Un libro bellissimo del grande mistico spagnolo, meglio conosciuto come San Giovanni della Croce. Una grande opera dottrinale che va ad aggiungersi ad un altro suo capolavoro Notte Oscura. Si dice, ……続きを見る
Prima di cominciare a scrivere una tesi di laurea la parola d’ordine è una sola: documentarsi. Avevo quindi una pila di libri sulla scrivania, e leggendoli uno per uno mi sono reso conto che, per qu……続きを見る
Space is a strange place, filled with unanticipated dangers of all kind.
Jackson Garrish and Jella Ibori stumble upon an uncharted, mysterious asteroid field. Barely escaping, they come to the reali……続きを見る
The first systematic analysis of the arguments made against human rights from the French Revolution to the present day. Through the writings of Edmund Burke, Jeremy Bentham, Auguste Comte, Louis de ……続きを見る
This publication will teach you the basics of starting a Souvenir Store business. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledg……続きを見る
La presente opera, composta da padre fra Giovanni della Croce, carmelitano scalzo, intende aiutare le anime a me lio disporsi spiritualmente, onde attingere più speditamente l’unione con Dio. Sia ai……続きを見る
Présentation de l'éditeur
"... Il n'y a pas de langue où tout soit arbitraire. Il n'y a pas de langue où tout soit motivé. Toute langue oscille, comme elle évolue, entre le chaos et le cosmos… »
Présentation de l'éditeur
Nos écoles normales ne sont pas des couvents laïques où ne pénétrerait aucun bruit du dehors. Elles ouvrent aux futurs instituteurs des échappées sur le monde. Une réforme ……続きを見る
Présentation de l'éditeur
La production «littéraire» d’Eugène Delacroix se compose de trois éléments : 1° Ses articles parus de son vivant dans divers périodiques (Revue de Paris, Revue des Deux-Mon……続きを見る
Nadya is on another case, but her mark just disappeared into thin air.
Like the professional she is, she reaches out to one of her contact for magical help.
Just how deep does the magical rabbit hol……続きを見る
著者:Marie Lacrosse
出版社: Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH
発売日: 2019年04月15日
Die Ehe zwischen dem Dienstmädchen Irene und dem reichen Erben Franz sollte eine Liebesheirat sein. Doch nach einer ungeheuerlichen Enthüllung von Franz' Vater verlässt die schwangere Irene ihren ge……続きを見る
Daphne Goodenham has always been determined to wed a dukeーnot just because she loves fine dresses and parties, but because she wants to guarantee that she and her sister are never destitute again. ……続きを見る
Vera is a peculiar being. Undead, she doesn't know how or why she became like that.
Her best chance is to reach the country of Taverail, north of Carode, her country. But she has to travel by night ……続きを見る
Steve Carmel finds a new house thanks to a real estate agent.
The smart house is wonderful, much more than Steve would have initially guessed, but something feels wrong.
Steve finds out just how thi……続きを見る
La beauté des paysages nous fascine. Un coucher de soleil, le ciel étoilé, une vallée verdoyante peuvent nous laisser muets d'admiration. Pourquoi le spectacle de la nature a-t-il autant d'effet sur……続きを見る
Ainsi que l’ont prédit d’innombrables récits de science-fiction, la Terre n’est plus qu’un champ de ruines étouffé par la pollution. En fuite, l’humanité a conquis l’espace et poursuit sa croissance……続きを見る
Le livre raconte l’histoire du comte de Charney, un ancien militaire qui a perdu toute sa confiance en l’homme et qui a été emprisonné pour avoir conspiré contre Napoléon Ier. Un jour, Charney décou……続きを見る
This collection of short stories is about journeys; literal, metaphorical and literary. Those both of the characters and the authors.
Ailsa travels to Scotland and begins the journey of recovery aft……続きを見る
Elizabeth Bennet has shed her innocence. Now the bride of Mr. Darcy, she must learn to submit to the unexpectedーand sometimes shockingーpleasures of the marriage bed. Darcy continues the wicked gam……続きを見る
Elizabeth Bennet, now Mrs. Darcy, is on her honeymoon. Her handsome and masterful husband has introduced her to many of the joys of marriage. Enthralled by their games of disobedience and punishment……続きを見る
Jugendliche mit ausgeprägter Borderline-Symptomatik haben ein hohes Risiko, eine Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung zu entwickeln. Eine frühzeitige Behandlung ist daher wichtig. Die in diesem Buch vo……続きを見る
Indeed a book unwritten in over 400 years. the book price is marginal; but the information value is indispensable.
many sure surprises here to ponder at once. Most people are under the impression th……続きを見る
Vien data alle stampe, per la seconda volta nel nostro Paese, la traduzione di un pio manoscritto che la Direzione del "Bulletin de NotreDame de la Bonne Mort" (Tinchebray Orne Francia) pubblicò ann……続きを見る
Extrait :
Louroux, mardi 3 septembre 1822[1]. ー Je mets à exécution le projet formé tant de fois d’écrire un journal.
Ce que je désire le plus vivement, c’est de ne pas perdre de vue que je l’écris……続きを見る
著者:S. F. Lacroix
出版社: Editora Unesp
発売日: 2016年06月01日
S. F. Lacroix interessou-se cedo pelos estudos matemáticos e filosóficos. A primeira parte de sua produção teve caráter mais notadamente didático: foi chef de bureau da Comissão de Instrução Pública……続きを見る
Tarantismo. Envenenamento por picada de aranha? No extremo da península salentina, outra explicação não havia para aqueles surtos de violenta agitação. Uivos, saracoteios, correrias, gargalhadas ー ……続きを見る
When you die, what will your digital legacy be? What will be left about you online? How will your online accounts be accessed and handled and how will you be remembered for posterity (given that the……続きを見る
He was at the forefront of some of Germany's most definitive and controversial decisions, in his role as the first Social Democrat Chancellor of West Germany between 1969 and 1974. In this period he……続きを見る
著者:Angela Crocombe
出版社: Penguin Random House Australia
発売日: 2008年09月01日
A timely and powerful investigation of the food choices we make every day.
These days most people want to live as lightly as possible on our precious planet. What we choose to eat is a very basic de……続きを見る
A cultural history of the Middle Ages amd Renaissance Period, focussing on various aspects of public and private everyday life of society, such as hunting, games, guilds, costumes and many more.