商品件数:353 271件~300件 (12ページ中 10ページめ)
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El derecho de la función pública y el servicio civil
著者:Janeyri Boyer
出版社: Fondo Editorial de la PUCP
発売日: 2020年03月26日
Este libro contiene una explicación concisa y a la vez rigurosa de los principales temas del servicio civil. Parte del derecho fundamental de acceso a los cargos públicos y de las importantes difere……続きを見る
Application of Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses by Investor-State Arbitral Tribunals
著者:Tanjina Sharmin
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2020年04月02日
This book comprehensively examines various issues regarding the scope of Most-Favoured Nation (MFN) Clauses in International Investment Agreements (IIAs), and addresses the reform, interpretation, a……続きを見る
El arbitraje al derecho y al revés
著者:Francisco González de Cossío
出版社: Palestra Editores
発売日: 2020年04月08日
En este primer volumen, que es parte de la colección Litigio Arbitral, el autor abarca las principales cuestiones del arbitraje, desde una mirada acuciosa y crítica, analizando varios aspectos actua……続きを見る
Io medio
著者:Ferdinando Carbone
出版社: Primiceri Editore Srls
発売日: 2020年04月29日
Il libro offre una carrellata di episodi di vita vissuta in situazioni di contrasto o addirittura di conflitto, nelle quali si cerca di individuare la strada difficile, ma possibile, della trasforma……続きを見る
Dispute System Design
著者:Lisa Blomgren Amsler, Janet Martinez, Stephanie E. Smith
出版社: Stanford University Press
発売日: 2020年06月02日
Dispute System Design walks readers through the art of successfully designing a system for preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts and legally-framed disputes. Drawing on decades of expertise ……続きを見る
South African Paralegalism and Holistic Mediation
著者:Johan Claassens
出版社: ​Johan Claassens
発売日: 2020年05月14日
South African Paralegalism and Holistic Mediation By Johan Claassens (Mpsy.D) Ph.D Attorneys teach paralegals the law, but only a successful paralegal can teach another paralegal how to run a succes……続きを見る
Negoziare Con La Banca
出版社: Bruno Editore
発売日: 2020年06月09日
È opinione comune che le Banche siano soggetti di cui diffidare; i mass media parlano di crack bancari, commissariamenti, salvataggi di Stato, truffe, soldi spariti nel nulla per colpa delle ‘bolle ……続きを見る
The Unruly Notion of Abuse of Rights
著者:Jan Paulsson
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2020年08月06日
Everyone condemns what they perceive as 'abuse of rights', and some would elevate it to a general principle of law. But the notion seldom suffices to be applied as a rule of decision. When adjudicat……続きを見る
著者:Christine Susanne Rabe, Martin Wode
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2020年10月01日
Das Buch vermittelt praxisbezogen die grundlegenden Prinzipien, Methoden und den Ablauf der erfolgreichen Mediation. Im Mittelpunkt stehen bewährte Kommunikations- und Gesprächstechniken, Beginn und……続きを見る
著者:Rajendra M. Abhyankar
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2020年09月10日
The book focuses, through multiple levels of international reality, on the pervasive and widespread effect of the Syrian civil war on the unravelling of established norms---both global or national--……続きを見る
State-to-state Arbitration based on International Investment Agreements
著者:Angshuman Hazarika
出版社: Springer International Publishing
発売日: 2020年10月16日
This book discusses the use of the compromissory clause in international investment agreements (IIAs) for interstate dispute resolution. It puts forward the possibility of using state-to-state arbit……続きを見る
Negocjowanie w 4 etapach
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2020年10月03日
Co to są negocjacje strategiczne i jak to działa? Jak zdobywa się wiedzę specjalistyczną w tej dziedzinie? Jaką strategię można wdrożyć, aby spróbować rozwiązać konflikty w sposób dogodny dla wszyst……続きを見る
The Nationality of Corporate Investors under International Investment Law
著者:Dr Anil Yilmaz Vastardis
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2020年10月21日
This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the……続きを見る
Rules and Practices of International Investment Law and Arbitration
著者:Yannick Radi
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2020年10月31日
International investment law and arbitration is its own 'galaxy', made up of thousands of treaties to be read in relation to hundreds of awards. It is also diverse, as treaty and arbitration practic……続きを見る
Practical Guide to Litigation
著者:Jonathan Leslie, John Kingston
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年10月29日
Against the background of Lord Woolf's interim report "Access to Justice", this text includes accounts of tactical matters and practical litigation "tips", as well as descriptions of the procedures ……続きを見る
Role of Domestic Courts in the Settlement of Investor-State Disputes
著者:A. Saravanan, S.R. Subramanian
出版社: Springer Nature Singapore
発売日: 2020年11月29日
This book addresses the interactions between the domestic courts and the international investment arbitral tribunals, one of the most pressing issues confronting both domestic legal systems and the ……続きを見る
Direitos humanos, justiça restaurativa e violência escolar
著者:Ana Carolina Reis Pereira
出版社: Paco e Littera
発売日: 2020年12月15日
Esta obra mobiliza diferentes áreas para pensar a cidadania ativa e o exercício dos direitos políticos na democracia. Seu ponto de partida é uma constelação de subjetividades e trajetórias errantes ……続きを見る
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
著者:Kriangsak Kittichaisaree
出版社: OUP Oxford
発売日: 2021年01月21日
Written by an incumbent Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, this volume in the Elements of International Law series shows why a stable legal regime governing the uses and man……続きを見る
Negociar con el diablo
著者:Sergio Kaplan
出版社: Libros del Zorzal
発売日: 2021年02月08日
¿Existe el diablo? En este libro no habrá conjeturas sobre su existencia, sino sobre lo que representa para nuestra vida su sola mención. Para algunos es el espíritu del mal y otros lo personalizan:……続きを見る
Διαπραγμάτευση σε 4 βήματα
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2021年03月24日
Μέσα σε αυτόν τον οδηγό θα βρείτε με απλό, ξεκάθαρο και ολοκληρωμένο τρόπο πώς να διαπραγματεύεστε σε δύσκολες καταστάσεις και ποιες είναι οι καλύτερες στρατηγικές που υπάρχουν σήμερα για να υπερέχε……続きを見る
Umgang mit Grenzverletzungen
著者:Andrea Schleu
出版社: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
発売日: 2021年05月01日
Das Buch setzt sich lebendig und anhand vieler anschaulicher Beispiele mit schwierigen Behandlungssituationen in der Psychotherapie auseinander. Einen Orientierungsrahmen bieten Ethikleitlinien, Ber……続きを見る
Negociere în 4 pași
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2021年05月10日
Ce este negocierea strategică și cum funcționează? Cum se dobândește expertiza în acest domeniu? Ce strategie poate fi implementată pentru a încerca să rezolvi conflictele într-un mod convenabil pen……続きを見る
EU Law and International Arbitration
著者:Dr Konstanze von Papp
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2021年05月24日
"Eminently readable. One need look nowhere else. I regularly teach courses on this subject and have encountered no work that comes close to achieving what von Papp has achieved." George A Berman, Co……続きを見る
Läbirääkimised 4 etapis
著者:Stefano Calicchio
出版社: Stefano Calicchio
発売日: 2021年05月28日
Mis on strateegilised läbirääkimised ja kuidas need toimivad? Kuidas omandada teadmisi selles valdkonnas? Millist strateegiat saab rakendada, et püüda lahendada konflikte kõigile osapooltele sobival……続きを見る
Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration
著者:Ileana M. Smeureanu
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
After neutrality and international enforcement, the next most valued feature of international commercial arbitration is confidentiality. For reasons easy to imagine, businessmen do not want their tr……続きを見る
UNCITRAL Arbitration
著者:Jan Paulsson
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules have proved instrumental to the effective resolution of transborder, commercial, investment-treaty, and inter-State disputes. This book, by two leading scholars and pr……続きを見る
Nanotechnology Law
著者:Albert Jan Van Den Berg
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
In June 2011 the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) marked its fiftieth anniversary with a celebratory conference in Geneva, the birthplace of ICCA. This volume, ICCA Congress S……続きを見る
Litigation in the Netherlands
著者:Marieke van Hooijdonk
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
This book offers the ideal way for a foreign lawyer to get in touch with litigation practice and procedure in the Netherlands. Whether a lawyer comes to Dutch litigation in the normal course of busi……続きを見る
Interpretation and Uniformity of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
著者:Dean Lewis
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
Numerous jurisdictions worldwide have augmented their ratification of the New York Convention of 1958 with the UNCITRAL Model Law 1985 (UML), which takes a giant step forward toward global uniformit……続きを見る
Legal and Institutional Framing of Collective Bargaining in CEE Countries
著者:Ivana Palinkas
出版社: Wolters Kluwer
発売日: 2021年06月10日
The formerly communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) have witnessed a profound transformation of their labour laws since the 1990s and, especially, after their accession to the Europ……続きを見る
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