商品件数:2 1件~2件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
Radar Principles
著者:Various Anonymous Naval Personnel, Bridged Books Group
出版社: Bridged books group
発売日: 2013年01月08日
RADAR stands for "RAdio Detection And Ranging" and descriped equipment that determines the presence, direction, and distance of objects by using reflected electromagnetic energy. Principles of Radar……続きを見る
Send In The Drones
出版社: Consumer Oriented Ebooks Publisher
発売日: 2014年08月05日
Everything You Need to Know About Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and How They Will Affect Your Life! Drones have been around for a very long time, they are found in the airspace in the USA and other place……続きを見る

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