When Harry Potter is left on a doorstep as a baby, he has no idea he is the Boy Who Lived, or that he is famous throughout the wizarding world. Years later, he is astonished to receive an acceptance……続きを見る
著者:Suji Kim
出版社: Random House Worlds
発売日: 2024年11月05日
**NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Most fairytales end with a wedding and a happily-ever-afterーbut this is no fairytale. The updated and official translation of Under the Oak Tree, the #1 webnovel on MA……続きを見る
Two stories continue the adventure in Volume 8 of the Haruhi Suzumiya series.Editor-in-Chief, Straight Ahead!Since the beginning of the year, the SOS Brigade has been masking as the Literature Club ……続きを見る
In Book 6 in the series, readers take a step into a time warp in five short stories. Head back to events from the previous books, and previously unseen scenes and perspectives to uncover mysteries t……続きを見る
Turning the envelope over, his hand trembling, Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding a large letter 'H'.
Harry Potter has never even ……続きを見る
As the second year of high school begins, Haruhi's cynical and sarcastic confidant Kyon, the only "normal" member of the SOS Brigade, finds himself meeting Sasaki, an old friend from his days in jun……続きを見る
Bei ihrem Versuch, zu verhindern, dass ein neuer Geisterkönig geboren wird, werden Xie Lian und Hua Cheng getrennt. Auf sich allein gestellt, trifft Xie Lian auf einen tot geglaubten Feind aus der V……続きを見る
After closing a time loop fiasco in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, our protagonist Kyon is ready to start a new year with a blank slate--no time travel, no apocalyptic worries, and maybe some……続きを見る
The Haruhi Suzumiya Series comes to a close with this final adventure of Haruhi and the S.O.S. Brigade. The two storylines from The Disassociation of Haruhi Suzumiya continue, introducing a new indu……続きを見る
Après avoir exploité ses connaissances du Japon pour développer divers produits, Sei ouvre enfin sa propre boutique. Lors d’une visite dans une ville portuaire, elle tombe par hasard sur des ingrédi……続きを見る
So she saved the world. Now what?
Only one warrior is capable of defeating Princess Simone in single combat: her father, the God of Martial Arts, who has been training her since she was a child.
The quest for one billion krams may be important, but the promotion of magivision is not to be neglected! Not long after Nia returns from her successful expedition to Vanderouge, she receives a lett……続きを見る
Summerーa time when old men are forced to constantly wipe away sweat as they reflect on their declining physical strength. It’s also the season for the annual festival and hunt back in Beryl’s homet……続きを見る
What if you woke up one morning, and everything changed?
It's one week before Christmas Eve, and Haruhi and the S.O.S. Brigade (a club for her high school's strangest and most extraordinary students……続きを見る
Ellie and her friends are back in the imperial capital after successfully resolving the kidnapping incident in Kellevan. While everyone is fine, the incident has left its mark on both Misha and Luno……続きを見る
If you've ever wondered why Squibs are never offered a place at Hogwarts, what happened when Vernon Dursley first met James Potter, or how Dumbledore and McGonagall formed their lifelong friendship,……続きを見る
After a successful dungeon dive, Elizabethーnow Ellie Leisーand the others emerge with the necessary supplies to create an antidote for the victims of the king poison slime...and with a little girl.……続きを見る
The war for Kuscheperka’s fate continues in volume 5!
After Jaloudek’s disastrous showing in the previous battle, both sides have taken a step back to rest, regroup, and strategize. While Ernie and ……続きを見る
A fear of the dark is natural. It was pasted down to us by our ancestors. Those who learned to be weary of unseen dangers, lived to pass along their genes. Those who did not, fell prey to threats th……続きを見る
تتعمق القصة في التجربة العالمية المتمثلة في الوقوع في الحب، وهو الشعور الذي يعتز به معظم الناس في العالم. تبدأ القصة برومانسية مزدهرة بين رجل وامرأة، مليئة بالعواطف المبهجة التي تصاحب الحب الجديد. و……続きを見る
The story delves into the universal experience of falling in love, a feeling cherished by most of the world. It begins with a blossoming romance between a man and a woman, filled with the exhilarati……続きを見る
Cord Devlin is a master of disguise, a seasoned NSA operative who thrives in the shadows. But when a simple airport encounter turns into a deadly confrontation, his mission takes an unexpected turn.……続きを見る