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I Vangeli
著者:Gianfranco Ravasi
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2017年09月01日
In un'elegante edizione cartonata, il volume raccoglie i commenti dell’illustre biblista ai quattro Vangeli, oggetti di alcuni cicli di conferenze tenute al Centro culturale San Fedele di Milano. L’……続きを見る
Atti degli apostoli. Volume 3. Capitoli 19-28
著者:Silvano Fausti
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2016年07月16日
L’apostolo Paolo procede verso la fine della sua missione. Dopo essere stato costretto a fuggire da Efeso, sale a Gerusalemme, dove viene arrestato. Inizia qui il capitolo finale della sua vita, seg……続きを見る
La Bibbia secondo Borges
著者:Gianfranco Ravasi
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2018年01月31日
«Borges è il più grande teologo del nostro tempo: un teologo ateo»: è quanto scrive di lui Leonardo Sciascia. Non ha mai ricevuto il premio Nobel, ma è stato tra gli scrittori più originali del suo ……続きを見る
L'uomo della Bibbia
著者:Gianfranco Ravasi
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2015年03月23日
Nel luglio del 1969, papa Paolo VI aveva affidato agli astronauti Armstrong e Aldrin il testo del Salmo 8 affinché fosse consegnato agli spazi siderali, alle sabbie lunari che di lì a poco i due uom……続きを見る
著者:Pier Giordano Cabra
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2014年07月30日
«Gli dissero allora: Che cosa dobbiamo fare per compiere l'opera di Dio?. Gesù rispose loro: Questa è l'opera di Dio: che crediate in colui che egli ha mandato». Il dialogo tra il Maestro e i discep……続きを見る
Fammi sapere perché...
著者:Anna Maria Cànopi
出版社: EDB - Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna
発売日: 2017年12月06日
Sono milioni gli uomini, duramente provati, che si pongono un’assillante domanda sul senso del proprio patire. Il grido di Giobbe, uomo di ogni tempo, sale incessantemente verso un Dio apparentement……続きを見る
The Death Wish in the Hebrew Bible
著者:Hanne Løland Levinson
出版社: Cambridge University Press
発売日: 2021年07月26日
This is the first book to systematically investigate the texts in the Hebrew Bible in which a character expresses a wish to die. Contrary to previous scholarship on these texts that assumed these de……続きを見る
When the Lion of Tekoa Roars
著者:Olivier Randrianjaka
出版社: Olivier Randrianjaka
発売日: 2021年09月20日
Scholars of the classical Israelite prophets have not yet achieved consensus on a number of important issues. In my study of the prophet Amos, I have discovered that scholars have different views re……続きを見る
Nos passos de Jesus
著者:Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi
出版社: Paulus Editora
発売日: 2021年09月20日
Jesus é o mais precioso tesouro dado à humanidade. Ao tornar-se "Deus conosco", abriu mão de sua posição divina para tornar-se uma pessoa menos privilegiada, nascendo entre os mais pobres. Em seu pr……続きを見る
The book of Leviticus provides two different theologies related to God’s presence within ancient Israel. Leviticus 1–16 was written by an elite caste of priests (P), and Leviticus 17–26 (H) was adde……続きを見る
Wealthy and Wise
著者:Kok-yiang Khew
出版社: ​Navgrads International
発売日: 2021年11月15日
Wealthy and Wise [Parables of the Kingdom #01] A Bible Study Guide containing 14 Lessons and 12 Articles for further understanding. As an extra benefit, the author's answers to all the questions ask……続きを見る
True and False
著者:Kok-yiang Khew
出版社: ​Navgrads International
発売日: 2021年11月15日
True and False [Parables of the Kingdom #03] A Bible Study Guide containing 14 Lessons with 14 Articles for further understanding. As an extra benefit, the author's answers to all the questions aske……続きを見る
QTIN November-December 2021 (Korean Edition)
著者:Yangjae Kim
出版社: RH Korea
発売日: 2021年10月18日
QTin is monthly devotional (so-called QT, which stands for Quiet Time) magazine for adults and young adults. It is a QT magazine for adults and young adults wanting to read the Bible from the contex……続きを見る
Esther's Faith
著者:Mary Jane Humes
出版社: Mary Jane Humes
発売日: 2021年10月26日
Discover How Queen Esther Helps You Become God's Favorite Too Learn from the woman who saved a nation.The story of Esther-orphan, woman of faith, intercessor, and queen-can inspire us all to live ou……続きを見る
Ancient Kings and Everyday Lessons
著者:Alan Dodd
出版社: Wipf and Stock Publishers
発売日: 2021年10月15日
If you love looking at history and seeing God's perfect plan in everything, then this is the right book for you. The kings of divided Israel reigned from approximately 950 BC to 586 BC. Unlike Saul,……続きを見る
Teens QTIN November-December 2021 (Korean Edition)
著者:Yangjae Kim
出版社: RH Korea
発売日: 2021年10月28日
QTin is monthly devotional (so-called QT, which stands for Quiet Time) magazine for adults and young adults. It is a QT magazine for adults and young adults wanting to read the Bible from the contex……続きを見る
CSB Student Study Bible
著者:CSB Bibles by Holman
出版社: B&H Publishing Group
発売日: 2021年10月15日
The CSB Student Study Bible is designed to help students and young people know and be transformed by God’s Word. The Bible keeps Scripture primary on every page, alongside student-centered resources……続きを見る
God's Saving Grace
著者:Frank J. Matera
出版社: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
発売日: 2012年11月17日
Distinguished biblical scholar Frank Matera here views the theology of the Pauline letters through the lens of the saving grace that Paul experienced at his call and conversion. Focusing on Christol……続きを見る
The End of the Beginning
著者:Johanna W. H. van Wijk-Bos
出版社: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
発売日: 2019年11月19日
The End of the Beginning presents a chapter-by-chapter interpretation of Joshua and Judges, based on the author’s translation. Johanna van Wijk-Bos accompanies the reader through the story of Israel……続きを見る
The Apostle Paul
著者:Stanley E. Porter
出版社: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
発売日: 2016年09月23日
In this comprehensive introduction to the apostle Paul, Stanley Porter devotes serious consideration both to the background and major contours of Paul’s thought and to the unique contributions of ea……続きを見る
Interpreting the New Testament
著者:Francis J. Moloney, Sherri Brown
出版社: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
発売日: 2019年10月03日
A succinct and accessible text for teaching students how to interpret the New Testament This new textbook effectively introduces students to the art and craft of biblical interpretation. New Testame……続きを見る
QTin December 2021
著者:Yangjae Kim
出版社: RH Korea
発売日: 2021年11月12日
QTin is monthly devotional (so-called QT, which stands for Quiet Time) magazine for adults and young adults. It is a QT magazine for adults and young adults wanting to read the Bible from the contex……続きを見る
Leren van bomen
著者:Mirjam van der Vegt
出版社: VBK Media
発売日: 2022年02月16日
Unieke bijbelmeditaties over bomen met bijbehorende podcasts. Leren van bomen van Mirjam van der Vegt bevat 50 unieke meditaties over bomen in de Bijbel in de vorm van een lectio divina. Natuur en d……続きを見る
The New Testament
著者:Jonathan Paul Mitchell
出版社: Harper Brown Publishing
発売日: 2014年06月30日
This work: features expanded and amplified meanings of many of the words in the Greek New Testament; provides multiple renderings of some phrases and sentences, where these are viable; includes read……続きを見る
The Tabernacle Dwells In You
著者:Anton L Seals Sr, Jennifer J Seals
出版社: AJS Ministry (Anton & Jennifer Seals)
発売日: 2016年07月20日
“The Tabernacle Dwells In You” Authors Anton & Jennifer Seals Brief Description: Our Mission is to: Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through teaching, preaching, writing and publishing Christian ed……続きを見る
Parábolas na Bíblia
著者:Luiz Alexandre Solano Rossi, Valmor da Silva (orgs)
出版社: Paulus Editora
発売日: 2021年11月24日
Parábolas na Bíblia procura investigar o uso de parábolas ao longo das Sagradas Escrituras e, para atingir esse objetivo, possui uma estrutura para facilitar a compreensão. O primeiro e o último cap……続きを見る
Just Breathe
著者:Andrea P Bourgeois
出版社: Arabelle Publishing
発売日: 2021年11月19日
Do you feel stagnant in your relationship with God and doubt His power and faithfulness? Is your soul desperate for revival? God is calling you to dig deep. He wants to meet you where you are and lo……続きを見る
A Missão de Jesus e Sua Prática Libertadora
著者:Francisco Orofino, Carlos Mesters
出版社: Paulus Editora
発売日: 2021年12月01日
As reflexões deste livro sobre Jesus abordam a preparação para a Boa-nova; a chegada do Reino de Deus, com Jesus assumindo sua missão; a peculiaridade de Jesus, que acolhia sem impor normas; a mensa……続きを見る
Epic of Eden Video Study Guide: Understanding the Old Testament
著者:Sandra L. Richter
出版社: Seedbed Inc
発売日: 2015年09月15日
The Old Testament of the Bible can feel like a junk drawerーa disorganized collection of important stuff we don’t want to lose yet don’t know what to do with. From the Pentateuch to patriarchs and f……続きを見る
Women of the Bible: New Testament
著者:Rose Publishing, Benjamin Galan
出版社: Rose Publishing
発売日: 2021年08月03日
Jesus reached across cultural norms by befriending and discipling women throughout his life. The bestselling Women of the Bible: New Testament pamphlet presents portraits of 15 women, some who encou……続きを見る
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