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Atua Wāhine
著者:Hana Tapiata
出版社: HarperCollins
発売日: 2024年09月18日
Ancient wisdom of the Māori goddesses to help you navigate the modern world Atua wāhine are the Māori goddesses who make up the world around us: earth, fire, water, the moon and more. From the earth……続きを見る
Live ⚜️ Love ⚜️ Legacy
著者:Dhana Kilby
出版社: ​Dhana Kilby
発売日: 2024年06月21日
You are invited to join in a light-hearted journey through "Live Love Legacy," to secure your future and embrace the present. With wit and warmth, effortlessly guiding you through the essential and ……続きを見る
Living with Nf & Story of Survival
著者:Hana Redding
出版社: Xlibris US
発売日: 2018年02月01日
You never know how something that you think is so small can turn into chapters of the unknown. My parents thought they had a healthy daughter because I was born with ten fingers and ten toes, but th……続きを見る
The Absurd Narratives
著者:Hermione Papathanasiou
出版社: ​Hermione Papathanasiou
発売日: 2022年09月07日
To be human is too hard at times. Yet here we are, on earth, human beings. In the dark and in the light we walk, run, stumble, fall...Pain, joy, defeat, success, love and hate...Trauma, ecstasy...Al……続きを見る
A Brief Introduction To Habits: How To Create Good Habits and Break Bad Habits
著者:Tyson Phanann
出版社: ​Tyson Phanann
発売日: 2023年07月02日
In "A Brief Introduction To Habits: How To Create Good Habits and Break Bad Habits", you are invited to embark on a transformational journey, one that delves deep into the world of habits and their ……続きを見る
Good For You
著者:Stacy-Ann Buchanan
出版社: Stacy-Ann Buchanan
発売日: 2023年06月05日
Good For You is the ultimate 'give yourself flowers' antidote packaged into a 'one-stop shop.' It's that best friend every woman needs-that gentle reminder to 'big yourself up!' As women, we're ofte……続きを見る
Handling a breakup
著者:Shana miles
出版社: Shana miles
発売日: 2023年05月10日
Your union broke apart. It's difficult not to consider it. Your stomach is in knots, and your heart aches. You detest how you are feeling. Whether you were the one who broke things off or the one wh……続きを見る
Deserts to Mountaintops: Our Collective Journey to (re)Claiming Our Voice
著者:Jessica Buchanan
出版社: ​Soul Speak Press
発売日: 2023年02月23日
In 2011, while on a routine mission for her organization in Somalia, Jessica Buchanan made one seemingly small decision that would change the trajectory of her life. She ignored her intuition, and b……続きを見る
Messages from the Divine Mother
著者:Dee Buchanan
出版社: Balboa Press UK
発売日: 2022年03月15日
Over 20 years of journaling brought these messages into existence. Come to the present moment, the energy of the words and the messages that came through has made me realise that this has to be shar……続きを見る
What Our Mothers Could Have Told Us
著者:Haemala Thanasgaran
出版社: Hay House
発売日: 2021年11月15日
What Our Mothers Could Have Told Us is a heartfelt memoir of self-discovery through motherhood based on the author’s experience in conceiving, delivering, and raising triplets while working full-tim……続きを見る
Life Done Right
著者:Ralph Anania
出版社: Morgan James Publishing
発売日: 2022年04月05日
Life Done Right equips readers with the inspiration required to go out and create the life they want, in order to fulfil their purpose and make a real difference in the world. A select few discover ……続きを見る
The Female Curve: Exploring the 5 types of women
著者:Johan and Marianna Van Niekerk
出版社: Johan and Marianna Van Niekerk
発売日: 2015年05月14日
Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to sustain relationships with the women in your life? Do you sometimes wonder if the “traditional woman” is becoming extinct or have you ever thought ab……続きを見る
30 Days to a More Spiritual Life
著者:Shana Aborn
出版社: Random House Publishing Group
発売日: 2001年01月02日
These days it seems that more and more people seek a satisfaction in their lives that goes beyond having a successful career, a comfortable lifestyle, and access to the latest high-tech gadgets and ……続きを見る
How to Lose Your Mind in No Time
著者:Hanaan Rosenthal
出版社: Hanaan Rosenthal
発売日: 2015年05月09日
In How to Lose Your Mind in No Time, Hanaan Rosenthal covers a topic that is universal in nature: how to change your life. However, rather than focusing on altering specific aspects of your life, he……続きを見る
50 Great Sayings
著者:Jonathan Atkinson
出版社: Jonathan Atkinson
発売日: 2015年05月10日
50 Great Sayings They`re just great sayings! Inspirational and entertaining. Enjoy! 続きを見る
Chanakya Neeti
発売日: 2020年07月08日
The original Chanakya Neeti was written over two thousand years ago, but its brilliant verses are still applicable today because the basic quests of man remain the sameーpeace, prosperity and happin……続きを見る
Now I Understand
著者:Gerard Murphy, Lorraine Buchanan
出版社: Cairngorm Books
発売日: 2018年11月21日
Pain and Experience are life’s greatest teachers Gerry & Lorraine are from Glasgow, Scotland. In Now I Understand they share openly and honestly their struggles with life, recovery and change. Their……続きを見る
Meditation for Moms and Dads: 108 Tips for Mindful Parents and Caregivers
著者:Shana Smith
出版社: ClearSky
発売日: 2017年04月14日
Meditation has long been the domain of the child-free seeker. Time and again, fellow parents lament about their lack of time to do even basic self-care, never mind meditation. This sense of lack fee……続きを見る
Orbit of Rediscovery
著者:Dr. Keerthana Elumalai
出版社: ​Famian
発売日: 2021年05月14日
Have you felt like losing yourself in the battle of life and thoughts? Have you ever felt that you lost your own self and felt stuck in your life? Do you know that this is a common incident most of ……続きを見る
The Golden Code
著者:Rukshana Eisa
出版社: Jaico Publishing House
発売日: 2020年07月22日
Foreword by Shweta Bachchan NandaMASTERING THE ART OF SOCIAL SUCCESSIn a world where being polite is considered a sign of weakness, image consultant and grooming expert Rukshana Eisa takes a bold st……続きを見る
Bhagwan Mahavir Ki Vani (Hindi Wisdom Bites)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2013年12月18日
सत्य में तप, संयम और शेष समस्त गुणों का वास होता है। जैसे समुद्र मत्स्यों का कारण (उत्पत्तिस्थान) है, वैसे ही सत्य समस्त गुणों का कारण है। - भगवान महावीर続きを見る
Guru Nanak Ki Vani (Hindi self-help)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年01月20日
गुरु नानक की वाणी' पुस्तक में गुरु नानक के महत्वपूर्ण उपदेशों का संकलन है। उनके उपदेश सार्वजनीन स्वरूप के हैं और सभी को उनसे मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त होता है। ईश्वरभक्ति तथा मानवप्रेम ये उनके जीवन के दो म……続きを見る
Sri Ramchandra Ki Vani (Hindi Self-help)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年01月22日
श्रीरामचन्द्र की वाणी' पुस्तक में भगवान् श्रीरामचन्द्र के महत्वपूर्ण उपदेशों का संकलन है। भगवान् रामचन्द्र की संज्ञा 'मर्यादापुरुषोत्तम' है। मानव-जीवन के नैतिक तथा आध्यात्मिक विकास की दृष्टि से उनका……続きを見る
Bhagwan Srikrishna Ki Vani (Hindi Self-help)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年01月24日
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक में श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता तथा श्रीमद्भागवत ग्रन्थों में भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण के जो अमूल्य उपदेश हैं उनका संकलन है। इन चुने हुए उपदेशों का प्रभाव मानवजीवन पर चिरकाल पड़ेगा तथा उसे उन्नत बनाएगा।……続きを見る
Swami Vivekanand Ki Vani (Hindi Wisdom-bites)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2013年12月18日
युवाओं के मन की शक्तियों को जगाने के लिए, अन्तर्निहित आत्मविश्वास और साहस का अवलम्बन कर वे अपने जीवन की समस्याओं का सामना कर सकें, अपने हृदय को प्रेम और सहानुभूति से परिपूर्ण कर सकें, युवाओं को श्रे……続きを見る
Sri Ramkrishnadev Ki Vani (Hindi Wisdom-bites)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年01月31日
भगवान् श्रीरामकृष्णदेव के उपदेश सार्वजनीन स्वरूप के है। मानव-जीवन का अन्तिम लक्ष्य कौनसा है, जीवन सफल तथा कृतार्थ बनाने के लिए किन बातों की आवश्यकता है, इसके सम्बन्ध में उनकी वाणी सभी के लिए उपयुक्त……続きを見る
Sri Shankaracharya Ki Vani (Hindi Wisdom-bites)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年03月08日
वैदिक धर्म तथा संस्कृति के लिए श्रीशंकराचार्य ने बहुत बड़ा कार्य किया है। उपनिषद् ब्रह्मसूत्र तथा गीता पर भाष्य लिखकर उन्होंने हमें धर्म का यथार्थ स्वरूप समझाया है। ज्ञान के साथ भक्ति का आविष्कार भी ……続きを見る
Bhagwan Buddh Ki Vani(Hindi Self-help)
著者:Swami Brahmasthananda, स्वामी ब्रह्मस्थानन्द
出版社: Bhartiya Sahitya Inc.
発売日: 2014年01月16日
भगवान् बुद्ध के उपदेश मानवजाति के लिए एक प्रकाशस्तम्भ के समान है । उनके उपदेशों से मानवमात्र को नया आलोक प्राप्त होता है । चार आर्यसत्य, पंचशील, अष्टांग मार्ग, ध्यान, करुणा, सेवा इत्यादि के सम्बन्ध ……続きを見る
1300 + INSPIRATIONAL SUCCESS AND WISDOM QUOTES The ultimate ageless collection to inspire your life and change its course!
著者:Georgios Athanasiou
出版社: Georgios Athanasiou
発売日: 2016年04月09日
Tribute to human grandiose and individual greatness, 1300+ Inspirational Success and Wisdom Quotes is the once-in-a-lifetime ultimate collection of quotes from the most successful and wisest people ……続きを見る
Chanakya Neeti
著者:Chanakya, Digital Fire
発売日: 2021年10月01日
The original Chanakya Neeti was written over two thousand years ago, but its brilliant verses are still applicable today because the basic quests of man remain the sameーpeace, prosperity and happin……続きを見る
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