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商品件数:276692 31件~60件 (100ページ中 2ページめ)
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Facial Action Coding System 5.0 (20th Edition)
著者:A. Freitas-Magalhães
出版社: FEELab Science Books
発売日: 2024年02月03日
F-M FACS 5.0 is the pioneering and revolutionary creation of the most powerful and consensual instrument to scientifically measure and understand emotion in the human face, defends Prof. Freitas-Mag……続きを見る
The Staff Engineer's Path
著者:Tanya Reilly
出版社: O'Reilly Media
発売日: 2022年09月20日
For years, companies have rewarded their most effective engineers with management positions. But treating management as the default path for an engineer with leadership ability doesn't serve the ind……続きを見る
Planning for Equitable Urban Agriculture in the United States
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年04月20日
This open access book, building on the legacy of food systems scholar and advocate, Jerome Kaufman, examines the potential and pitfalls of planning for urban agriculture (UA) in the United States, e……続きを見る
Effective and Equitable Teacher Practice in Mathematics and Science Education
出版社: Springer Nature Switzerland
発売日: 2024年04月20日
This open access book presents original research on effective and equitable teacher practice in mathematics and science education across Nordic countries. It focuses on three key aspects of teacher ……続きを見る
The Gravity of Math
著者:Steve Nadis, Shing-Tung Yau
出版社: Basic Books
発売日: 2024年04月16日
**"A must-read.”ーAvi Loeb, New York Times–bestselling author of Extraterrestrial One of the preeminent mathematicians of the past half century shows how physics and math were combined to give us th……続きを見る
The Art of Explanation
著者:Ros Atkins
出版社: Headline
発売日: 2023年09月14日
'For all those who want their audiences to listen and understand' JEREMY BOWEN | 'Precision, deftness and a calming expertise' THE TIMES Do you worry about holding people's attention during presenta……続きを見る
The Dawn of Everything
著者:David Graeber, David Wengrow
出版社: Penguin Books Ltd
発売日: 2021年10月19日
著者:セン姆斯.艾希頓 James Ashton
出版社: 商業周刊
発売日: 2024年03月01日
★《金融時報》2023年夏日最佳圖書★ 填補晶片戰爭中缺少的一塊拼圖 萬物藍圖的設計師──安謀 從人工智慧、物聯網、電動車到AI運算商機 看他如何顛覆半導體業的商業模式,讓晶片設計無所不在! 如火如荼的半導體戰火……続きを見る
著者:Fu-Bao Yang, Ji-Ping Huang
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2024年04月12日
This open access book presents a comprehensive exploration of diffusion metamaterials that control energy and mass diffusion. Currently, if from the perspective of governing equations, diffusion met……続きを見る
Engaged Decision Making
著者:Etiënne A. J. A. Rouwette, L. Alberto Franco
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2024年04月11日
In the knowledge economy, teams play a central role in decisions made within and across organisations. The reason why teams with diverse compositions are often used is arguably their ability to deve……続きを見る
The Nature of Science in Science Education
出版社: Springer Netherlands
発売日: 2016年02月17日
The Nature of Science in Science Education is the first book to blend a justification for the inclusion of the history and philosophy of science in science teaching with methods by which this vital ……続きを見る
著者:Joel Pearson
出版社: Headline
発売日: 2024年03月28日
We have all experienced a 'gut reaction' or acted 'on a hunch' – we've used our intuition. Until recently, science didn't have a good explanation for how intuition works. In fact, some scientists di……続きを見る
MEMS Product Development
著者:Alissa M. Fitzgerald, Carolyn D. White, Charles C. Chung
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2021年04月17日
Drawing on their experiences in successfully executing hundreds of MEMS development projects, the authors present the first practical guide to navigating the technical and business challenges of MEM……続きを見る
Quantum Mechanics and Bayesian Machines
著者:George Chapline
出版社: World Scientific Publishing Company
発売日: 2023年05月18日
This compendium brings together the fields of Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, and Neuromorphic Computing. It provides an elementary introduction for students and researchers interested in quant……続きを見る
An Introduction to Artificial Psychology
著者:Hojjatollah Farahani, Marija Blagojević, Parviz Azadfallah, Peter Watson, Forough Esrafilian, Sara Saljoughi
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年06月19日
Artificial Psychology (AP) is a highly multidisciplinary field of study in psychology. AP tries to solve problems which occur when psychologists do research and need a robust analysis method. Conven……続きを見る
Virtual Reality
出版社: River Publishers
発売日: 2022年09月02日
Although the emergence of virtual reality (VR) goes back to the 1960s, with the recent availability of low-cost and high-accuracy systems it has become increasingly prevalent in a wide variety of ar……続きを見る
著者:哈拉瑞, Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: 天下文化出版社
発売日: 2022年10月27日
【作者新版序言+新増史證修訂】 《人類大歷史》為什麼能夠在國際暢銷書榜上爆衝? 原因很簡單,它處理的是歷史的大問題、現代世界的大問題, 而且,它的寫作風格是刻骨銘心的生動。你會愛上它! ーー戴蒙(Jared D……続きを見る
Future Care
著者:Jag Singh, M.D.
出版社: Mayo Clinic Press
発売日: 2023年06月13日
**WITH A FOREWORD BY SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE A renowned cardiologist and Harvard professor spells out the future digital shift of medicine ー and how it will impact the lives not only of patients and h……続きを見る
漁業推廣月刊 448期
出版社: 農業部漁業署
発売日: 2024年04月01日
漁業推廣月刊自1968年創刊,讀者群涵蓋學生、漁民及業相關人士,以推廣臺灣漁業為宗,內容包括漁業文化、每期專題報導、漁業專欄、生態保育、漁業管理、 休間、美食等。 続きを見る
Fluid Flow in Fractured Rocks
著者:Robert W. Zimmerman, Adriana Paluszny
出版社: Wiley
発売日: 2023年12月20日
FLUID FLOW IN FRACTURED ROCKS "The definitive treatise on the subject for many years to come" (Prof. Ruben Juanes, MIT) Authoritative textbook that provides a comprehensive and up-to-date introducti……続きを見る
Trabalho de campo
出版社: Editora da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
発売日: 2024年04月01日
Este livro aborda algo caro à ciência geográfica: o trabalho de campo. Trata-se de uma prática amplamente difundida no fazer dos geógrafos e das geógrafas e uma estratégia de ensino, pesquisa e exte……続きを見る
Soccer Analytics
著者:Clive Beggs
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2024年03月11日
Sports analytics is on the rise, with top soccer clubs, bookmakers, and broadcasters all employing statisticians and data scientists to gain an edge over their competitors. Many popular books have b……続きを見る
Bayesian Filter Design for Computational Medicine
著者:Dilranjan S. Wickramasuriya, Rose T. Faghih
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年03月30日
This book serves as a tutorial that explains how different state estimators (Bayesian filters) can be built when all or part of the observations are binary. The book begins by briefly motivating the……続きを見る
Photonic Quantum Technologies
出版社: Wiley
発売日: 2023年05月26日
Photonic Quantum Technologies Brings together top-level research results to enable the development of practical quantum devices In Photonic Quantum Technologies: Science and Applications, the editor……続きを見る
Resilience through Knowledge Co-Production
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2022年06月30日
Confronted with the complex environmental crises of the Anthropocene, scientists have moved towards an interdisciplinary approach to address challenges that are both social and ecological. Several a……続きを見る
The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I
出版社: Springer New York
発売日: 2016年05月19日
This is the most comprehensive survey of the mathematical life of the legendary Paul Erdős (1913-1996), one of the most versatile and prolific mathematicians of our time. For the first time, all the……続きを見る
The Transformation of the World
著者:Jürgen Osterhammel
出版社: Princeton University Press
発売日: 2014年04月13日
A panoramic global history of the nineteenth century A monumental history of the nineteenth century, The Transformation of the World offers a panoramic and multifaceted portrait of a world in transi……続きを見る
著者:Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: HarperCollins
発売日: 2015年02月10日
New York Times Bestseller A Summer Reading Pick for President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity’s creation and evol……続きを見る
著者:哈拉瑞, Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: 天下文化出版社
発売日: 2022年10月27日
《21世紀的21堂課》全新修訂改版! 在一個資訊滿滿卻多半無用的世界上, 清楚易懂的見解,就成了一種力量。 ーー 哈拉瑞 在《人類大歷史》,哈拉瑞展現了他「後見之明」的洞識,深刻闡述了人類簡史; 在《人類大命……続きを見る
Our Ancient Lakes
著者:Jeffrey McKinnon
出版社: MIT Press
発売日: 2023年10月17日
The unexpected diversity, beauty, and strangeness of life in ancient lakesーsome millions of years oldーand the remarkable insights the lakes are yielding about the causes of biodiversity. Most lake……続きを見る
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