商品件数:650 451件~480件 (22ページ中 16ページめ)
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Military Studies of Operation Allied Force, the Kosovo Intervention: Religious and Ethnic Warfare, Targeting, Naval Forces, Air Mobility, Clausewitz, Information Operations, Aviation
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月11日
This comprehensive ebook presents fourteen unique reports and studies of the 1999 Clinton Administration military intervention in the Kosovo war, known as Operation Allied Force. Contents: Part 1: R……続きを見る
Forging the Sword: Developing Leaders for the Air Operations Center - Evolution of Airpower Command and Control Concepts, AOC Leadership Development, Developing Airpower Leaders
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
This professionally-formatted free-flowing ebook reproduces an Air Force study which addresses how the USAF can best prepare officers for leadership positions in the Air Operations Center. Before ex……続きを見る
Fulcrum of Power: Essays on the United States Air Force and National Security - World War II, Doolittle, Overlord, Kenney, Arnold, Atomic Bomb, Men Who Made the Air Force, B-36, Cold War, Vietnam
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
This intriguing USAF book contains thought-provoking essays on the role of the U.S. Air Force in national security issues from World War II through Vietnam to current times. Topics covered include: ……続きを見る
Comparative Study of KC-135 Operations in Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Allied Force: Historical Perspective on the Development of Air Refueling, Tanker Issues
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
This paper examines the operational employment of the KC-135 in three major conflicts. Air refueling is central not only to the tactical operations of a campaign, but the strategic goal of supportin……続きを見る
Toward Independence: The Emergence of the U.S. Air Force 1945-1947 - Organizing for World War II, Postwar Military, Eisenhower and Truman Support Independence, Sherman-Norstad Agreements
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
From the Wright Brothers' first flight, a long, convoluted road led to the creation of the modern independent United States Air Force. Despite frustrating bureaucratic delays and political maneuveri……続きを見る
Air War over South Vietnam 1968: 1975: Comprehensive Coverage from the Tet Offensive to the Collapse of South Vietnam, Waging War in South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, Vietnamization, Mayaguez
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
This professionally-formatted free flowing text ebook reproduces a major historical study from the U.S. Air Force (USAF), Air War over South Vietnam 1968 - 1975. This volume covers the period from t……続きを見る
Historical Overview of the Space and Missile Systems Center 1954-2003: Ballistic Missiles and Launch Vehicles, Atlas, Thor, Titan, EELV, Minuteman, Peacekeeper, MX, Delta, Satellites, MOL, Milstar
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月20日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this publication provides a historical overview of the Space and Missile Systems Center and its antecedents during appr……続きを見る
The Office of the Secretary of the Air Force 1947-1965: World War II, Symington, Berlin Airlift, Battle over B-36, Korean War, Scientist Secretary, Missiles, Air Force Academy, ARPA, NASA, B-70
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月21日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this USAF history book follows the development of the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force from its predecessor org……続きを見る
A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization 1946-1980: History of the Air Defense Command and the Aerospace Defense Command - Air Defense in World War I and II, Cold War Era, Squadrons
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月21日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this handbook is intended as a reference to air defense organizations of the USAF, principally of the Air Defense Comma……続きを見る
Partners in Freedom: Contributions of the Langley Research Center to U. S. Military Aircraft of the 1990s - Harrier, C-17, F/A-18, A-10, F-111, A-6, EA-6B, F-14, X-29, C-130, F-16, F-22, F-15, B-2
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月21日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this NASA documents the contributions of Langley Research Center to specific military aircraft that were operational in……続きを見る
The USAF in the Persian Gulf War: Lucrative Targets - The U.S. Air Force in the Kuwaiti Theater of Operations, Desert Storm, Iraq War plus Operation Desert Shield: The Deployment of USAF Forces
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月05日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this book compiles two U.S. Air Force documents: The USAF in the Persian Gulf War: Lucrative Targets - The U.S. Air For……続きを見る
The History of the XV-15 Tilt Rotor Research Aircraft: From Concept to Flight - XV-3 Program, Stability Issues, Army and Navy Participation, VTOL, Flight Research Incidents and Crash, V-22 Osprey
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月05日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this wonderful NASA history document tells the story of the successful development of the tilt rotor aircraft, which is……続きを見る
A U.S. Air Force Strategy for Africa: Airpower, Geography, Current Activities and Guidance, What Can Airmen Expect in Africa, How Should Airmen Think About Africa?
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年05月11日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this military study examines flight operations in Africa for the U.S. Air Force. With the creation of United States Afr……続きを見る
Anatomy of a Reform: The Expeditionary Aerospace Force (EAF) of the U.S. Air Force (USAF) - Developing and Implementing the Solution, Basing During the Cold War, Active Force Tempo
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月04日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this important work provides a history of the USAF's Aerospace Expeditionary Force restructuring plan. On August 4, 199……続きを見る
Aerial Interdiction: Air Power and the Land Battle in Three American Wars - World War II, Korean War, Vietnam, War in Southeast Asia - Railyard Bombing, Operation Overlord, Pusan, Easter Offensive
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月04日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication explores aerial interdictionーthe practice of attacking the unengaged potential of enemy a……続きを見る
Ten Propositions Regarding Air Power: Military Airwar, Instilling Appreciation and Challenging Assumptions, Douhet, Spaatz, Seversky, Trenchard, Tedder, Jomini, Lanchester
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月04日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this excellent Air Force document proposes a group of ten propositions about military air power. Though we are still wi……続きを見る
Air Force Roles and Missions: A History - Origins, Transitions, World War II and Dawn of Global Air Power, Unification, Massive Retaliation, Vietnam War and Flexible Response, Maturing of Roles
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月15日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication traces the doctrinal underpinnings of the modern United States Air Force, the world's only……続きを見る
Billy Mitchell: Stormy Petrel of the Air - Spanish American War, World War I, Advocate for Airpower, Demonstration of Aerial Bombing of Battleships, Great Pioneer, General Pershing, FDR
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月19日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication tells the incredible story of Billy Mitchell. On July 21, 1921, Brig. Gen. William "Billy"……続きを見る
Conquering the Night: Army Air Forces Night Fighters at War - World War II and the European War, Radar Illuminates the Night, P-61, Training, Operation Strangle, D-Day, Japan Against the Rising Sun
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月01日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication traces the AAF's development of aerial night fighting, including technology, training, and……続きを見る
Defending the West: The United States Air Force and European Security 1946 - 1998 - Cold War, NATO Founding, Air Power, Higher Strategy, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Stalin, Atom Bombs and Nuclear Weapons
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月01日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication attempts to give the general reader some sense of the role the USAF has played in Europe s……続きを見る
Citizen Airmen: A History of the Air Force Reserve, 1946-1994 - Unit Activations, Pay Issues, Mobilization for Korea, Fear of Flying, Berlin Crisis, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Air Refueling
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月30日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication presents a thorough history of the Air Force Reserve. The book begins with the fledgling a……続きを見る
Decisive Force: Strategic Bombing in the Gulf War - Desert Storm, Post-Vietnam Technology and Doctrine Changes, F-117A Stealth Fighter, E-3 AWACS, General Horner, Scud Missiles, Baghdad Attacks
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月01日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication outlines the role of strategic bombing in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. The U.S. Air Force (U……続きを見る
The Battle Against the U-Boat in the American Theater: Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Campaign, Adversaries in the Battle of the Atlantic, Caribbean, Wolfpacks, Milch Cows, Bell P-39, Northrup A-17
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年06月29日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication describes the Army Air Forces' contribution to the Battle of the Atlantic from the America……続きを見る
The Enlisted Experience: A Conversation with the Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force - Vivid Account of Military Life from the 1940s to the 1970s, NCOs, World War II, Korea, SAC, Vietnam, Women
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月14日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication provides offers a vivid, candid, and highly personal account of military life by four of t……続きを見る
The First 109 Minutes: 9/11 Attacks and the U.S. Air Force (USAF) - NORAD, The Four Terror Flights, Air Defense Response, Post-Attack, plus Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office Review Book
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月14日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of the 9/11 attacks and the response of ……続きを見る
Foundation of the Force: Air Force Enlisted Personnel Policy 1907-1956 - World War I and II, Doolittle Board, Advertising, Teaching Youth, Recruiting, Military Careers, Training, Specialization
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月14日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication traces how the service built its enlisted cadre in the key, early years of the service whe……続きを見る
Case Studies in the Use of Land-Based Aerial Forces in Maritime Operations, 1939-1990: Battle of the Atlantic, Arctic Convoys, Dunkirk, Pacific, Repulse Sinking, Falklands War, Cold War, Tanker War
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月14日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication examines in detail the development and employment of land-based air power in maritime oper……続きを見る
The Flying Tigers: Chennault's American Volunteer Group in China - AVG Success Against Japan, Captain from Louisiana, World War II Era, CAMCO, Curtiss P-40, Hap Arnold, Panda Bears, Boyington
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月13日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication provides a great history of the Flying Tigers. For a variety of reasons - patriotic, altru……続きを見る
Case Studies in the Development of Close Air Support (CAS) - Luftwaffe Experience, Soviet Air-Ground, Tunisian Campaign, Sicily, Italy, Battle for France, Korea, Southeast Asia, Israel, RAF, Goodwood
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月14日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique USAF publication provides fascinating original case studies about close air support. The introduction of ai……続きを見る
General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pacific War - General Douglas MacArthur, World War II, Bismarck Sea, Philippines, Leyte, Okinawa and the Kyushu Plan, Australia, Japanese Surrender
著者:Progressive Management
出版社: Progressive Management
発売日: 2015年07月21日
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this Air Force publication presents a classic account of a combat commander in action. General George Churchill Kenney ……続きを見る
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