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O poder da pandemia fortalece o caos
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年07月20日
O poder da pandemia fortalece o abismo e encerra as mentiras da loja branca que alega que o mundo entrará numa era de luz, não há luz sem a dor, pois primeiro virá à dor do Apocalipse, só depois a l……続きを見る
A Pandemia no mundo cria um cenário apocalíptico
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年08月17日
O mundo está abismado com esta pandemia, nunca se viu nada igual. Muitos tentam negar, mas a dor está aí, o Covid-19 hoje já matou cem mil no Brasil... É claro que o número é muito maior, pois não h……続きを見る
The Last Days
著者:Michael E.B. Maher
出版社: ​Michael Maher Ministries
発売日: 2020年08月17日
Matthew 24:4 "And Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that no one deceives you." The above scripture, records the opening statement made by our Lord Jesus, when He taught us on the subject, ……続きを見る
Eliot Resistência contra o Anticristo
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年08月24日
O arrebatamento aconteceu e milhões foram levados por Cristo em todo o mundo. Eu fiquei, estava desesperado, mas depois descobri que a tribo de Dan tinha montado um grupo de resistência contra o Ant……続きを見る
Hear, O Beloved
著者:Dana Sudboro
出版社: Scarlet Worm
発売日: 2020年10月14日
History's greatest secret: paradise conditions existed in the beginning and will be restored in the days to come. Nine verses from the Jewish scriptures (Torah, Prophets, Writings) reveal the scope ……続きを見る
God's Perfect Timing
著者:Dr. Melvin Woodard
出版社: Rushmore Press
発売日: 2020年08月13日
We are creatures of time. It affects every moment of our lives. Yet when we study the Bible, our focus tends to be on principles and personalities rather than on how the events of redemptive history……続きを見る
Revelations On Interstellar Highway 10
著者:Anon Omous
出版社: ​Asterox Publishing Group
発売日: 2020年09月13日
Based on the author's encountered religious, spiritual and mystical experiences, Revelations On Interstellar Highway 10 contains a training framework for advanced initiates who are ready for more pr……続きを見る
As Profecias do Apocalipse começam a acontecer
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年09月15日
O mundo passa por mudanças assustadoras e a pandemia do Coronavírus é um grande sinal do que está acontecendo algo em grande escala. Isso não é o Apocalipse e sim um começo rumo à Nova Ordem Mundial……続きを見る
Deciphering the Signs of Revelation
著者:Noel Woodbridge
出版社: ​Noel Woodbridge
発売日: 2020年09月23日
A 40-DAY DEVOTIONAL ON KEY SYMBOLS IN JOHN'S APOCALYPSE Apocalyptic literature is presented in the form of mysterious symbols, bizarre dreams, and fantastic visions. For this reason, this type of li……続きを見る
O Sétimo Arcanjo
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年09月26日
Todos os que lêem a bíblia sabem que a terra passará por um ciclo de destruição chamado de grande tribulação e depois entrará no repouso milenar. Este repouso também chamado de milênio sabático ou s……続きを見る
The Virgin Mary and the Apostles of the Last Times
著者:Fr. Antonin Lhoumeau
出版社: James Mercer
発売日: 2020年09月27日
How To Be Prepared For Jesus’ ReturnThis book shows you a foolproof way to prepare for Jesus’ return, using the secret God Himself revealed.Out of His great love for us, God warns us…“O that they wo……続きを見る
The Temple Revealed
著者:Christian Widener
出版社: End Times Berean, LLC
発売日: 2020年10月09日
Where Did Everybody Go? A Guide for Those Left Behind at the Rapture of the Church
著者:Jim Finch
出版社: Jim Finch
発売日: 2020年10月12日
The Bible tells us about an event known as the Rapture of the Church. There are many views on the timing of this event, but the Bible seems to support a Pre-Tribulational view. This means that Jesus……続きを見る
A meditação dos 144.000 eleitos
著者:Eliel Roshveder
出版社: Bibliomundi
発売日: 2020年10月04日
Os eleitos dos 144.000 já estão na terra espalhados e chegará a hora que o Criador mandará seu arcanjo Abrael, desconhecido para muitos, para tocar a trombeta e chamar os escolhidos dos quatro canto……続きを見る
The World to Come
著者:Derek Leman
出版社: Messianic Jewish Communications
発売日: 2008年01月01日
Exposes fallacies and false teaching about Heaven and Hell. 続きを見る
The Red Heifer
著者:Anthony Cardinale
出版社: Messianic Jewish Communications
発売日: 2012年06月30日
Life interviews are interwoven within an engaging and dramatic fictional portrayal of the diverse people of Israel and how they would react should that red heifer be found. 続きを見る
Decoding The Book of Revelation
著者:James Bacon Lima
出版社: ​Grand Mountain
発売日: 2020年10月21日
Many theologians have spent hours upon hours in the book of Revelation. Studying on the topics of the rapture, the plagues, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the seven seals, the seven trumpets, ……続きを見る
Nostradamus & Our Lady of Fatima
著者:Robert T Tippett
出版社: Katrina Pearls
発売日: 2020年10月12日
This book is based on a systematic approach towards Nostradamus, based on belief in the premise that he explained The Prophecies to be sourced by the divine and is thereby to be considered as holy. ……続きを見る
Wedstrijd der Altaren
著者:A.A. Leenhouts
出版社: Jilco Ministries
発売日: 2020年11月06日
In dit boek wordt uitgegaan van de gedachte dat een politieke oplossing voor het bereiken van de werkelijke vrede in het Midden-Oosten en daarmee in de hele wereld, alleen geboren kan worden uit een……続きを見る
The Red Glow
著者:Arie J. Keijzer
出版社: Jilco Ministries
発売日: 2020年11月10日
The book at hand is a continuation of Arie Keijzer’s book, “The Two Witnesses in God’s salvation symphony” and describes from God’s prophetic Word the way of Israel and the Christian Church towards ……続きを見る
The Lamp of Prophecy
著者:H. A. Ironside
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2019年01月04日
The Apostle Peter tells us in the first chapter of his Second Letter that we do well to take heed in our hearts to the sure word of prophecy, which shines as a light in a dark place, while we are wa……続きを見る
Development of Antichrist
著者:Andrew Murray
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2018年12月14日
The principle of interpreting the prophetic portions of Holy Scripture as literally as the historical is recognized throughout the following pages, and it is upon this ground alone that the writer b……続きを見る
The Voice of God in the Present Hour
著者:Torrey R. A.
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2018年12月14日
I HAVE received urgent requests, especially from evangelists and ministers, to publish another volume of sermons. I am putting forth this volume in response to this request. Quite a number of reques……続きを見る
The Return of the Lord Jesus
著者:Torrey R. A.
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2018年12月14日
The writer of this book is an optimist. He is absolutely sure that a golden age is swiftly coming to this earth. But he is not a blind optimist. His optimism is not the result of shutting his eyes t……続きを見る
著者:R. H. Charles
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2020年11月24日
It was with much pleasure that I accepted the invitation to deliver this year the Drew Lecture on Immortality. The invitation came to me overwhelmed with the pressure of tasks in various stages of i……続きを見る
The Peaceful Kingdom of Christ
著者:Peter J. Twisk
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2020年11月24日
Beloved Reader:ーThe following work, an exposition of the twentieth chapter of the Revelation to the Apostle John, was written by Peter Jan Twisk, a minister of the Baptizo-minded Church, who lived ……続きを見る
Eschatology or The Catholic Doctrine of the Last Things
著者:Joseph Pohle
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2020年11月24日
DEFINITION.ーEschatology is the crown and capstone of dogmatic theology. It may be defined as “the doctrine of the last things,” and tells how the creatures called into being and raised to the supe……続きを見る
The Last Things
著者:Joseph Agar Beet
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2020年11月24日
THIS volume embodies the careful research and thought of thirty years. During the whole of that time the topics of which it treats have been matters of keen controversy between sincere and earnest s……続きを見る
Immortality and the Modern Mind
著者:Kirsopp Lake
出版社: CrossReach Publications
発売日: 2020年11月24日
First. In carrying out the wishes of my late beloved father, George Goldthwait Ingersoll, as declared by him in his last will and testament, I give and bequeath to Harvard University in Cambridge, M……続きを見る
The Messianic People
著者:Gert Jan Boender
出版社: Jilco Ministries
発売日: 2020年11月27日
The Messianic People The place of Israel within a reformed framework This book is an attempt to dialogue. Therefore it should not be considered as a definitive solution to a theological problem. Nei……続きを見る
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