商品件数:6 1件~6件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
Seiji Ozawa Biography
著者:Angela F. Morton
発売日: 2024年02月10日
Seiji Ozawa: A Groundbreaking Japanese Conductor's Journey Through Time and Music" is a captivating biography that delves into the life of the legendary conductor. This biography offers a unique gli……続きを見る
著者:Seán F Peters
出版社: Wombat Whistles
発売日: 2023年09月26日
A Fundamental Etude for Feadogs was created for people like Jim, who once upon a time decided to warn Mr L.E.McCullough of the Complete Irish Tinwhistle Tutor, which had "taught the joys of tinwhist……続きを見る
Caring for Your Choir
著者:Joel F Plaag
出版社: Poogie the Pup Publishing
発売日: 2023年09月01日
Preparing our minds for rehearsal, listening to our singers, and making those moments last, choir directors have a complex job getting ready for concerts. How do we approach concert day? What is the……続きを見る
Conducting and Rehearsing the Instrumental Music Ensemble
著者:John F. Colson
出版社: Scarecrow Press
発売日: 2012年08月09日
Conducting and Rehearsing the Instrumental Music Ensemble is the most comprehensive guide on the rehearsalprocess for conducting instrumental music ensembles. Ideal for the advanced instrumental mus……続きを見る
著者:John F. Colson
出版社: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
発売日: 2015年07月09日
Following on the heels of his Conducting and Rehearsing the Instrumental Music Ensemble, John F. Colson takes students to the next level in conducting practice with Rehearsing: Critical Connections ……続きを見る
I'm a Choir Director??!
著者:Joel F Plaag
出版社: Joel Plaag
発売日: 2020年06月24日
How many volunteer choir directors come to the podium with little to no knowledge? How many of us have been put into positions of leadership in churches, community choruses, or various choruses with……続きを見る

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