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The American Trap
著者:Frédéric Pierucci
出版社: Hodder & Stoughton
発売日: 2019年11月14日
In 2014, France lost part of the control of its nuclear power plants to the United States. Frédéric Pierucci, former senior executive of one of Alstom's power company subsidiaries, found himself at ……続きを見る
Time Management: Boost Productivity and Get Things Done
著者:Bradley Banks
出版社: ​Bradley Banks
発売日: 2020年02月14日
There are certain proven methods as to how you can increase the efficiency of your time. These methods collectively form the discipline known as time management. When you apply time management to yo……続きを見る
Radical Markets
著者:Eric A. Posner, Eric Glen Weyl
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2019年10月08日
Revolutionary ideas on how to use markets to achieve fairness and prosperity for all Many blame today's economic inequality, stagnation, and political instability on the free market. The solution is……続きを見る
Internet Marketing For Stay-At-Home Moms
著者:Samy Seddik
出版社: ​Samy Seddik
発売日: 2020年03月27日
Are You Ready To Make Money Online While At Home With Your Kids? Sure you are! You don't need any educational qualifications or business experience to start an online business from home. With My Adv……続きを見る
Kanban: A Quick and Easy Guide to Kickstart Your Project
著者:Aleksandar Olic
出版社: Aleksandar Olic
発売日: 2016年03月28日
Learn what's Kanban and how agile development methodology and principles of lean management can help you develop and design faster and cheaper. If you’re in IT, you've probably lived through this: c……続きを見る
Charakteristika von strategischen Kooperationen in der Multimediabranche
著者:Christina Fochtler, Christian Gahrmann
出版社: GRIN Verlag
発売日: 2016年05月31日
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,0, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Sprac……続きを見る
Selecting Good Investment Stocks In a Nutshell
著者:Mario V. Farina
出版社: Mario V. Farina
発売日: 2016年03月07日
In only a few words, this book teaches how to select good stocks for long term investing. 続きを見る
O desenvolvimento e o papel do empresário
著者:Jaime Rotstein
出版社: Digitaliza
発売日: 2016年12月07日
Da apresentação de Mauricio Joppert da Silva:Jaime Rotstein apresenta à sua classe os problemas técnicos, administrativos e do futuro econômico do Brasil, em mais um livro que chamou O Desenvolvimen……続きを見る
The Ultimate Guide to Once-a-Month Grocery Shopping
著者:Joanie Boeckman
出版社: Joanie Boeckman
発売日: 2016年02月08日
Do you dread going to the grocery store once or twice a week? Are you scrambling for dinner ideas every night? Is your grocery budget out of control? Once a month grocery shopping can save you time ……続きを見る
Комплексная веб-аналитика: новая жизнь вашего сайта
出版社: Aegitas
発売日: 2015年12月25日
В книге рассмотрена методика комплексной веб-аналитики от анализа статистики до выработки рекомендаций по повышению эффективности рекламных кампаний. Особое внимание уделено наиболее распространенны……続きを見る
There Is Such A Thing As A Free Lunch: Mystery Shopping Explained
著者:Mercedes Del Ray
出版社: Mercedes Del Ray
発売日: 2016年01月04日
Mystery or secret shopping as it is sometimes known, has grown from strength to strength in recent years. It involves posing a real customer to try a product or service then reporting back on the ex……続きを見る
An Introduction To Money Blog
著者:Nathaniell Brenes
出版社: Nathaniell Brenes
発売日: 2016年03月04日
This book is the introductory version of Money Blog: Learn How To Earn Significant Income Online With a Simple WordPress Blog. It contains the full text from the first four chapters of Money Blog, i……続きを見る
Awaken the Accountant in You | Master the Accounting Basics in One Hour
著者:Gennaro Cuofano
出版社: Gennaro Cuofano
発売日: 2016年10月05日
WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? You can expect to have a deep understanding of the basic concepts of accounting. Therefore, you will master the double entry and the two main financial statements (balance sheet……続きを見る
Building confidence 101
著者:Amudha Eswari
出版社: Amudha Eswari
発売日: 2016年02月08日
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to increase the confidence level and power while dealing with other people. The first and foremost reason for lacking confidence is that people ……続きを見る
Как вернуть клиента на сайт: ретаргетинг, ремаркетинг, email и не только
出版社: Aegitas
発売日: 2015年12月21日
В книге рассмотрены основные механизмы возврата посетителей на сайт, приведены пошаговые алгоритмы настройки и запуска ретаргетинга в Яндекс.Директе и ремаркетинга в Google AdWords. Особое внимание ……続きを見る
How to Easily Write, Create, and Publish Your First Children's Book
著者:Arrmon B. Abedikichi
出版社: Hey Sup Bye Publishing
発売日: 2017年10月15日
Learn How to Self-Publish Your Children's Book! "An incredibly valuable resource and guide for beginning and accomplished creators!" How many times have you have you had a fantastic idea for a child……続きを見る
Magia Estratégica: Edición de demostración
著者:Juan David Arbelaez
出版社: Juan David Arbelaez
発売日: 2015年10月01日
¡Negocios, Magia, Servicio, Ventas y Estrategia Juntos por primera vez! "Un exquisito y refrescante paralelo entre la magia y el ilusionismo, con el mundo de la empresa y los negocios" Como magia se……続きを見る
Retirement Investing | Guide For Non-Billionaires
出版社: ​Retirement Income Blog
発売日: 2019年09月25日
The Retirement Investing Guide For Non-Billionaires provides retirement planning advice for those who need it: People who are less-than-wealthy. It is the ultimate retirement guide for preparing for……続きを見る
Get Debt Free: Manage Your Finances for Retirement
著者:Rumanek Interactive
出版社: Rumanek Interactive
発売日: 2016年03月07日
It is critical to get your finances in order and it is possible to start today. This book was written to encour- age you to start thinking and talking about your finances, reducing bad debt, saving ……続きを見る
Tony Robbins' Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom | Summary
著者:Ant Hive Media
出版社: Ant Hive Media
発売日: 2016年05月27日
This is a summary of Tony Robbins' MONEY Master the Game. Tony is the one person who can help you infuse awareness into your life so that you can reach your goals. Through this book, you will attain……続きを見る
Social Skills 2-in-1 **BOX SET**: The Ultimate Collection for Mastering Emotional Intelligence & Dealing with Difficult People
著者:Ramit Gupta
出版社: Ramit Gupta
発売日: 2016年02月27日
Are you ready to learn how to master every social interaction? Do it today when you buy this amazing box set collection for skyrocketing your emotional intelligence and dealing with difficult people……続きを見る
Duplex Models of Complex Systems
著者:Steven H. Kim
出版社: ​Kenwave Press
発売日: 2020年08月14日
Duplex models can portray complex systems with the utmost of simplicity, clarity and efficacy. The value of the binomial approach shows up, for instance, in debunking the welter of myths and misconc……続きを見る
The System: How To Have The Business You Deserve: Live Your Life And Run Your Business Your Way
著者:Michael Worthington
出版社: Michael Worthington
発売日: 2016年02月18日
A business manual thinly veined as fiction, this fast-paced "business novel" follows the path of a business owner who eventually gets the business he wants. It has good people, average people and of……続きを見る
Beyond Greed and Fear
著者:Hersh Shefrin
出版社: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2016年05月31日
Even the best Wall Street investors make mistakes. No matter how savvy or experienced, all financial practitioners eventually let bias, overconfidence, and emotion cloud their judgement and misguide……続きを見る
Entre a Esquerda e a Direita
著者:Rafael Arrais, Alfredo Carvalho, Igor Teo
出版社: Textos para Reflexão
発売日: 2016年01月29日
Para este livro, a minha ideia foi chamar dois debatedores para falar de Política – cada um representando um dos seus espectros ideológicos. Eu enviei perguntas para que ambos os convidados responde……続きを見る
Locked-In Range Analysis: Why Most Traders Must Lose Money in the Futures Market (Forex)
著者:Tom Leksey
出版社: Tom Leksey
発売日: 2018年04月24日
The author is convinced that trading should be based on the reasons for price changes, otherwise it's Lucky-trading. The book describes the reasons for price changes of futures and the new cause-and……続きを見る
How To Make An Extra Dollar
著者:John Stilwell
出版社: John Stilwell
発売日: 2015年05月12日
Money is critically important to you as an adult. Protect the cash flow at all costs. But when it shrinks, you only have two options, spend less or make more. All of the following ideas are how to m……続きを見る
When McKinsey Comes to Town
著者:Walt Bogdanich, Michael Forsythe
出版社: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
発売日: 2022年10月04日
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An explosive, deeply reported exposé of McKinsey & Company, the international consulting firm that advises corporations and governments, that highlights the often drastic……続きを見る
Financial Dictionary - The 100 Most Popular Financial Terms Explained
著者:Thomas Herold
出版社: Thomas Herold
発売日: 2017年07月01日
Understand Financial Terms - Make Better Financial Decisions This practical financial dictionary helps you understand and comprehend more than 100 common financial terms. It was written with an emph……続きを見る
Input-Output Analysis
著者:Ronald E. Miller, Peter D. Blair
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2021年10月31日
This essential reference for students and scholars in the input-output research and applications community has been fully revised and updated to reflect important developments in the field. Expanded……続きを見る
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