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商品件数:277426 151件~180件 (100ページ中 6ページめ)
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The Sociology of Disaster
著者:Thomas E. Drabek
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2019年09月16日
In a book as illuminating as it is captivating, Thomas E. Drabek presents an in-depth analysis of the emotional impacts of disaster events and the many ripple effects that follow. Through the techni……続きを見る
2023年粮食及农业状况: 核算粮食真实成本,促进农业粮食体系转型
著者:联合国粮食 及农业组织
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月13日
《2023年粮食及农业状况》为打造可持续的农业粮食体系核算了真实的粮食成本。本报告介绍了农业粮食体系的环境、社会和健康隐性成本和收益的概念,提出了评估这些成本和收益的方法 ー 真实成本核算。为了落实真实成……続きを見る
Frontiers in Biophotonics for Translational Medicine
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2015年12月29日
The present book provides recent developments in various in vivo imaging and sensing techniques such as photo acoustics (PA) imaging and microscopy, ultrasound-PA combined modalities, optical cohere……続きを見る
Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年02月13日
This open access book gathers original contributions focused on the transition of the European steel industry to Industry 4.0. It not only investigates how Industry 4.0 can enhance productivity, cos……続きを見る
Encyclopedia of Knot Theory
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2020年12月02日
"Knot theory is a fascinating mathematical subject, with multiple links to theoretical physics. This enyclopedia is filled with valuable information on a rich and fascinating subject." – Ed Witten, ……続きを見る
On Architecting Fully Homomorphic Encryption-based Computing Systems
著者:Rashmi Agrawal, Ajay Joshi
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2023年07月24日
This book provides an introduction to the key concepts of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)-based computing, and discusses the challenges associated with architecting FHE-based computing systems. R……続きを見る
iPhone Unlocked for the Non-Tech Savvy
著者:Kevin Pitch
出版社: ​Kevin Pitch
発売日: 2024年02月13日
Overwhelmed by the pace of modern tech innovation? Having trouble unlocking the capabilities of your shiny new iPhone? Need a guide that makes iPhone's features accessible and enjoyable? The marriag……続きを見る
The Mathematics of Paul Erdős I
出版社: Springer New York
発売日: 2016年05月19日
This is the most comprehensive survey of the mathematical life of the legendary Paul Erdős (1913-1996), one of the most versatile and prolific mathematicians of our time. For the first time, all the……続きを見る
Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
出版社: Springer Nature Switzerland
発売日: 2024年03月11日
This open access book presents a rich set of innovative solutions for artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. The various chapters of the book provide a broad coverage of AI systems for state……続きを見る
Future Care
著者:Jag Singh, M.D.
出版社: Mayo Clinic Press
発売日: 2023年06月13日
**WITH A FOREWORD BY SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE A renowned cardiologist and Harvard professor spells out the future digital shift of medicine ー and how it will impact the lives not only of patients and h……続きを見る
Положение дел в области продовольственной безопасности и питания в мире 2023
著者:Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月07日
В настоящем докладе представлена обновленная информация о прогрессе в решении задач по ликвидации голода и всех форм неполноценного питания (задачи 2.1 и 2.2 ЦУР). 続きを見る
An Introduction to Operator Algebras
著者:Kehe Zhu
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2018年05月11日
An Introduction to Operator Algebras is a concise text/reference that focuses on the fundamental results in operator algebras. Results discussed include Gelfand's representation of commutative C*-al……続きを見る
Proceedings of the 10th Hydrogen Technology Convention, Volume 1
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2024年02月13日
This open access book highlights the latest advances in fundamental research, technologies and applications of hydrogen energy and fuel cells. In recent years, energy conversion between electricity ……続きを見る
La Situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2023: Pour une transformation des systèmes agroalimentaires: connaître le coût véritable des aliments
著者:Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月12日
Or ils ont aussi des incidences négatives, liées aux activités et pratiques non durables actuelles, qui contribuent au changement climatique, à la dégradation des ressources naturelles et à l’inacce……続きを見る
Fronteiras da engenharia e ciências ambientais
出版社: Fundação Editora da UNESP
発売日: 2024年02月06日
Os impactos ambientais decorrentes da ação humana têm se tornado cada vez mais evidentes e intensos, comprometendo o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas e a disponibilidade dos recursos naturais. Nesse cont……続きを見る
Uso público em áreas protegidas
出版社: Fundação Editora da UNESP
発売日: 2024年02月06日
Este livro deriva de uma pesquisa sobre uso público em unidades de conservação (UC), realizada pelo Laboratório de Planejamento Ambiental e Gerenciamento Costeiro (Laplan), sediado no Instituto de B……続きを見る
Echo Chamber and Polarization in Social Media
著者:Muhammad Al Atiqi
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2023年06月30日
This book addresses increasingly relevant social problems enabled by social media through the lens of system science research and modeling. Instead of evaluating existing patterns from existing soci……続きを見る
Arquimedes, Pappus, Descartes e Polya
著者:Inocêncio Fernandes Balieiro Filho
出版社: Fundação Editora da UNESP
発売日: 2024年02月06日
Este livro discute os indícios heurísticos presentes nas obras O método, do pensador grego Arquimedes de Siracusa (287 a.C-212 a.C.); A coleção matemática, do matemático helenístico Pappus de Alexan……続きを見る
The Poetry of Science; or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature
著者:Robert Hunt
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Robert Hunt's 'The Poetry of Science; or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature' is a groundbreaking work that explores the intersection between science and poetry. Written in a captivating an……続きを見る
Glass Manufacture
著者:Walter Rosenhain
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
Walter Rosenhain's 'Glass Manufacture' is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate process behind creating glass, from raw materials to finished product. Written in a clear and accessible style,……続きを見る
The Christic Theory of Everything: Unlocking The Universe's Secrets at The Intersection of Faith and Reason
著者:Alvin Ebreo
出版社: ​Alvin Ebreo
発売日: 2024年02月08日
In "The Christic Theory of Everything," Alvin Ebreo sets forth on a pioneering odyssey, harmonizing the spheres of science and spirituality in a profound quest to unravel the universe's mysteries. T……続きを見る
Klimawandel in Deutschland
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2024年02月17日
Dieses Open-Access-Buch beschreibt die Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Es liefert eine fundierte, fachübergreifende Grundlage für Entscheidungen i……続きを見る
BR-163 em 5 tempos
著者:Messias Modesto dos Passos
出版社: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
発売日: 2024年02月06日
O tema e o conteúdo do livro BR-163 em 5 tempos: uma abordagem geo-foto-gráfica têm caráter essencialmente geográfico, o que desperta o interesse não somente de geógrafos, mas também de profissionai……続きを見る
The Legend of Kupirri, or, The Red Kangaroo
著者:W. A. Cawthorne
出版社: DigiCat
発売日: 2022年09月04日
In 'The Legend of Kupirri, or, The Red Kangaroo' by W. A. Cawthorne, readers are transported to the Australian outback where they encounter the mythical creature, Kupirri, who takes the form of a re……続きを見る
出版社: 圓神出版事業機構
発売日: 2022年02月01日
‧獲選 2021年《Newton》雜誌「百大科學名著」,日本暢銷書! ‧日本亞馬遜超過 500 筆書評湧入,4.5 ★好評推薦! ‧《朝日新聞》《日本經濟新聞》《每日新聞》《讀賣新聞》各大媒體書評盛讚不斷! ‧東京大學教授.腦……続きを見る
著者:查爾斯.謝菲爾徳(Charles Sheppard)
出版社: 大雁文化事業股份有限公司
発売日: 2023年06月28日
珊瑚礁是地質學還是生物學? 珊瑚礁對於海洋生物多樣性有多重要? 氣候變遷如何影響著珊瑚礁的存亡? 健康的珊瑚礁為人類和自然創造多少價值? 打開牛津大學出版社最受歡迎通識讀本, 用最簡明的方式認識珊瑚礁對……続きを見る
El estado mundial de la agricultura y la alimentación 2023: Revelar el verdadero costo de los alimentos para transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios
著者:Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura
出版社: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
発売日: 2024年02月07日
Sin embargo, sus efectos negativos derivados de actividades y prácticas insostenibles orientadas al mantenimiento de las condiciones actuales están contribuyendo al cambio climático, la degradación ……続きを見る
Surgery in and around the Orbit
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2024年01月21日
This OpenAccess - textbook sheds new light on pathology in and around the orbit, which is typically an area where many medical disciplines overlap. Each physician brings a specific expertise, but th……続きを見る
著者:哈拉瑞, Yuval Noah Harari
出版社: 天下文化出版社
発売日: 2022年10月27日
【作者新版序言+新増史證修訂】 《人類大命運》會震撼你!會振奮你! 更重要的是,它會讓你以未曾思慮過的觀點,深思細想。 ーー 康納曼(Daniel Kahneman),《快思慢想》作者 在《人類大歷史》,作者哈拉瑞展現……続きを見る
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