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商品件数:277403 121件~150件 (100ページ中 5ページめ)
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The Engineer's Sketch-Book
著者:Thomas Walter Barber
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年08月15日
Thomas Walter Barber's 'The Engineer's Sketch-Book' is a comprehensive exploration of engineering principles and practices, presented in a concise and accessible manner. The book is structured as a ……続きを見る
Lives of the Engineers
著者:Samuel Smiles
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In Samuel Smiles' 'Lives of the Engineers', readers are taken on a literary journey through the lives of prominent engineers throughout history. The book, written in a biographical style, provides d……続きを見る
The Life of the Bee
著者:Maurice Maeterlinck
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Maurice Maeterlinck's 'The Life of the Bee' is a groundbreaking work that delves into the fascinating world of bees, providing readers with a detailed exploration of their complex social structures ……続きを見る
The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology
著者:J. E. Marr
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology' by J. E. Marr, readers are taken on a comprehensive exploration of the principles governing the study of the Earth's layered rocks and their interpreta……続きを見る
Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., Past President of the Institute of Civil Engineers
著者:John Sir Rennie
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年08月15日
In 'Autobiography of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., Past President of the Institute of Civil Engineers', author John Sir Rennie offers a detailed account of his life and accomplishments in the field of ci……続きを見る
The Principles of Leather Manufacture
著者:H. R. Procter
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Principles of Leather Manufacture' by H. R. Procter, readers are introduced to a comprehensive guide on the various processes involved in leather production. Procter meticulously outlines th……続きを見る
The Power of Movement in Plants
著者:Charles Darwin, Francis Sir Darwin
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Power of Movement in Plants,' readers are presented with a compelling anthology that meticulously explores the dynamic realm of plant physiology, specifically focusing on the intricacies of ……続きを見る
History of Astronomy
著者:George Forbes
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
George Forbes' 'History of Astronomy' provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the development of astronomy from ancient times to modern discoveries. Forbes presents the scientific advancem……続きを見る
A Shepherd's Life: Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs
著者:W. H. Hudson
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'A Shepherd's Life: Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs' by W.H. Hudson, the author vividly depicts the pastoral beauty of the English countryside and the simple yet fulfilling life of a she……続きを見る
The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms
著者:Charles Darwin
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms,' Charles Darwin delves into the intricate process by which earthworms contribute to the formation of soil. Darwin combines scientifi……続きを見る
The Social Psychology of Perceiving Others Accurately
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2016年01月22日
We are constantly forming impressions about those around us. Social interaction depends on our understanding of interpersonal behavior - assessing one another's personality, emotions, thoughts and f……続きを見る
The Royal Observatory, Greenwich
著者:E. Walter Maunder
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Royal Observatory, Greenwich' by E. Walter Maunder, readers are taken on a fascinating journey through the history and significance of the observatory in Greenwich. Maunder's writing style i……続きを見る
Power and Progress
著者:Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson
出版社: PublicAffairs
発売日: 2023年05月16日
The bestselling co-author of Why Nations Fail and the bestselling co-author of 13 Bankers deliver a bold reinterpretation of economics and history that will fundamentally change how you see the worl……続きを見る
Pearls and Pebbles; or, Notes of an Old Naturalist
著者:Catharine Parr Traill
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年08月16日
In 'Pearls and Pebbles; or, Notes of an Old Naturalist', Catharine Parr Traill provides readers with a captivating blend of personal observations, scientific reflections, and poetic descriptions of ……続きを見る
The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
著者:Charles Darwin
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In his seminal work, 'The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex', Charles Darwin delves into the complexities of human evolution and the role of sexual selection. Through detailed observa……続きを見る
Concerning Animals and Other Matters
著者:Edward Hamilton Aitken
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'Concerning Animals and Other Matters' by Edward Hamilton Aitken, the author presents a collection of fascinating stories and insights on the natural world. Written in a charming and descriptive ……続きを見る
A Catechism of the Steam Engine
著者:John C. E. Bourne
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
John C. E. Bourne's 'A Catechism of the Steam Engine' is a comprehensive guide to understanding the operation and mechanics of steam engines. Written in a clear and concise manner, the book covers t……続きを見る
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
著者:Bill Gates
出版社: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
発売日: 2021年02月16日
**#1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practicalーand accessibleーplan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions i……続きを見る
The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou
著者:Ernest Thompson Seton
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Ernest Thompson Seton's 'The Arctic Prairies: a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou' is a captivating account of his immersive exploration of the Canadian Arctic wilderness. Seton'……続きを見る
Popular Books on Natural Science
著者:Aaron David Bernstein
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Aaron David Bernstein's 'Popular Books on Natural Science' is a seminal work that delves into various scientific disciplines in an accessible and engaging manner. Through clear and concise explanati……続きを見る
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms
著者:Thomas Bassnett
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms' by Thomas Bassnett, the author delves into the intricacies of meteorology and weather patterns, proposing a groundbreaking mechanical theory to explain……続きを見る
Contemporary Peacemaking
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2022年02月13日
This fully updated third-edition of Contemporary Peacemaking is a state of the art overview of peacemaking in relation to contemporary civil wars. It examines best (and worst) practice in relation t……続きを見る
Sustainable Structures and Buildings
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年02月19日
This open access book includes detail on various structures, buildings, and building materials from different structural and sustainability perspectives. It describes how the building industry is vi……続きを見る
The Ethics of Space Exploration
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2016年08月23日
This book aims to contribute significantly to the understanding of issues of value (including the ultimate value of space-related activities) which repeatedly emerge in interdisciplinary discussions……続きを見る
A Measure Theoretical Approach to Quantum Stochastic Processes
著者:Wilhelm Waldenfels
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2016年05月31日
This monograph takes as starting point that abstract quantum stochastic processes can be understood as a quantum field theory in one space and in one time coordinate. As a result it is appropriate t……続きを見る
Legge di Ohm
著者:Sandro Ronca
出版社: Sandro Ronca Streetlib
発売日: 2024年02月18日
"Legge di Ohm" è il primo di una serie di agili volumi, con i quali l'Autore, forte di una lunga e consolidata esperienza didattica, si propone di avvivicinare, con semplicità e rapidità, i lettori ……続きを見る
حالة الأغذية والزراعة 2023
著者:منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月13日
تعود النظم الزراعية والغذائية بفوائد جمة على المجتمع، بما فيها الأغذية التي تغذينا وفرص العمل وسبل العيش لأكثر من مليار شخص. ولكنّ آثارها السلبية الناجمة عن الأنشطة والممارسات المعتادة غير المستدامة……続きを見る
Taxidermy without a Teacher
著者:Walter Porter Manton
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'Taxidermy without a Teacher,' Walter Porter Manton delves into the art of taxidermy without the need for formal instruction. Through clear and concise instructions, Manton guides readers through……続きを見る
Положение дел в области продовольствия и сельского хозяйства 2023
著者:Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月13日
Однако негативные последствия их функционирования, являющиеся результатом сложившихся в прошлые годы не соответствующих принципам устойчивости видов деятельности иźприемов, приводят к изменению клим……続きを見る
Nanotecnologia, sociedade e meio ambiente
著者:Jorge Luiz Dos Santos Junior, Paulo Roberto Martins
出版社: Paco e Littera
発売日: 2024年02月15日
Reflita sobre o futuro da ciência e da sociedade no livro Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente: debates na fronteira do conhecimento. Esta obra mergulha no fascinante mundo da nanotecnologia, e……続きを見る
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