商品件数:1450 241件~270件 (49ページ中 9ページめ)
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The Diversity Index
著者:Susan E. Reed
発売日: 2011年04月29日
Are we better off today than we were 50 years ago? Nearly 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement, there is a new crisis of opportunity in corporate America. Based on the author's groundbreaking st……続きを見る
Sentirsi parte della squadra
著者:Emanuele Rapisarda
出版社: Emanuele Rapisarda
発売日: 2014年09月03日
Un libro che rappresenta la chiave di volta per comprendere uno dei fallimenti più grandi del mondo del lavoro di questo secolo. Passando in rassegna centinaia di studi scientifici ed economici sono……続きを見る
Risk Management – La norma ISO 31000:2018 - La metodologia per applicare efficacemente il risk management in tutti i contesti
著者:Ioannis Tsiouras
出版社: Youcanprint
発売日: 2015年04月20日
Le organizzazioni nello svolgimento delle proprie attività si imbattono in delle incertezze, dovute a fattori inerenti ai loro contesti. Le incertezze sono fonte di rischio e le organizzazioni cerca……続きを見る
Pensiero basato sul rischio. Risk-based thinking
著者:Ioanis Tsiouras
出版社: Youcanprint
発売日: 2016年02月01日
Il Pensiero basato sul rischio (risk-based thinking) è il concetto introdotto dalle norme di nuova generazione sui di sistemi di gestione, come la ISO 9001, la ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 22301 e ……続きを見る
1000 aforismi e citazioni ad uso aziendale e non solo.
著者:Gianluca Gambirasio
出版社: Olympos Group
発売日: 2010年07月23日
Da sempre raccolgo e archivio frasi e pensieri che mi piacciono e che mi servono per l’attività di formatore aziendale ed anche per un interesse personale. Nei precedenti libri che ho pubblicato ho ……続きを見る
Führen und gesund bleiben
著者:Andreas Zimber
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2018年07月07日
Führungskräfte in Sandwich-Positionen erfahren in diesem Buch in 5 Schritten mit dem PsyGeMa-Präventionsprogramm, wie sie mit Stress und Belastung möglichst gesund umgehen können. Untersuchungen zei……続きを見る
著者:Andreas Gadatsch
出版社: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag
発売日: 2016年01月07日
Viele Unternehmen planen dem zunehmenden Kosten- und Leistungsdruck in der IT etwas entgegenzusetzen. Das IT-Controlling-Konzept liefert hierzu die passenden Methoden. Das Buch erklärt in kompakter ……続きを見る
著者:Antje Heimsoeth
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2018年05月15日
Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein sowie ein gutes Selbstmanagement sind Schlüsselfaktoren für den Erfolg – nicht nur im Business. Besonders für Frauen stellen diese Themen eine besondere Herausford……続きを見る
The Nature of Contemporary Organization Development
著者:Anne Clare Gillon
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年04月03日
The nature of contemporary Organisation Development (OD) is often written about by both scholars and practitioners, yet there is little evidence of these descriptions (or debates on key issues) havi……続きを見る
Theory of Practical Cellular Automaton
著者:Xuewei Li, Jinpei Wu, Xueyan Li
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2018年05月19日
This book addresses the intellectual foundations, function, modeling approaches and complexity of cellular automata; explores cellular automata in combination with genetic algorithms, neural network……続きを見る
L’arte di cambiare. Pratiche di leadership orizzontale per la business transformation
著者:Adriaan Bekman
出版社: goWare & Guerini Next
発売日: 2018年05月28日
Una domanda da decenni ricorrente tra i dirigenti delle organizzazioni è: «Come posso motivare i miei collaboratori in modo che intraprendano in prima persona - grazie al loro senso di responsabilit……続きを見る
The Fundamentals of Developing Operational Solutions for the Government
著者:Chiang H. Ren
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年07月26日
The Fundamentals of Developing Operational Solutions for the Government guides professionals on how to use operations research to solve problems and capture opportunities for government customers. T……続きを見る
Lean Marketing & Sales. Oltre il prodotto: vendere soluzioni
著者:Alessandro Martemucci
出版社: goWare & Guerini Next
発売日: 2018年06月27日
Il Lean Marketing è un metodo innovativo che ripensa prodotti, servizi e strategie partendo dal cliente, dalla soluzione di un suo problema o dall’unicità di un’esperienza che gli viene offerta. Il ……続きを見る
The Business Model
著者:Danny G. Langdon, Kathleen S. Langdon
出版社: Performance International
発売日: 2018年07月29日
Langdon is a systems kind of guy who hates meetings, isn't fond of working, and can't stand work stupidity. Sitting through tons of meetings and reorga-nizations that did little to improve work effe……続きを見る
Outcome-Driven Business Architecture
著者:Amit Tiwary, Bhuvan Unhelkar
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2017年09月01日
This book discusses business architecture as a basis for aligning efforts with outcomes. It views BA as complementary to enterprise architecture, where the focus of technological initiatives and inv……続きを見る
Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks
著者:Norman Fenton, Martin Neil
出版社: CRC Press
発売日: 2018年08月08日
Since the first edition of this book published, Bayesian networks have become even more important for applications in a vast array of fields. This second edition includes new material on influence d……続きを見る
Winning Minds
著者:Simon Lancaster
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2018年08月25日
Es gibt Geheimnisse überzeugender Kommunikation: eine geheime Kombination körperlicher, verbaler und vokaler Reize und Signale, die schon seit Zehntausenden von Jahren existieren und nach wie vor da……続きを見る
The Working Model
著者:Danny G. Langdon, Kathleen S. Langdon
出版社: Performance International
発売日: 2018年08月08日
Langdon is a systems kind of guy who hates meetings, isn't fond of working, and can't stand work stupidity. As a worker sitting through tons of meetings that got little accomplished to improve work,……続きを見る
Ihr Weg zur Marke "ICH"
著者:Anja Mahlstedt
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2018年10月22日
Für unsere Karrieregestaltung können wir viel von Markenmachern lernen. Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich damit, wie wir unsere ICH-Marke gestalten und etablieren können. Eine Toolbox gibt Ihnen dafür ko……続きを見る
Einführung in die Optimierung
著者:Christian Grimme, Jakob Bossek
出版社: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
発売日: 2018年10月19日
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt einen breiten und grundlegenden Einblick in die Methoden der mathematischen Optimierung. Im Fokus stehen Algorithmen, verschiedene Optimierungsprobleme und ihre Komplexitä……続きを見る
Input-Output Models for Sustainable Industrial Systems
著者:Raymond R. Tan, Kathleen B. Aviso, Michael Angelo B. Promentilla, Krista Danielle S. Yu, Joost R. Santos
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2018年09月13日
This book addresses the specialized topic of input–output models for sustainable industrial systems. While these models are well-established tools for economic analysis, their underlying mathematica……続きを見る
How to Mind Map: The Ultimate Thinking Tool That Will Change Your Life
著者:Tony Buzan
出版社: HarperCollins Publishers
発売日: 2018年09月28日
A practical mini ebook guide that teaches you how to Mind Map with ease from Tony Buzan, the inventor of the Mind Map. Mind Maps® are the ultimate thinking tool for maximizing your brainpower and ra……続きを見る
Analytical Techniques in the Assessment of Credit Risk
著者:Michalis Doumpos, Christos Lemonakis, Dimitrios Niklis, Constantin Zopounidis
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年11月13日
This book provides a unique, focused introduction to the analytical skills, methods and techniques in the assessment of credit risk that are necessary to tackle and analyze complex credit problems. ……続きを見る
Freedom Inc. Come liberare il potenziale delle persone e la performance delle imprese
著者:Brian M. Carney, Isaac Getz
出版社: goWare & Guerini Next
発売日: 2018年10月03日
«Mi auguro la lettura di questo libro possa aiutarvi a trovare la via del cambiamento com’è successo a noi!» Nicolas Hennon, CEO di Kiabi Che cos’è un’impresa “liberata”? Chi e che cosa sta ingabbia……続きを見る
The Wellbeing Workout
著者:Rick Hughes, Andrew Kinder, Cary L. Cooper
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2018年10月05日
If you want to get physically fit you start working out. But if you want results, you can’t just do just any workout – you need one tailored to your own body’s needs and personal situation. It’s the……続きを見る
The BASICS Lean™ Implementation Model
著者:Charles W. Protzman III, Daniel Protzman, William Keen
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年10月09日
In 2004 Charlie Protzman created The BASICS Lean Implementation Model, which covers the full spectrum of what is needed to be effective and successful at implementing a Lean System. The reader is ta……続きを見る
Conception des systèmes - Pilotage, informations et risques
著者:Guy Trocellier, Max Lamotte, Daniel Leroy
出版社: Publishroom
発売日: 2018年10月11日
Comment orienter les choix ? Comment garder la maîtrise du management ? Comment gérer les risques ? Comment orienter les choix ? Comment garder la maîtrise du management ? Comment gérer les risques ……続きを見る
Knowledge Management as a Strategic Asset
著者:Jon-Arild Johannessen
出版社: Emerald Publishing Limited
発売日: 2018年11月01日
Since it was established as a discipline in 1991, knowledge management has contributed significantly to our understanding of how firms can achieve competitive advantage. To build a foundation for co……続きを見る
From Business Strategy to Information Technology Roadmap
著者:Tiffany Pham, David K. Pham, Andrew Pham
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2018年09月10日
Whether you are a CEO, CFO, board member, or an IT executive, From Business Strategy to Information Technology Roadmap: A Practical Guide for Executives and Board Members lays out a practical, how-t……続きを見る
Linear Programming and Resource Allocation Modeling
著者:Michael J. Panik
出版社: Wiley
発売日: 2018年10月26日
Guides in the application of linear programming to firm decision making, with the goal of giving decision-makers a better understanding of methods at their disposal Useful as a main resource or as a……続きを見る
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