商品件数:1105 811件~840件 (37ページ中 28ページめ)
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Il sogno di Almha
著者:Silvano Costantini
出版社: Booksprint
発売日: 2019年06月27日
Consigliato ad un pubblico 14 Almha è una giovane ragazza irlandese. Come è costume nella società in cui vive, siamo nel 1850, il suo destino è quello di tutte le donne: vivere in casa, accudire i f……続きを見る
著者:Ryan O'Connell
出版社: Galera
発売日: 2019年07月11日
O livro que deu origem à série Special, da Netflix. Como se os desafios de ser um jovem gay com paralisia cerebral não fossem o bastante, Ryan O'Connell viveu todos os clichês de um Millennial. Ele ……続きを見る
Máscara de Muerte
著者:Bruno Costa
出版社: Trayecto Comunicaciones
発売日: 2019年07月24日
En el año 2032, en una versión más decadente e inmoral del mundo que conocemos, un enmascarado combate el mundo del crimen por mano propia motivado por la venganza y el recuerdo tortuoso de la pérdi……続きを見る
著者:Giuliano Colantonio
出版社: Robin Edizioni
発売日: 2019年07月25日
"Avanzi" è una raccolta di racconti poetici. I racconti sono privi di punteggiatura e si delineano in versi. Il manoscritto è diviso in tre parti e ognuna di esse si compone del medesimo numero di r……続きを見る
Innovación pedagógica: El arte de emprender
著者:Andrea Ávila Tinoco, José Alejandro Cheyne García, Margarita Guzmán Bejarano, Martín Franco Vélez
出版社: Editorial Universidad del Rosario
発売日: 2019年03月29日
Las personas, en nuestra complejidad, estamos llamadas a comprender que somos la sumatoria de diferentes aspectos. Ejemplo de ello es cuando entendemos que la razón es un bien invaluable, pero no el……続きを見る
Atomic and Molecular Physics
著者:Luciano Colombo
出版社: Institute of Physics Publishing
発売日: 2019年10月01日
This book introduces the fundamental quantum physics of atoms and molecules. Divided into three parts, the first provides a historical perspective, which leads to the contemporary view of atomic and……続きを見る
La Flandre pendant des trois derniers siècles
著者:Baron Joseph Marie Bruno Constantin Kervyn de Lettenhove
出版社: AMT Edition
発売日: 2019年10月15日
Ce livre numérique est parfaitement adapté et mis en page pour une lecture agréable sur une liseuse numérique, une tablette, ou un smartphone. L'ouvrage est accompagné d'un sommaire intéractif vous ……続きを見る
Royal Blood
著者:Martin O'Connell
出版社: ​Hero Books
発売日: 2019年10月16日
Three times All-Ireland winner, Martin O'Connell was crowned the prince of wing backs in 2000 when he was selected on the GAA's Team of the Millennium, and had a postage stamp issued in his honour. ……続きを見る
Guia Acadêmico de Eletrocardiograma
著者:David Carneiro (Org.), Breno Cotrim (Org.) e Paulo Viana (Org.)
出版社: Autografia
発売日: 2020年01月14日
O Guia Acadêmico de Eletrocardiograma irá lhe conduzir por uma viagem ao fascinante mundo da eletrocardiografia, tornando um assunto de grande dificuldade para muitos em algo fácil de compreender. C……続きを見る
Paw Tracks
著者:Denis John O'Connor
出版社: Little, Brown Book Group
発売日: 2012年10月04日
Scarred by the rejection and humiliation which he suffers at the hands of his unloving father, the young Denis O'Connor finds solace in the woods and riverbanks of his native Northumberland. Neverth……続きを見る
Titres et bourse – Tome 2
著者:Joseph Antoine, Marie-Claire Capiau-Huart, Monsieur Bruno Colmant
出版社: Éditions Larcier
発売日: 2012年10月22日
Cet ouvrage compte deux tomes, dont le premier s'intitule Instruments financiers. Le second, Marchés – Transactions – Placements, analyse les marchés d’Euronext et plus particulièrement d’Euronext B……続きを見る
Java Software Development with Event B
著者:Néstor Cataño Collazos, Luciano Baresi
出版社: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
発売日: 2020年01月27日
The cost of fixing software design flaws after the completion of a software product is so high that it is vital to come up with ways to detect software design flaws in the early stages of software d……続きを見る
Tempi modernissimi
著者:Adriano Colafrancesco
出版社: Chirico Libri
発売日: 2020年03月31日
Provocato dalle infiltrazioni anglofone dei black friday e cyber monday nelle più importanti ricorrenze della nostra secolare tradizione religiose quest’anno, più che mai, ho sentito il bisogno di m……続きを見る
Frases cheias de graça
著者:Pe. Bruno Costa
出版社: Editora Canção Nova
発売日: 2020年04月01日
Com este livro, Padre Bruno Costa, te convida a fazer uma experiência com Deus e refletir sobre sua vida através de 10 frases e testemunhos. Como o livro Frases que nos levam a Deus, este livro nos ……続きを見る
Customer at the Heart
著者:John O'Connor, Peter Whitelaw
出版社: Publicious Book Publishing
発売日: 2020年04月15日
About ‘Customer at the Heart - How B2B Leaders Build Successful Customer-Centric Organisations Could a business leader learn anything about customer centricity from 15 senior executives who have bee……続きを見る
Fable of a Died out race
著者:Nino Cortesi
出版社: Alkemia Books
発売日: 2016年12月21日
Once upon a time there was a thought that came from on high that said words to this ef〓fect: ‘Life on Earth will be better if one overcomes the principle of conflict.’ The sheer energy spent in con……続きを見る
La forza di Coline
著者:Silvano Costantini
出版社: Booksprint
発売日: 2020年04月20日
Consigliato ad un pubblico 14+ Coline è una donna di successo, giornalista affermata convive con un uomo, Leonard, con il quale ha un rapporto conflittuale. Lui le vuole molto bene, ma è gelosissimo……続きを見る
Julia et Sébastien
著者:Valérie Richard, Bruno Couturier
出版社: Fernand Lanore
発売日: 2020年04月21日
Alors que naît une forte attraction entre Julia et Sébastien, célibataires trentenaires, s’entremêlent émotions, éclats de rire, sensualité partagée et aussi projections et incompréhension. Comme da……続きを見る
Rosalia Perlungo
著者:Trittico siciliano con polena
出版社: Kimerik
発売日: 2020年05月05日
Storie di un’isola, metafora del venire e del partire, del vivere e del morire. Tre racconti che si muovono al rintocco lento di un orologio metafisico, che sfumano dalla realtà al mito, che narrano……続きを見る
Recuperando - Per una giustizia ripartiva
著者:Massimiliano Compagnone
出版社: Booksprint
発売日: 2020年05月14日
Il saggio vuol trattare in maniera ampia e articolata il tema della pena e della carcerazione, partendo da ciò che storicamente era considerato “giusto” poter fare contro qualcuno che avesse commess……続きを見る
No More Dirty Looks
著者:Siobhan O'Connor, Alexandra Spunt
出版社: Hachette Books
発売日: 2010年07月13日
It started with a harmless quest for perfect wash-and-go hair. Every girl wants it, and Siobhan O'Connor and Alexandra Spunt finally found it in a fancy salon treatment. They were thrilled -- until ……続きを見る
Mark Felt
著者:Mark Felt, John O'Connor
出版社: PublicAffairs
発売日: 2017年09月26日
Mark Felt's role in history was secured when he decided to share his views on the Watergate break-in with a young reporter on the Washington Post named Bob Woodward. He made sure that the greatest p……続きを見る
And Now We Have Everything
著者:Meaghan O'Connell
出版社: Little, Brown and Company
発売日: 2018年04月10日
A raw, funny, and fiercely honest account of becoming a mother before feeling like a grown up. When Meaghan O'Connell got accidentally pregnant in her twenties and decided to keep the baby, she real……続きを見る
Astronomía. Aprenda a utilizar su telescopio
著者:Jordi Lopesino Corral
出版社: Marcombo
発売日: 2020年05月26日
Si siente curiosidad por todo lo relacionado con la astronomía pero no sabe por dónde empezar, este es su libro. Astronomía, aprenda a utilizar su telescopio detalla paso a paso cómo observar el cie……続きを見る
Awakening, The; Cyberevolution I
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月13日
They were the latest weaponryーcyborg soldiersーa melding of robotics and biological materials conceived to integrate them with their human counterparts--except they were scary-big and so powerful t……続きを見る
Total Recall; Cyberevolution II
著者:Kaitlyn O'Connor
出版社: New Concepts Publishing
発売日: 2015年12月08日
Chloe wasn’t worried when she got the recall notice on the cyborgs. There was nothing wrong with Kane and Jared. They were hers, and the company was going to play hell finding them and reclaiming th……続きを見る
Cronica delle cose occorrenti ne' tempi suoi
著者:Dino Compagni
出版社: epf
発売日: 2020年06月19日
Scritto ai primi del Trecento in una fresca e efficace prosa in volgare è uno dei più importanti testi contemporanei a Dante Alighieri e parla spesso degli stessi personaggi e avvenimenti storici, c……続きを見る
Odisea 1874 o el primer viaje internacional de científicos mexicanos
著者:Marco Arturo Moreno Corral
出版社: Fondo de Cultura Económica
発売日: 2013年05月09日
Crónica del viaje a Japón que en 1874 emprendió un grupo de astrónomos mexicanos con el fin de realizar observaciones del tránsito de Venus alrededor del Sol, para efectuar diversos experimentos y d……続きを見る
Bridge Loads
著者:Colin O'Connor, Peter Shaw
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2020年02月25日
This book provides a detailed summary of bridge loads from an international perspective. The authors cover all aspects from the methodology behind the calculation of bridge loads and the complex int……続きを見る
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