商品件数:3 1件~3件 (1ページ中 1ページめ)
The Dracula Book: from Bestseller to
著者:Donald F. Glut
出版社: PageTurner Editions
発売日: 2023年02月08日
THE ANN RADCLIFFE AWARD WINNING BOOK “As an exhaustive, comprehensive, and in-depth survey of the Dracula character as he appears throughout history and in all media up to the present day, this book……続きを見る
British Film Noir Guide
著者:Michael F. Keaney
出版社: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers
発売日: 2010年12月22日
This work presents 369 British films produced between 1937 and 1964 that embody many of the same filmic qualities as those "black films" made in the United States during the classic film noir era. T……続きを見る
The Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia
著者:James M. Welsh, Gene D. Phillips, Rodney F. Hill
出版社: Scarecrow Press
発売日: 2010年08月27日
Francis Ford Coppola's career has spanned five decades, from low budget films he produced in the early 1960s to more personal films of recent years. Because of the tremendous popular success of The ……続きを見る

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