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La prière des chrétiens de Russie
著者:Michel Evdokimov, Boris Bobrinskoy
出版社: Desclée De Brouwer
発売日: 2018年02月01日
Depuis des siècles, le christianisme russe développe un visage original de la foi, comme l'illustre l'art de l'icône. Toute une tradition de prière s'est ainsi cristallisée dans la Russie orthodoxe,……続きを見る
La naissance du sens
著者:Boris Cyrulnik
出版社: Fayard/Pluriel
発売日: 2010年12月03日
La question de l'animalité de l'homme, qui préoccupe les sciences humaines et sociales depuis longtemps, est ici abordée dans une perspective qui récuse les réductionnismes, aussi bien sociologiques……続きを見る
Le Miracle de la Pensée (Traduit)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
Le livre enseigne la divinité du désir juste ; il tente de montrer que le Créateur ne s'est jamais moqué de nous en nous faisant désirer ce que nous n'avons pas la capacité ou la possibilité d'attei……続きを見る
O Milagre do Pensamento (Traduzido)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
O livro ensina a divindade do desejo correto; tenta mostrar que o Criador nunca zombou de nós com anseios por aquilo que não temos capacidade ou possibilidade de alcançar; que nossos anseios e aspir……続きを見る
Come avere Successo (Tradotto)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
Cercasi uomo che non perda la sua individualità in mezzo alla folla, un uomo che abbia il coraggio delle sue convinzioni, che non abbia paura di dire "No", anche se tutto il mondo dice "Sì". Cercasi……続きを見る
The Miracle of Thought
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
The book teaches the divinity of right desire; it tries to show that the Creator never mocked us with yearnings for that which we have no ability or possibility of attaining; that our heart longings……続きを見る
Comment Réussir (Traduit)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
On recherche un homme qui ne perdra pas son individualité dans la foule, un homme qui a le courage de ses convictions, qui n'a pas peur de dire "Non", même si tout le monde dit "Oui". On recherche u……続きを見る
Il Miracolo del Pensiero (Tradotto)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月13日
Il libro insegna la divinità del giusto desiderio; cerca di dimostrare che il Creatore non si è mai preso gioco di noi con desideri che non abbiamo alcuna capacità o possibilità di raggiungere; che ……続きを見る
Fazendo da vida uma obra-prima (Traduzido)
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Stargatebook
発売日: 2023年03月14日
Em " Fazendo da vida uma obra-prima" , Marden nos ensina a abrir nossas possibilidades, procurar oportunidades e encontrar nosso lugar na vida, sem deixar que os fracassos se interponham em nosso ca……続きを見る
Girl Power
著者:Doris Irish Lacks
出版社: TEACH Services, Inc.
発売日: 2023年04月05日
If you are young, how do you discover your talents and make an impact in life as you grow? The forty-four stories in Girl Power: How Famous Women Chose to Answer God's Call When They Were Young desc……続きを見る
Soviet Central Asia
著者:Boris Z. Rumer
出版社: Taylor & Francis
発売日: 2023年06月14日
Soviet Central Asia (1989) explores the economic development of the four republics of Central Asia that suffered under Moscow’s economic policies – Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kirghizia……続きを見る
Partnerships On The Rocks Volume 3
著者:Lori Stith
出版社: ​Steven Blackwell
発売日: 2023年04月12日
*Know That ALL Book Royalties (100%) From The Sales Of ALL My Books Are Donated To St. Jude Children's Research Hospital* A Unique Storytelling Perspective Addressing Family, Marital, Dating, Friend……続きを見る
著者:Deloris Faircloth-Harris
出版社: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
発売日: 2023年04月21日
A young girl finds a shiny coin and finds a meaningful lesson about sharing. 続きを見る
Homo Falsus - Lying Man: Physics, Consciousness, Language, Information, and I
著者:Boris Rusakov
出版社: ​Xpertnet Inc
発売日: 2023年05月14日
Homo Falsus (Lying Man) explores the topic of human consciousness in a way that many people may have never considered. PhD physicist Boris Rusakov analyzes the functionality of human consciousness a……続きを見る
To Be Sensitive & Happy.
著者:Lydia Omoris
出版社: Lulu.com
発売日: 2023年04月22日
To Be Sensitive & Happy 50 Encouraging tips to support life’s most sensitive people during moments of difficulty. Written by Lydia Omoris 続きを見る
Novena Perpétua de Nossa Senhora Aparecida
著者:Missionários Redentoristas, Alan Patrick Zuccherato, José Ulysses da Silva
出版社: Editora Santuário
発売日: 2023年06月12日
A "Novena Perpétua de Nossa Senhora Aparecida" traz o roteiro da tradicional novena perpétua rezada no Santuário Nacional de Aparecida, desde os anos de 1950. Por meio dela, os fiéis são convidados ……続きを見る
An Angel on My Shoulder
著者:Lori Szepelak
出版社: Balboa Press
発売日: 2023年06月14日
Author Lori Szepelak had always believed in the afterlife and in angels. But where was the proof? Shortly after her mother’s death, it appeared unexpectedly, in a photograph she had taken while walk……続きを見る
Filosofia de la cura
著者:Boris Groys
発売日: 2023年07月25日
La nostra civilització té com a propòsit essencial protegir les vides humanes. La societat ens fa responsables de cuidar-nos a nosaltres mateixos i de tenir cura dels altres, directament i a través ……続きを見る
Dreaming on Both Sides of the Brain
著者:Doris E. Cohen
出版社: Red Wheel/Weiser
発売日: 2023年06月23日
Learn how to use dreamwork to translate personalized messages from your unconscious to gain spiritual growth and self-awareness. A dream is not just white noise or something that happens to you whil……続きを見る
The Presence of Absence
著者:Doris Grumbach
出版社: Open Road Media
発売日: 2014年12月02日
The story of an ecstatic spiritual momentーand the search to experience it again When she was twenty-seven years old, writer Doris Grumbach had an epiphany. It was as if God were right there beside ……続きを見る
Filosofia do cuidado
著者:Boris Groys
出版社: Editora Âyiné
発売日: 2023年07月19日
Nossa cultura atual é dominada pela ideologia da criatividade. Deve-se criar o novo e não se importar com as coisas como são. Essa ideologia legitima a dominação da «classe criativa» sobre o resto d……続きを見る
ACT: de basisprincipes van Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
著者:Floris Bruggink
出版社: ​Floris Bruggink
発売日: 2023年09月05日
In een wereld vol afleiding en innerlijke strijd verlangen velen naar rust, geluk en betekenis. Dat is waar Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in het spel komt. ACT is niet zomaar een methode, ……続きを見る
Miracles for Richard
著者:Doris Straut
出版社: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
発売日: 2023年08月30日
My youngest son was a gift from God in many ways. He was a miracle from the time he was born. Growing up, he was a real joy. He faced many obstacles in his life but always depended upon God to help ……続きを見る
He Can Who Thinks He Can
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Double 9 Books
発売日: 2023年08月01日
Orison Swett Marden, the founder of Success Magazine and author of the popular self-help book "He Can Who Thinks He Can," is a household name in the United States. This classic explores how one's ou……続きを見る
How To Get What You Want
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Double 9 Books
発売日: 2023年08月01日
The insightful masterpiece How to Get What You Want, written by the visionary Orison Swett Marden, takes readers on a journey that gives them the power to achieve their greatest dreams. Marden, a we……続きを見る
Pushing To The Front
著者:Orison Swett Marden
出版社: Double 9 Books
発売日: 2023年08月01日
Pushing to the Front written by Orison Swett Marden is a widespread literary journey that transcends the traditional boundaries of motivation and personal development. Within its pages lies a treasu……続きを見る
著者:Boris Bongers
出版社: epubli
発売日: 2023年09月23日
Ein schwerer Schicksalsschlag lähmt Lea seit Jahren. Sie verliert ihren Beruf, viele Freunde und vor allem die Hoffnung, jemals glücklich sein zu dürfen. Ihr Bruder Simon bricht sein Studium ab, um ……続きを見る
Ayahuasca - Cérémonies, visions, soins : le chemin des plantes sacrées
著者:Jan Kounen, François Demange, Jocelin Morisson
出版社: Tredaniel
発売日: 2023年11月30日
De plus en plus de personnes souhaitent prendre de l'Ayahuasca ou d'autres plantes psychédéliques pour profiter de leurs bienfaits, dans une démarche à visée thérapeutique. Comment vivre au mieux et……続きを見る
著者:Valoris Victus
出版社: Elite Publishers
発売日: 2023年10月29日
This book will help you unlock the power of your inner mind and unlock your true potential. With the strategies and advice in this book, you will be able to achieve success in any area of your life ……続きを見る
Der Hexenhammer (Alle 3 Bände)
著者:Heinrich Institoris, Jakob Sprenger
出版社: Good Press
発売日: 2023年11月24日
Der Hexenhammer, zusammengestellt von Heinrich Institoris und Jakob Sprenger, ist eine monumentale Anthologie, die sich aus drei Bänden zusammensetzt und das finstere Thema der Hexenverfolgung in de……続きを見る
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