक्षिप्त)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2017年01月19日
बच्चों की सही परवरिश में माँ-बाप का बहुत बड़ा हाथ होता है| बच्चों के साथ हमेशा प्रेमपूर्वक व्यवहार ही करना चाहिए ताकि उन्हें अच्छे संस्कार प्राप्त हो| माँ-बाप बच्चों का व्यवहार सदैव मित्राचारी का होन……続きを見る
Self Realization: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月17日
Gnani Purush means the One who has awakened and experienced the Self, and is able to convey and make others experience the Self too. Gnani Purush Dadashri became enlightened in 1958, and in 1962 he ……続きを見る
Flawless Vision: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
The single most important reason for suffering of pain by any human being is the inability to see his own fault in any conflict. When one is disturbed, when things do not happen according plans or e……続きを見る
The Guru and the Disciple: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月15日
Guru simply means a guide. If you are lost in a city and someone guides you to your destination, that person is your guru. In every step of life, someone or the other is guiding us, teaching us. Thu……続きを見る
Fault is of the Sufferer: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
All suffering in life is due to faulty vision. This is especially the case when for no apparent reason, one experiences suffering in life. In practical daily life, whenever one has to suffer any dis……続きを見る
Generation Gap: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月20日
In spite of working very hard and having love for the children, the parents of modern day life, find themselves at odds with their growing children, especially as they come into certain stages of th……続きを見る
મા-બાપ છોકરાનો વ્યવહાર (સંક્ષિપ્ત)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年12月30日
જો તમે તમારા સંતાનોના મિત્ર થશો તો, માબાપ – સંતાનોના સંબંધો સુધરશે. પરંતુ જો તમે તમારો માબાપ તરીકેનો અધિકાર વાપરશો તો, તમારે સંતાન ગુમાવવાનો વખત આવશે. તમારી મિત્રતા એવી હોવી જોઈએ કે બાળકને પ્રેમ અને……続きを見る
ક્લેશ વિનાનું જીવન
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年07月25日
શું તમે જીવનમાં થતી અથડામણો થી કંટાળી ગયા છો? શું તમને અચરજ થાય છે કે અથડામણો કેમ થતી હશે? તમારે ફક્ત રોજિંદા જીવન માં થતી અથડામણ નો ઉકેલ લાવવા નો નિશ્ચય કરવા નો છે. પરીણામ ગમે તે હોય. તમે સફળ થશો ક……続きを見る
एडजेस्ट एव्हरीव्हेअर
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年12月04日
जर गटारातून दुर्गंध आला तर आपण त्याच्याशी भांडतो का? ह्याच प्रमाणे ही भांडखोर माणसे ही दुर्गंध पसरवतात. तर आपण त्यांना काय म्हणायला जावे? जे दुर्गंध पसरवतात ते सर्व गटारा सारखे, व जे सुगंध पसरवतात त……続きを見る
भोगतो त्याची चुक
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年12月04日
जो दुःख भोगतो त्याची चूक आणि जो सुख भोगतो ते त्याचे इनाम असते. पण भ्रांतीचा कायदा निमित्तास पकडतो. भगवंताचा कायदा हा खरा (रियल) कायदा, तो ज्याची चूक असेल त्यालाच पकडतो. तो कायदा तंतोतंत (अॅयक्झॅक्ट)……続きを見る
Harmony in Marriage: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月20日
Everywhere in life, a man and a woman get married to seal and prolong their desire for happiness with each other. Not long after the marriage ceremony however, most couples find themselves in a stat……続きを見る
Fault Is Of The Sufferer (In English)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月18日
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!” Such sit……続きを見る
Whatever Has Happened Is Justice
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月21日
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. Life circumstances can appear terribly unjust. Naturally we question, “Why me? Am I wrong? It’s no……続きを見る
Adjust Everywhere (In English)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月17日
Life requires continuous adjustment in relation to unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In everyday situations (such as opening an umbrella in the rain, or wearing a jacket in the cold) we gene……続きを見る
મા-બાપ છોકરાનો વ્યવહાર (ગ્રંથ)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年07月28日
મા – બાપ અને છોકરા વચ્ચેનો સંબંધ એ પોતાના અસ્તિત્વની મૂળભૂત કડી છે. આપણા મહાન ભગવાનોને પણ મા – બાપ હતા જેમનો તેઓ આદર કરતા અને તેમને પૂજ્ય ગણતા. આજના જમાનામાં આ સંબંધ જટિલ થઇ રહ્યા છે. મા – બાપોને તે……続きを見る
પતિ-પત્નીનો દિવ્ય વ્યવહાર (ગ્રંથ)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年07月27日
આ કાળના પુરુષો અને સ્ત્રીઓમાં જન્મજાત સ્વભાવથી થતી સમસ્યાઓ ભરપૂર છે, જે મતભેદ, અથડામણ અને વાદવિવાદમાં પરિણમે છે. સતયુગમાં પુરુષો અને સ્ત્રીઓ વચ્ચે બહુ ઓછી સમસ્યાઓ હતી કારણ કે જન્મજાત સરળતાને કારણે ત……続きを見る
क्लेश रहित जीवन
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月18日
क्या आप जीवन में उठनेवाले क्लेशों से थक चुके हो और हैरान हो कि नए क्लेश कहाँ से उत्पन्न हो जाते हैं ? क्लेश रहित जीवन के लिए आपको केवल पक्का निश्चय करना है कि आप लोगों के साथ सारा व्यवहार समभाव से न……続きを見る
ऐडजस्ट एवरीव्हेयर
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年06月16日
यदि एक सीवर में बदबू आए तो क्या हम सीवर से लड़ते हैं ? इसी प्रकार ये झगडालू दृष्टिकोणवाले मनुष्य भी दुर्गंध फैलाते हैं, तो क्या हम उनसे कुछ कहने जाएँ ? दुर्गंध फैलाए वे सभी सीवर कहलाएँ, तथा सुगंध फैल……続きを見る
Whatever has Happened is Justice: Gnani Purush Dadashri
著者:Shuddha Anami
出版社: Shuddha Anami
発売日: 2015年05月18日
Human beings complicate their lives and make it very miserable when they seek justice with insistence. To seek justice in the unfolding events in life is the work of an ego that is blind, and can no……続きを見る
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年12月04日
सामान्यतः एखाद्याच्या मनाप्रमाणे झाले नाही, किंवा इतर व्यक्ती त्याला समजू शकली नाही, किंवा दृष्टीकोनात फरक असला तर माणूस क्रोधित होतो. बऱ्याचवेळा जेंव्हा आपल्यावर चुकीचे असल्याचा आरोप होतो आणि आपल्य……続きを見る
Generation Gap (In English)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月18日
It is said that parenting is the most important role in life, as well as the one for which there is the least amount of preparation! It is only natural to wonder how to be a good parent, to seek par……続きを見る
Avoid Clashes (In English)
著者:Dada Bhagwan, Dr. Niruben Amin
出版社: Dada Bhagwan Vignan Foundation
発売日: 2016年11月28日
As much as we would prefer otherwise, life includes its measure of unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships……続きを見る
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