商品件数:319 211件~240件 (11ページ中 8ページめ)
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Moving Beyond the Crisis : Reclaiming and Reaffirming our Common Administrative Space
著者:Gérard Timsit, Demetrios Argyriades, Pan Suk Kim, Rolet Loretan
出版社: Bruylant
発売日: 2013年03月14日
With the financial meltdown and the economic crisis in their fifth year already no one can any longer be in doubt about their exceptional gravity, their truly global impact and their profound effect……続きを見る
L'intervention publique dans la spère économique
著者:Muriel Vanderhelst, Pierre Bandt
出版社: Éditions Larcier
発売日: 2013年04月19日
Depuis sa création jusqu’à ce jour, la Belgique a connu diverses formes d’intervention publique dans la vie économique, par voie de régulation ou par des formes plus directes (subventions, création ……続きを見る
Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State
著者:Jessie Blackbourn, Fiona de Londras, Lydia Morgan
出版社: Bristol University Press
発売日: 2019年12月04日
Counter-terrorism is now a permanent and sprawling part of the legislative and operational apparatus of the state, yet little is known about the law and practice of how it is reviewed, how effective……続きを見る
Manuel de droit comparé des administrations européennes
著者:Karine Abderemane, Antoine Claeys, Elise Langelier, Yseult Marique, Thomas Perroud, Bernard Stirn
出版社: Bruylant
発売日: 2019年12月11日
En prenant pour repère le droit administratif français, cet ouvrage propose une approche comparée des droits des administrations de cinq États européens : l’Allemagne, l’Espagne, l’Italie, les Pays-……続きを見る
Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law
著者:Julian Wyatt
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2020年01月23日
Intertemporal Linguistics in International Law examines and offers an overdue solution to a specific problem central to the resolution of an ever increasing number of international legal disputes: h……続きを見る
Wet & Duiding Kids-Codex Boek III
In dit derde deel van de KIDS-Codex worden alle relevante bepalingen uit het onderwijsrecht, vrijetijdsrecht en vreemdelingenrecht behandeld en becommentarieerd. Zie inhoudstafel * De vijfdelige KID……続きを見る
The Human Rights Council
著者:Damian Etone
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年02月21日
This book examines the engagement of African states with the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism. This human rights mechanism is known for its pacific and……続きを見る
Políticas Públicas e os Novos Paradigmas Entre o Estado e a Sociedade Civil:
著者:Adriane Medianeira Toaldo
出版社: Editora Max Limonad
発売日: 2020年02月26日
Este livro debate as intersecções entre o público e o privado ao longo da história do direito e pontua o ativismo comunitário dentro da democracia como o espaço de interlocução do que parece ser uma……続きを見る
National Security Review of Foreign Investment
著者:Cheng Bian
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年03月20日
In recent years, China, the US, and the EU and its Member States have either promulgated new national laws and regulations or drastically revised existing ones to exert more rigorous government cont……続きを見る
The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse
著者:Lori Beaman
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年04月17日
This book explores the recent trend toward the transformation of religious symbols and practices into culture in Western democracies. Analyses of three legal cases involving religion in the public s……続きを見る
The Development of Child Protection Law and Policy
著者:Kieran Walsh
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年04月15日
This book examines how child protection law has been shaped by the transition to late modernity and how it copes with the ever-changing concept of risk. The book traces the evolution of the contempo……続きを見る
Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court
著者:Dr Anni Pues
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2020年07月09日
This timely book provides a comprehensive guide to, and rigorous analysis of, prosecutorial discretion at the International Criminal Court. This is the first ever study that takes the reader through……続きを見る
Implementing EU Mobility Partnerships
著者:Fanny Tittel-Mosser
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年07月23日
This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Mobility Partnerships and their consequences for third countries. Mobility partnerships between the EU and third countries are u……続きを見る
Refugees, Democracy and the Law
著者:Dana Schmalz
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年09月09日
The book provides an in-depth discussion of democratic theory questions in relation to refugee law. The work introduces readers to the evolution of refugee law and its core issues today, as well as ……続きを見る
Occupation and Control in International Humanitarian Law
著者:Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年07月29日
This book presents a systematic analysis of the notion of control in the law of military occupation. The work demonstrates that in present-day occupations, control as such occurs in different forms ……続きを見る
Judicial Deference in International Adjudication
著者:Johannes Hendrik Fahner
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2020年08月06日
International courts and tribunals are increasingly asked to pass judgment on matters that are traditionally considered to fall within the domestic jurisdiction of States. Especially in the fields o……続きを見る
Religious Minorities, Islam and the Law
著者:Al Khanif
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年09月04日
This book examines the legal conundrum of reconciling international human rights law in a Muslim majority country and identifies a trajectory for negotiating the protection of religious minorities w……続きを見る
Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights
著者:Helen Fenwick, Gavin Phillipson, Alexander Williams
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年12月15日
This book interweaves an authoritative authorial commentary – significantly expanded from the last edition - with extracts from a diverse and contemporary collection of cases and materials from thre……続きを見る
Contratação de pessoal pelas OSs e OSCIPs
著者:Juliana Bortoncello Ferreira
出版社: Editora Dialética
発売日: 2020年11月25日
A presente obra busca tratar dos aspectos que envolvem a contratação de Organizações Sociais (OSs) e Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIPs) pela Administração Pública, com enf……続きを見る
Military Courts, Civil-Military Relations, and the Legal Battle for Democracy
著者:Brett J. Kyle, Andrew G. Reiter
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2020年12月23日
The interaction between military and civilian courts, the political power that legal prerogatives can provide to the armed forces, and the difficult process civilian politicians face in reforming mi……続きを見る
Equality in Kenya’s 2010 Constitution
著者:Dr Victoria Miyandazi
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2021年02月25日
This book makes a significant contribution to the ongoing global conversations on the various understandings of equality. It illuminates the many ways in which diverse equality guarantees clash, or ……続きを見る
O Regime Previdenciário do Servidor Público
著者:Tatiana de Lima Nóbrega, Maurício Roberto de Souza Benedito
出版社: Editora Foco
発売日: 2021年03月16日
Este livro vai muito além de comentar as modificações trazidas pela reforma da previdência. É, fundamentalmente, uma obra sobre o regime previdenciário do servidor público, atualizado pelas reformas……続きを見る
Trabalho Decente e Seguridade Social
著者:Augusto Grieco Sant´Anna Meirinho
出版社: Alteridade Editora
発売日: 2021年04月07日
Trabalho Decente e Seguridade Social: o efeito cliquet e a construção do mínimo existencial beveridgiano Autor: Augusto Grieco Sant´Anna Meirinho Prefácio: Wagner Balera Apresentação: André Studart ……続きを見る
Delitos contra la administración publica (Título XV)
著者:Cesar Augusto Otálvaro Sánchez
出版社: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
発売日: 2021年04月01日
La segunda parte de esta obra está orientada al examen de los tipos penales en particular, y de las disposiciones a través de las cuales se efectúa la integración normativa, recurriendo a la evoluci……続きを見る
Germany’s Dual Constitution
著者:Florian Meinel
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2021年06月17日
This book offers a compelling and persuasive framework for understanding the German constitutional system. It argues that it can only be fully understood as a dual structure combining two layers wit……続きを見る
著者:Rafael Valim, Cristiano Martins, Valeska Martins
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年06月14日
This book examines one of the most emblematic cases of lawfare today: the criminal prosecution of former Brazilian President Lula. The authors argue that lawfare is not just a slogan or a game at th……続きを見る
Limites da liberdade processual
著者:Trícia Navarro Xavier Cabral
出版社: Editora Foco
発売日: 2021年06月14日
Os estudos que deram origem a primeira edição desta obra ocorreram entre os anos de 2017 e 2019, fruto do estágio de pós-doutorado realizado perante a prestigiosa Faculdade de Direito da USP. Na épo……続きを見る
Legal Code of Religious Minority Rights
著者:Daniele Ferrari
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2021年08月13日
This volume presents a systematic collection of the various international legal sources that define the rights of religious minorities. In a time of increasing tensions around religious minorities, ……続きを見る
O interesse público sob a crítica da Teoria Crítica
著者:Luasses Gonçalves dos Santos
出版社: Editora Contracorrente
発売日: 2021年06月24日
A Editora Contracorrente tem a satisfação de publicar o livro O interesse público sob a crítica da Teoria Crítica, do autor Luasses Gonçalves dos Santos. A obra propõe uma reconstrução da concepção ……続きを見る
Ley de la Industria Eléctrica
著者:Congreso de la Unión, Guillermo Solis Sansores
出版社: Guillermo Solis Sansores
発売日: 2021年07月19日
Disposición legal aplicable a los recursos energéticos mediante su industria 続きを見る
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