商品件数:22 1件~22件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
The Frontier in American Culture
著者:Richard White, Patricia Nelson Limerick
出版社: University of California Press
発売日: 1994年10月17日
Log cabins and wagon trains, cowboys and Indians, Buffalo Bill and General Custer. These and other frontier images pervade our lives, from fiction to films to advertising, where they attach themselv……続きを見る
Knowing Him by Heart
著者:Rodney O. Davis, Douglas L. Wilson, Michael Burlingame, Richard Carwardine, Edna Greene Medford, James Oakes, Matthew Pinsker, Gerald J Prokopowicz, John R Sellers, Jennifer L Weber, Frederick Douglass, H. Ford Douglas, Thomas Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Jabez P Campbell, Henry McNeal Turner, Daniel Alexander Payne, Henry Highland Garnet, Philip A Bell, Edward M Thomas, Alfred P Smith, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, George B Vashon, Thomas Strother, Ezra R Johnson, Alexander T CPS, James Smith, Alexander T Augusta, Jeremiah B Sanderson, Osborne P Anderson, Thomas Morris Chester, James H Hudson, John Proctor, Robert Purvis, Hannah Johnson, Leonard A Grimes, Jeremiah Asher, John Willis Menard, Henry African Civilization Society, William Florville, Henry Johnson, Thomas R Street, John H Morgan, Mattild Burr, Amos G Beman, Richard H Cain, Jean Baptiste Roudanez, Arnold Bertonneau, George E North Carolina Freedmen, Don Carlos Rutter, George E Stephens, James W.C Pennington, S.W. "Africano", Annie Davis, S.W. Chase, Sojourner Truth, Martin Delany, George Washington, Isaac J Hill, Alexander H Newton, Jacob Thomas, Angeline R Demby, Henry O Wagoner, George W Le Vere, Elizabeth Keckley, Paul Trevigne, Thomas N.C Liverpool, H Cordelia, George Washington Williams, Emmanuel K Love, William S Scarborough, John Mercer Langston, Peter H Clark, EWS Hammond, Charles W Anderson, Booker T Washington, Harriet Tubman, Julius F Taylor, Ida B Wells-Barnett, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Elizabeth Thomas, Archibald H Grimke, Elizabeth Keckly, William A Sinclair, Jesse Max Barber, Mary Church Terrell, T. Thomas Fortune, Reverdy C Ransom, W. E. B Du Bois, William Monroe Trotter, Maude K Griffin, Hightower T Kealing, Silas X Floyd, George L Knox, Thomas S Inborden, George W Henderson, William Pickens, Kelly Miller, Etta M. T. Cottin, John M Gandy, Fred R Moore, Sylvanie F Williams, Harry C Smith, James H Magee, James L Curtis, John W. E. Bowen Sr, Cora J Ball, Thomas Nelson Baker, Josephine Silone Yates, James Weldon Johnson, William H Lewis, John H Murphy Sr, Robert R Wright Sr, Theophile T Allain, Oliva Ward Bush-Banks, Richard W Gadsden, Edward A Johnson, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Hubert H Harrison, Carter G Woodson, Robert R Moton, Georgia Douglas Johnson, LANGSTON HUGHES, Charles Chesnutt, Walter White, Lamar Perkins, Samuel A Haynes, William E Lilly, Robert L Vann, William Lloyd Imes, Eugene Gordon, Arthur W Mitchell, Grace Evans, Aaron H Payne, Claude McKay, Roscoe Conkling Simmons, Joel A Rogers, Mary McLeod Bethune, John Hope Franklin, Ella Baker, Luther Porter Jackson, Willard Townsend, Ralph J Bunche, Roy Wilkins, Mordecai W Johnson, Carl J Murphy, Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr, Thurgood Marshall, Edith Sampson, Benjamin Quarles, St. Clair Drake, Charles H Wesley, Daisy Bates, Julius Malcolm X, Gwendolyn Brooks, Julius Lester, Lerone Bennett Jr, Henry Lee Moon, John H Sengstacke, Norman E. W. Hodges, Arvarh E. Strickland, Mary Frances Berry, Vincent Harding, Clarence Thomas, Barbara Jeanne Fields, Henry Louis Gates Jr, Barack Obama
出版社: University of Illinois Press
発売日: 2022年12月20日
Winner of an Abraham Lincoln Institute Book Award Though not blind to Abraham Lincoln's imperfections, Black Americans long ago laid a heartfelt claim to his legacy. At the same time, they have cons……続きを見る
The Russian Medical Humanities
For the first time in English, The Russian Medical Humanities: Past and Present argues that the medical humanities is a vibrant and emerging field in Post-Soviet Russia. In a unique collaboration th……続きを見る
The Doom of London: The Four Days' Night - The Dust of Death - The Four White Days - The Invisible Force - The River of Death - A Bubble Burst
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The editor of The Daily Chat wondered a little vaguely why he had come down to the office at all. Here was the thermometer down to 11° with every prospect of touching zero before daybreak, and you c……続きを見る
The Yellow Face
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The flickering firelight fell upon the girl's pretty, thoughtful face; her violet eyes looked like deep lakes in it. She stood with one small foot tapping the polished brass rail of the fender. Clai……続きを見る
The History of the Hopi From Their Origins In Lemuria
著者:Oswald White Bear Fredericks, Kaih Khristé King
出版社: The King's Bridge
発売日: 2012年04月16日
Adventures ー Hopi Migrations ー Hopi Prophecies ー about Lemuria and the rise and fall of Atlantis ー the truth about Kachinas ー a look into Clan ceremonies, Hopi legends and more. It's all inside……続きを見る
The Frontier in American Culture
著者:Richard White, Patricia Nelson Limerick
出版社: University of California Press
発売日: 1994年10月17日
Log cabins and wagon trains, cowboys and Indians, Buffalo Bill and General Custer. These and other frontier images pervade our lives, from fiction to films to advertising, where they attach themselv……続きを見る
Passport Not Required
著者:Estate of Eric J Dietrich-Berryman USN (Ret.), Charlotte E Hammond, Ronald E White
出版社: Naval Institute Press
発売日: 2010年10月15日
Before America entered World War II, twenty-two U.S. citizens went to England and volunteered with the Royal Navy. Commissioned between September 1939 and November 1941, they fought in the Battle of……続きを見る
The Mystery of the Ravenspurs: A Romance and Detective Story of Thibet and England
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
A grand old castle looks out across the North Sea, and fishermen toiling on the deep catch the red flash from Ravenspur Point, as their forefathers have done for many generations. The Ravenspurs and……続きを見る
The Five Knots
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
Something like a shadow seemed to flicker across the dim hall and then the strange visitant was lost to view. But was it substantial, real and tangible, or only the creature of the imagination? For ……続きを見る
The Selected Short Works of Frederick Merrick White
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The era of peace which seemed to be well-begun in 1906 was naturally marked by an extraordinary commercial and financial activity; an amount of world-wide speculations never equalled in intensity, e……続きを見る
The Mystery of the Four Fingers
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
Considering it was nearly the height of the London winter season, the Great Empire Hotel was not unusually crowded. This might perhaps have been owing to the fact that two or three of the finest sui……続きを見る
The Sundial
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The bitterness of it tasted dry and insipid in John Charlock's mouth, like Dead Sea fruit. It was only lately that he had found out that all he had longed and hoped for since the early days was noth……続きを見る
The Crimson Blind
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
David Steel dropped his eyes from the mirror and shuddered as a man who sees his own soul bared for the first time. And yet the mirror was in itself a thing of artistic beautyーengraved Florentine g……続きを見る
The Weight of the Crown
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The girl stood there fighting hard to keep back the tears from her eyes. The blow had been so swift, so unexpected. And there was the hurt to her pride also. "Do I understand that I am dismissed, Ma……続きを見る
The Slave of Silence
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The girl turned away from the splendour of it and laid her aching head against the cool windowpane. A hansom flashed along in the street below with just a glimpse of a pretty laughing girl in it wit……続きを見る
Hard Pressed
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
IT was a gala night at the National Opera House, and the theatre was crammed from floor to roof, for Melba was sustaining a new part, and all London had gathered to listen. It was rarely indeed that……続きを見る
Marketing Literature and Posthumous Legacies
著者:Yuri Leving, Frederick H. White, Frederick H. White
出版社: Lexington Books
発売日: 2013年09月12日
Literature is not only about aesthetics, but also almost equally about economics. The successful marketing of an author and his literary works is more dependent on the activities of cultural merchan……続きを見る
The Cardinal Moth
著者:Frederick Merrick White
出版社: Library of Alexandria
発売日: 2021年02月24日
The purple darkness seemed to be filled with a nebulous suggestion of things beautiful; long trails and ropes of blossoms hung like stars reflected in a lake of blue. As the eye grew accustomed to t……続きを見る
Reading Southern History
This collection of essays examines the contributions of some of the most notable interpreters of southern history and culture, furthering our understanding of the best historical work produced on th……続きを見る
Mad Dogs With Guns
著者:Howard Whitehouse, Roderick Robertson
出版社: Bloomsbury Publishing
発売日: 2017年06月29日
In 1919, the US Government declared the production, distribution, and sale of alcohol illegal. America officially became a 'dry' land. That didn't stop people from drinking, however, and the rise of……続きを見る

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