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商品件数:661 421件~450件 (23ページ中 15ページめ)
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House & Garden Sixties House
著者:Catriona Gray, House & Garden
出版社: Octopus
発売日: 2016年03月09日
From Pop art to Op art, plastic furniture to bubble-gum paint colours, the Sixties saw a new wave of interior design that was closely linked to popular culture and fashion, becoming increasingly you……続きを見る
If It Fits, I Sits
出版社: Orion
発売日: 2015年10月08日
**Anyone who has met a cat knows how much they enjoy squeezing themselves into weird places and uncomfortable-looking positions. Will we ever know why? Probably not.** Featuring over 100 photos of c……続きを見る
A Guide to Contract Bridge - A Collection of Historical Books and Articles on the Rules and Tactics of Contract Bridge
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2015年05月06日
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Carefully selecting the best art……続きを見る
Chrysoberyl Gemstones - A Collection of Historical Articles on the Origins, Structure and Properties of Chrysoberyl
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2015年05月06日
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Carefully selecting the best art……続きを見る
How to Start a Hobby in Bridge
著者:Marion Alvarez
出版社: SamEnrico
発売日: 2015年12月20日
This publication will provide with valuable information on picking up a hobby in Bridge. With in-depth information and details, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowl……続きを見る
How to Start a Hobby in Hot air ballooning
著者:Mario Mann
出版社: SamEnrico
発売日: 2015年12月20日
This publication will provide with valuable information on picking up a hobby in Hot air ballooning. With in-depth information and details, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain va……続きを見る
How to Start a Hobby in Motorcycles
著者:Gregorio Hammett
出版社: SamEnrico
発売日: 2015年12月20日
This publication will provide with valuable information on picking up a hobby in Motorcycles. With in-depth information and details, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable ……続きを見る
Propagation of the Grapevine
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2011年10月12日
This book is thoroughly recommended for the professional and amateur winegrower. Experts on the subject write about the propagation of vines. Contents Include: Propagation of the Vine; Propagation o……続きを見る
Philippe Gilbert
著者:Philippe Gilbert, Stéphane Thirion
発売日: 2011年12月09日
Zijn overwinningen, zijn successtory ... zijn verhaal. Het enige officiële boek exclusief bij Lannoo Hoe vaak heeft Philippe het niet herhaald terwijl hij de successen aan elkaar reeg: 'Ik geniet er……続きを見る
Ist Gott ein Mathematiker?
著者:Mario Livio
出版社: C.H.Beck
発売日: 2012年03月01日
Von der Antike bis in unsere Tage haben sich Wissenschaftler und Philosophen darüber gewundert, dass eine so abstrakte Disziplin wie die Mathematik die Natur derart perfekt erklären kann. Sogar mehr……続きを見る
Amethyst Gemstones - A Collection of Historical Articles on the Origins, Structure and Properties of Quartz
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2015年05月06日
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Carefully selecting the best art……続きを見る
Und wer gießt bei dir?
著者:Paula Almqvist, Marion Nickig
出版社: Schöffling & Co.
発売日: 2016年03月16日
Bei der Verkündung einer Ferienreise folgt automatisch die Frage: »Und wer gießt bei dir?«, womit wir beim dritten Band der Geschichten rund um den Garten von Paula Almqvist sind. Unterhaltsam, fröh……続きを見る
The Chemistry of Soils - Including Information on Acidity, Nitrification, Lime Requirements and Many Other Aspects of Soil Chemistry
著者:Various Authors
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
“The Chemistry of Soils” is a treatise on the scientific aspects of soil, exploring such subjects as lime requirements, acidity, nitrification, etc. This timeless volume contains a wealth of informa……続きを見る
A History of the Horse Drawn Carriage - A Collection of Historical Articles on Varieties of Coach and Their Evolution
著者:Various Authors
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
“A History of the Horse Drawn Carriage” is a collection of classic articles on the subject of horse drawn carriages in England, exploring their origins and developments over the centuries with refer……続きを見る
A Guide to Perfume Production - A Selection of Vintage Articles on the Methods and Ingredients of Perfumery
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Carefully selecting the best art……続きを見る
The Best Way - A Book Of Household Hints & Recipes
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
Originally published in 1915, this is a practical household guide written `for housewives by housewives'. This book is absolutely packed with advice and hints that will still be of much practical us……続きを見る
Special Shoeing: Polo Horses, Hunters, Jumpers and Draft Animals - A Historical Article on the Art of the Farrier
著者:Various Authors
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
This vintage book contains a comprehensible guide to horse shoeing, focusing on shoeing race horses, polo horses, horses used for hunting, and draft animals. The timeless information in this handboo……続きを見る
A Guide to Grooming Cats - A Collection of Historical Articles on Bathing, Handling and Grooming Cats
出版社: Read Books Ltd.
発売日: 2013年05月31日
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Carefully selecting the best art……続きを見る
Faites votre serre facile et productive
著者:Christophe Geoffrion
出版社: Utovie
発売日: 2016年04月08日
Une façon de rendre son jardin à la fois rentable et profitable pour sa santé ! Avec les conseils de l’auteur, qui a déjà construit plusieurs serres familiales et, lui-même, en utilise une depuis pl……続きを見る
Restauro Fai da te
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年06月27日
Manuale pratico (raccolta e integrazione dei manuali RESTAURO FA DA TE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) dedicato a chi desidera riportare a nuova vita un vecchio mobile recuperato in cantina o acquistato in un mercat……続きを見る
Riparare elettrodomestici
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年06月23日
Spesso chiamiamo il tecnico per effettuare una riparazione sugli elettrodomestici, che potremmo risolvere in proprio. In questo manuale sono descritti numerosi interventi su: frigorifero, lavatrice,……続きを見る
Saldatura a stagno
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月06日
In pochi passi si impara a saldare a stagno per realizzare in proprio forti unioni su metalli, circuiti elettrici e per effettuare riparazioni diverse. 続きを見る
Sanitari e riscaldamento
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月11日
Come sostituire o installare nuovi sanitari con il montaggio del relativo servizio di adduzione e scarico: bidet- wc - sciacquone - doccia - vasca - lavello e lavabo. La sigillatura dei sanitari. Ti……続きを見る
Fai da te della Moto
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月13日
La moto esige tutta la vostra attenzione per essere sempre efficiente e, soprattutto, sicura. In questo agile manualetto troverete tutti i piccoli e medi interventi che possono essere svolti anche d……続きを見る
Auto Manutenzione Fai da te
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月13日
In questo manuale (fusione e integrazione dei due ebook: " Carrozzeria auto - Riparazioni" e "Motore auto - Sevizi elettrici - Ruote" ) viene trattato tutto quello che ci è consentito fare sulla nos……続きを見る
Motore auto - Servizi elettrici - Ruote
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月13日
Tutto quello che è possibile fare in autonomia per mantenere l'auto in perfetta efficienza, senza spendere soldi dal meccanico. Un panoramica completa sugli interventi consentiti sul motore, l'impia……続きを見る
Nodi fai da te
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月14日
Saper fare nodi non è solo un passatempo per appassionati: in casa o nel piccolo laboratorio è frequente dovere annodare una corda o uno spago per motivi diversi. Non c’è molto da sapere: basta cono……続きを見る
Smontaggio e riparazione del mobile
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月18日
In questo terzo manuale della collana vengono trattate le tecniche di smontaggio dei mobili per poter procedere alle riparazioni dei più frequenti danni alle strutture e alle superfici. Preparazione……続きを見る
Eliminare i tarli - Stuccatura - Ritocchi legno
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月18日
Nel secondo volume della collana sul restauro del mobile vengono affrontati i sistemi fai da te per difendere i mobili dai tarli e riparare i danni da essi causati. Segue una chiara sezione sulla pr……続きを見る
Tinteggiare le pareti
著者:Valerio Poggi
出版社: Valerio Poggi
発売日: 2016年07月19日
Con un’intelligente tinteggiatura possiamo creare ambientazioni accoglienti ed eleganti, ma possiamo anche modificare la percezione volumetrica delle stanze correggendone i difetti di proporzione. I……続きを見る
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